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Everything posted by Zfrebird4
my vote JackZ
OF course, the Queen is # 1 and you're somewhere in competition with the bike. I do love the colors. Ride safe hard and long, as well as happy and always together. Only ONE thing is wrong with the photograph: THE BACK GROUND SHOULD BE BLURRED! lol. FIVE inches ... but sunshine yesterday, today and the rest of the week. HOT 44 Wed, and I am dancing to go in any direction! Good old CO. JackZ
This is agreat group, and we both have birds in our handles here, so does that make us at least related Venture cousins? And thanks again for what you are doing for our country. Salut. Watch your back side and get home safe and soon! JackZ :depressed::clap2::snow2::7_6_3[1]:Ride in all directions when you can, don't let them rain on your parade, applause for what you are doing, sending some CO snow over your way (*&^*%&%&*^&(*!). Jz
monday for a cold 22 miles around Horsetooth lake; beautiful ride, still. My finger tips got cold, so may have to go electric gloves. Advice? Thanks for posting on good old Indiana, my home state. JackZ Jack Tharp ft collins, CO HOOSIER by BIRTH!
What a fellowship of neat folks, ... and dogs! LOL Hope to meet as many of you as I can someday. JackZ:snow2: Yup, it's melting (AGAIN!!!) in CO. Jz
... and I love the color, and obviously you took great pains with all that you did in bringing your bike up to such a great look! NOW for the weather change we are all ready for ... IMMEDIATELLY> PMS here; 21, degrees tonight, 3" of ****e Shi-! But upper 30's by day for melting. Just waiting. The 86 VR is ready and panting! So is Z. JackZ Yup, I'll ride in any direction! Jz
... and he can answer that for you very well. Dan is a Puter Guru! JackZ
I have been with them since age 16. I do use them for rental, car, $1M unbrella and the Bike. I have had several downs with SF through the years, and no rate change and good coverage payouts. HOWEVER $18.78/%225.36 per year. ANYONE KNOW IF someone would insure the bike alone that would offer towing? JackZ Ft Collins, CO
We let him from time to time out into the garage with door closed and overhead down. NO wonder he has a ball out there. He's 18 and declawed, so we can't let him outside. Do you think the fabric sheets would bother him? JackZ:mo money: Of course, ANYTHING for the 86 VR. You married guys? Be sure and spend a little money on your wives! Safety first!! And yep, we should have some Friday on. Now to solve my glove problem where only the tips of my fingers get cold! Will try some of the wool inserts, I guess, if I can find them. jz
... will continue daily for you and I'll keep checking the posts to see that you are recovering fast and sure. See you on the UP SIDE soon we all hope and pray! JackZ Ft Collins, CO:337:
Sunshine, blue skies (@ 5,000 feet), mid 30's and I did 23 wonderful miles. Only the tips of my fingers were cold, probably due to compressed shoulders from prior motorcycle downs. Glove liners didn't cut it, so will try batt heated electric gloves loaned from a friend. Might work. Who know, 2 nights ago we had 2 inches, next morning it was melted and today all gone. Doesn't mean we're out of it yet though, as we usually get a few harder hits before March let's go of us. Just got to like the hand problem; my full dress outfit does the job with max protection. Fact: I believe more motorcyclists rider safer in cold and cool weather due to being able to wear max protection. I wear it up to 75+, and as long as I can. Prayers for all of you with PMS, just know in my great state, it happens too. JackZ :scorched:What we are all praying for now, eh? :innocent:at least there's always ... !
As a man who could lay his heart and soul out to this group of wonderful people, I KNOW you are a soul man, one who touches the lives of others. And when you speak, your voice has a song in it, meaning your pitches change reflecting the meaning of what you are saying deep down within yourself. I am a retired nursing home adm, adm of retirement full care communities and CEO of the same in several corporations. I hold a masters in health care adm, and none of this is to brag; retired, don't need to do that. I've hired for your positition many times, and the ones who had 'heart' and cared for the folks around them won, and served the agency (s) very well. For folks retired, in critical and in between care, in specialized units ... NOTHING crumbles the professional programs staff surround them with like an enviromental service set up and program that crumbles. You are the foundation in your new job to allow all professional and staff services and programs to succeed. Your words tell me you know this, and your knowledge of this makes me wish you could be working with me at a corporate level. That's over now for me, but it was a joy beyond words. The Lord was good to me, and he is now good to you, as you will be towards all others. Congratulations. Yup, prayers helped. But your quality heart and soul tied the knot of your being hired. Now sleep well, ... when you can in the midst of your joy! JackZ :clap2::clap2::ice_awesome-vi46644:sign outstanding:
... that new Bassett Hound, ... and your challenges in Ztraining period. Had one and loved him dearly, and he returned the same: Fond memories always of old Murphy! JackZ http://venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=41535&stc=1&d=1266299228
