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Everything posted by Zfrebird4

  1. :stirthepot::stirthepot:Since there are PLENTY of abandoned rail road tracks you may have a great idea. Just referse the inside 'rim edge' on the back rail road wheel, and you've got it made. Watch those Old, Rotting, Wooden Bridges with plenty of missing planks, though! Good photograph of you. How fast were you going? I saved that one in my motorcycle/humor file. Really! I have quite a collection, but only one like yours. Did your wife help you catch your balance the first time? Dan's Crutches (when he's done with them) just MIGHT help solve that take off problem. LOL JackZ Ft Collins, CO :rasberry: ANd yup, ... I ride in all directions except DOWN and UP!
  2. ... at 73+000, no problems. Squidley sold it to me with Lonna's permission and must have worked on the clutch before I climbed on at 48,000! Regardless, thanks Squid and L. for a great bike. You are GREAT folks. NOW come to CO with your tools! LOL. OF course, I never push the bike hard in shifts unless I have too; at soon to be 71 I just ride easy and for max safety. JackZ Ft Collins,. CO ... where I THINK I can be riding tomorrow for a short one! YEAAAAA!:thumbsup2:
  3. First on your new ride! Wow, post her pix with you (and if you have one) your Queen Seat Rider, too. THEN it WILL look stunning. IF you don't have one, rent a model! LOL. SECOND: on being kind enough to hope someone else can have your 83 VR! I am on my second one from Quidley, sold to me in 06 with Lonna's permission. LOVE the VR! I agree: post it here, and it will be gone in a minute. ANY bike that runs that well will sell for $1,000; in fact your price may be a little low, but your kindness may be the reason. You are one who 'shares your blessings!' Thanks. JackZ Ft Collins, CO :clap2::clap2::happy65::happy65:
  4. ... encouraging. Here in Ft Collins we had 3" three da:snow2::7_6_3[1]:days ago. Coffee helps, and dreaming of sunshine. Today, all snow is melted, and tomorrow is in the mid 40's. Will try out the new thinsulate liner gloves in my big riding gloves for a short ride; will be the first time with the liners, and I am hoping finger tips stay warm! May have to go with heated gloves. No snow on E Slope for the last two days, so the sand should be gone. I preferr riding in the low 50's though. Hang in there all you snowed in folks. SPRING is promised by the Good Lord each year! And may all of us ride safe, long, hard, happy and as often as possible. YUP, I ride in any direction except up or ... down! JackZ
  5. ... just ain't done with either of you! You are both people who hang tough, and that is a great hope for continued healing and good living. YOu have my prayers for continued healing for both of you and I look forward to all of us hearing from you that you've made it back to the scoot. And, if you have not posted to my POST, THE OLDEST VENTURE RIDER on 1st and 2nd Gen tech talk, please do so; as well in 2nd gen tech talk I’ve added a post (Dangerous!?) : YOUNGEST TO OLDEST QUEEN SEAT AND UP VR RIDERS. The whole gang has jumped in, so post your two cents worth as well. So far the oldest is 77 and the youngest is 16. And, can you believe it? He rides a 1st gen VR! Also, (forgive if this is a repeated invitation, LOL). Come to CO and I will keep up with you at my soon to be 71 with two new knees and on my 86 VR. The OLDEST and YOUNGEST post summary will be posted soon. Under Both VENTURES, 1st Gen and 2nd Gen. :happy65::Venture:JackZ
  6. I ride with a hearing aid, and would NOT have any other brand. This is my second 86 VR and I've used that set in both. Magnificent sounds. In full face with speaker in helmet, no trouble talking to each other in any setting either. Ride well and enjoy the listening. And if you have not posted to my POST, THE OLDEST VENTURE RIDER on 1st and 2nd Gen tech talk, please do so; as well in 2nd gen tech talk I’ve added a post (Dangerous!?) : YOUNGEST TO OLDEST QUEEN SEAT AND UP VR RIDERS. The whole gang has jumped in, so post your two cents worth as well. So far the oldest is 77 and the youngest is 16. And, can you believe it? He rides a 1st gen VR! Send your responses to me PM or to my EM: Zfrebird4@aol.com Sure hope you get to ride with a Queen Seat or Lady UP Rider. STILL looking for my LAST IN LIFE QS rider. FINDERS FEE for successful referral! Also, (forgive if this is a repeated invitation, LOL): come to CO and I will keep up with you at my soon to be 71 with two new knees and on my 86 VR. JackZ
  7. Sure wish I could have done that for BOTH of my grand daughters. But I am sure de Moma would have said no; de Popa, an old motorcycle rider, would have said yahoo, and slept in the car for a long time. Now, you have to post some more shots of her! She'll make a great Queen Seat Rider in a couple of years! STILL looking for my LAST IN LIFE QS rider. FINDERS FEE for sucessful referral. LOL And if you have not posted to my POST, THE OLDEST VENTURE RIDER on 1st and 2nd Gen tech talk, please do so; as well in 2nd gen tech talk I’ve added a post (Dangerous!?) : YOUNGEST TO OLDEST QUEEN SEAT AND UP VR RIDERS. The whole gang has jumped in, so post your two cents worth as well. So far the oldest is 77 and the youngest is 16. And, can you believe it? He rides a 1st gen VR! And it would be great to see a post of the whole family. Either there, or better yet, just PM me here or EM at Zfrebird4@aol.com with names, type of scoot, and age. I'll be summarizing hopefully this month. Lot of participants. LOL. Also, (forgive if this is a repeated invitation, LOL): come to CO and I will keep up with you at my soon to be 71 with two new knees and on my 86 VR. JackZ
  8. Nothing like a child fresh into the world before they loose their earlier history with the Good Lord. UNLESS I've had the occasion to do family photography. One was of a 'first' BD. Great, and she was a ham. I'll see if I can insert. (If it works, it is copyrighted and trademarked via Photoshop). Live happy, long and well together! JackZ
  9. :innocent-emoticon:It said the Saints just wanted the Coults to run the ball; then they figured out their basic plays. THAT enabled that last minute grab giving the Saints a huge lead. Thought it made sense in view of the game I watched. GREAT for N. O. and Louisana! JackZ:97:
  10. ... a large wrecked parts yard for motorcycles only. I have their number as 303-651-3787 and perhaps 484-8656 THey may be on line too. I thought there was also one in Denver; I'll make a couple of calls and see if I can find that one and post it to you also. Good Luck JackZ Ft Collins, CO
  11. YOUR branch broke off! I especially enjoyed the analysis here on my AOL screen that said the Saints intentionally led the Colts to get them to run and figure out the Colts startegy. Must have worked. And that Save the Day catch at the last was magnificent. Now I am a born Hoosier, and it was briefly, a little hard to cheer for the Saints. Yet I felt compelled to do so, given what their win would mean to not only N.O., but Louisiana! I enjoyed the game and watching Burbon street afterwards. Been there, and loved that street life and look at the dome. JackZ ft Collins
  12. ... I came up on light, powdery brown on the road. Caught up with the Cattle on the road head east as I was going toward the beautiful Black Gunnison in that area, east of Crawford. Was waived past. Nasel passages were open all the way to the BG and back. Washed the bike and ME off at the spray car wash before going home. Later, heading west to Delta, west of Marengo. Same on road. Caught up with huge heards of sheep, cowboys on horses with rifels in holders. One was a fellow Mason friend, and they were his sheep! Eventually he waived me forward ... in the passing land. I DID come to understand almost immediately why he had that big grin on him. I was in a white shirt, tie on, with jacket in back luggage rack going on a hospital call. Again, washed bike and myself, drove to Montrose to dry off, back to Delta to make the Hospital call. Thank the Lord. Here on the Easter Slope of the Rockies where I live, no sheep seen yet on the road. JackZ Ft. COllins, CO ...
  13. In Missouri crossing the Missouri river bridge, huge strom , estimated N to S wind, 60 mph, and bridge was then (and perhaps now) the open metal sheets where you could see the river below. Heavy traffic while I headed West, and semi's all around me. I was leaning bike way to the north and my body way to the south. Perhaps that was not the right thing to do, but it worked. Had the CB on and truckers were having a ball with me, but I was too busy trying to cross alive to comment. Pulled into the next truck stop, 5 minutes sunshine. Opened the left luggage rack, 3 holes drilled for drainage from melting ice on my 12 pack of large Coors Lite (not recommended nor done for a long, long time) ... had one with bike on center stand, back seat down, covered with jacket, ... and went sound asleep! ... after probably disposing of the ileagle can. I was traveling to Longmont Co to see my sons. Dreaded that bridge all the way back, but weather was great all the way. NOT the way to see the Missouri River though. Would I like to do that trip again? You bet. May do it this summer to Indiania for family history research and seeing old friends in OH if these old bones then feel up to it on my two new kees from 11/04. SO far so good, in fact ... great. I later rode a trial on a Gold Wing, ... and immediately drove home on my 86 VR. Frebrd (license plate name then) NEVER rode so great in a crisis. Yup, what a tracker. Jack Tharp Happily retired now and still riding second 86 VR Squidley sold me with Lonna's permission. Ft Collins, CO .. and talking to myself sometimes. STILL looking for my LAST IN LIFE Queen Seat riders. FINDERS FEE for sucessful referral! LOL Jz
  14. First, prayers for both of you; keep him busy. Second, he'll HAVE to heal faster with you learning how to ride on HIS bike! Third, make it a red wig. Finally, ... see, I can say all of this because I've not met him I live in Co A furrr piece for him to catch up with my on my 86 VR! I can ride on a minute's notice (single, retired, ... AVAILABLE!!!) to them Rockies and get lost. And four: enjoy the time together. Jack Z Ft Collins, CO
  15. bet the Goldwing won't handle a mountain HEAVY rain and hails storm. My 86 VR did, riding behind a 16 wheeler coming down from Beautiful Estes Park on 34 into Loveland, CO. I'm a happy camper. Hope I am NEVER in that kind of weather again, though! But I sure have a love affair with my 86 VR that Squidley sold me with Lonna's permission! That ride just increased the passion! JackZ
  16. Did that a lot in Marengo from 1988 to 1993! See my PM to you. Then I moved to the Western Slopes of CO, and now on the Eastern Slopes. Life is a great retirement ball, since age 57 when I retired early on my hearing losses. Come to CO and we'll ride and coffee! Yea. Jack Tharp Ft Collins, CO PS Small world, eh?
  17. Prayers of thanksgiving that your friend is ok; the bike won't heal, but it will 'fix.' I've hit a deer and stayed up, and another one on the western slopes of CO, and went down; that one wanted to ride my front tire. Totaled my beautiful 86 VR. Not a problem in the long shot. I am now back up on another 86 VR! And I plan to put the ELECTRIC deer whistle on that is posted here; do a search. Ca $80 and an easy wiring harness or so they said. I hope to get this on before spring. Around here in CO they can be anywhere and everywhere. Take a look at my Estes Park posted photographs. Spring, Summer and Fall, of course, I ride the rockies, and that's their home! If you can't find it posted, PM me and I'll pull it from my folder. Glad your friend is ok, and that he is heading back UP again. He'll be a far better rider for it. JackZ Ft Collins, CO
  18. And I agree with the RN advice: DO that PT. Staff in left side of left knee, 1993 and PT for 1.5 yrs got me riding again. Two new knees 11/04, PT 1.5 yrs, and riding again. And we've all done dumb things. I too, have learned the hard way to warm my bike up, and as well, to keep the RPM up in a heavy rain, ... just in case, while at a light! Keep us posted and ride soon! JackZ PS I see you've ridden close to CO, so come on over. We'll have a :97: together and take a great ride! Jz
  19. Sun in and out today in Ft Collins. Light clouds mid to low 40's; has to be mid to uppermost 40's, and preferrably in the low 50's for this 'more mature' rider. No snow down tough on the roads. Ahhhh, the best of CO is just starting up for another year! Hang in there those of you building snow forts. It'll pass. JackZ Waiting for all of you when you drop by. Jz
  20. Heal well, and ride as soon as you can. THAT will make it all come together! JackZ Ft Collins
  21. ... WELCOME BACK! Place will seem normal with you back here. SOOOOO glad you parted friends; always the best. Let me know if you need some shirts donated ... JackZ Ft Collins
  22. ... one, XXLarge; and if you or someone just might have one left from CO I'd like one of those, too. I was sick and didn't make the runs or meets. And thanks for pulling all of this together for the cause! :clap2: JackZ Ft Collins
  23. ... I zip past them! LOL. JackZ PS I admit, ... I might have caught them by surprise though! LOL. Jz I offer to a 1st or 2nd gen, any time: :97::97:
  24. And I am sure everyone here is glad to connnect with your Spirit and the Great Spirit (the Good Lord for me) ... and all as one. Just remember, 'Tought times don't last, tough people do!' So keep going for the gold and remember this pix of Dan. He will probably let you use the idea though I am sure he has the patient on this! And I may have sent this to you already. It's my FAVORITE shot to send to my friends who are in ahealing mode! YUP, sent it large so you don't have to mess with opeing it! NOW just keep healing! Prayers, .... daily. JackZ http://venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=41043&stc=1&d=1265248671 PS I owe you and your hubby a lot of this when we meet, too! Send him off to sewing school so he can make this for you on your trike! LOL. A walker can be done also. LOL. Jz :97:
  25. Yes, Annie, keep the sites of the pins clean; I'd ask about the pressure to move them back and forth, but it DOES seem like a good idea, and always use disposable sterile gloves for anything you do for that leg. I taped garbage bags over mine when I had two new knees done at the same time (11/1/04). I have been able to do anything except a perfect deep knee bend, which I should not do. Yet only 3 months ago I discovered I really could stand still and enjoy it, feeling nothing. Not your case though. You'll do fine. After all, Dan has already showed us a way for you! He probably already has a patient on this crutch hook up. Enjoy, and keep/GUARD your spirits ... UPWARD. Soon you'll be grabbing that ferry to a port in the USA where the Ventures will be holding a meet and I'll get to meet a very Gutzy lady! JackZ http://venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=41042&stc=1&d=1265247347
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