... educational, inciteful, and some humor. Some of the above that are posted here also. Also, love to read REAL history. JackZ (Also enjoyably retired after 47 years). LOL
... ride armed. Here in CO we can ride 'open gun' in holster. Don't have one and just wondering. Perhaps there is no need when you are on a fast Venture, first or second gen. LOL? JackZ
First, congrats on having a good marriage. Your lumps on your head will heal (in time). Second, you could have climbed on, zipped to the dealer, bought an identical one new, zipped home, and said nothing. ASSuming that the Bride never sees the check book. Third, I suppose I also need to learn when I poing my bike front down a slope to shut it off in gear, roll to enagement, THEN put the kidstand down. Never thought of that before cause never parked it that way. Good insight. See you've helped all us dangerous guys, and more especially those who are wealthy enough to have a bride. And I agree with the above. Don't think I would have posted this. I am sure the responses are only starting. My sympathy, and I'll work on feeling empathy! LOL JackZ :bighug:Hope you get some of these tonight! :bighug::bighug:()Jz
... this one. JackZ:whistling::doh:
Please list the year of your bike. And you might want to add how many you have driven on any scoot so far. Can't let those second gen's have all the posting fun on how far they've somehow gone! LOL, ME? 86 VR wotj 73.000; my first 86 VR jad 89,000 when a deer took it down. TOTAL MILES DRIVEN to date: 173,000. Age, soon to be 71 year young! JackZ Ft Collins, CO
I did some street fighting when I was a teenager in E. St. Louis, Ill., where I lived. Couldn't do it now at my age of near 71!. Planning to secure and open carry, here legal. I predict that things will start to get rougher, and more so, as this economy going south appears to be only starting. The country is already bankrupt, thanks to Congress and the White House for several Presidents. Glad you were there. He's lucky my Marine buddy wasn't there, or he'd be flat on his arsss, foot on throat, waiting for the cops. People like you do make a difference. I am so glad some of you are still around. Take care, and thanks for what you did! JackZ Ft Collins, CO :happy65::thumbsup2::thumbsup::clap2:
Snow melted. Time shoveling all year so far: 1.15 hrs. Prayers: Thanks giving for the 5,000 feet elevation and CO sun. Plans: RIDE TODAY, it's 48, blue skies, light clouds and sun. ONLY the roads along the Eastern foot hills though. But ca Mar 10-15 ... into the Rockies ... only on the Eastern slope. May, further in. June to the top and new photographs (only have thousands; STILL not enough) July = 'old hat' trips. Aug = dressing lighter, more photographs! Sept = photograph the Aspens. October = More Aspens November, still in the mts. Early Dec, still in the mts Late Dec, smarter, NOT in the mts. Jan = Prayer time for local streets Feb = same, and repeat for the rest of the year. Can you believe? Three snow shoves, and NO significant wear and tear on any of them? Enjoy your snow fun, and belive: 'Change, We Can Live With' IS coming in weather and in Washington. On the latter, just wait till this fall. My sights are adjusted, keenly! And I really enjoyed the snow the Goooooood Lord dumpted on Washington. They've been asking for it for Decades! JackZ Ft Collins And, yup I ride in any direction but D O W N, and ready, but in no hurry to go ........... U P! Jz
:happy65:de Momma :happy65:de New Baby :happy65:and de STRESSED papa. LOL. And just enjoy spoiling your GRAND kids, and sending them back home! LOL. That's what keeps us GranFolks young! That and riding on our bikes. Just toss you wifie on the back and forget it all; I am almost to 31 now, though my clock is soon to read 71 years young. As well, Welcome to VentureRider.Org! And keep us updated. On this site, we REALLY CARE! JackZ Jack Tharp Ft Collins, CO PS and as you can see, I ride in any direction EXCEPT ... D O W N and I am ready but not in any hurry to go ... U P! LOL Jz:happy65:
... could you find such good beer as Flat Tire? Milwalkieee, of course. Boomer, ... enjoy that great state. Bet you went to sleep on the game, too. JackZ:Venture:
... and agrees with one of the statements above: Those in the deep south be dangerouls when it snows, cuz they just dunut know how to drive in it; plus they don't have the street equipment to deal with it. NOW, don't get me wrong, he loves to drive in the southern states, ... well most of the time. Yup, where the HECK is Al Gore's warming planet? Here in CO mid 40's tomorrow and sun. YUP, I'm out, full zutted and happy; ca about a 75-100 mile trip on county roads and local highways I know VERY well. Otherwise wouldn't go at all. Ahhh, the old days are coming in Mid March when I get into the mts! Squidley's 86 Brown on Gold Lonna let him sell to me is just itching to keep running great! JackZ Ft Collins, CO :witch_brew::whistling::stirthepot:
Congrats! Love the colors. Does that have a floor board shifter that comes with it I wonder? Still happy on Squidley's 86 VR that Lonna made him sell to me cause she likes me! LOLO. Well, UNTIL my lotto comes in. Then a newer or new venture, and will Donate my 86 for some lotto on this site! What the Nell, might as well dream! JackZ Ft Collins :thumbsup2: (a little) :happy65::happy65:
look like? Send me an EM with a pix, and what handle to use for you on PayPal. If you're out I could wait for the next batch if I like the pix. Thanks. JackZ Ft Collins, CO Zfrebird4@aol.com and thanks for all the leg work! :thumbsup2: