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Everything posted by Zfrebird4

  1. I have had excellent out-pay by State farm on medical and rebuilding my first 86 VR twice, and a little rebuild on my second 86 VR. BUT, ... NO TOWING INSURANCE. So I'll look around for a seperate policy. Policy shopping is happening more and more according to this post, and I am sure our current congressional economy is a part of what is causing this to happen. I will shop others, but THROUGH State Farm, as that way I think they get a 'cut.' At the age of my scoot, and perhaps as well as my own age of 71 this month, ... I think towing insurance is just a natural MUST HAVE! And thanks to all who have posted. All of you have been helpful. This week I have my work cut out for me, ... by my State Farm contact! And Dam-, wouldn't you know it, ... she's happily married! I could not begin to match the rock on HER finger. LOL. Have a great all! I owe all of you a when we meet, ... eventually! LOL. JackZ
  2. ... You probably look good in pink if you don't look in the mirror! JackZ
  3. Got both of my 11/04, and worked like mad for 1.5 years with PT, followed by prescribed PT exercises on specific weight machines to this day. They don't react as fast as the original, but I don't miss the bone on bone pain, nor does your faithful wife. Neat how you are considerate for her. She needs those 1 hours stops most likely, just to unkink them. I don't know if they told her a trick that applies to everyone, but especially those of us with artifical knees. Straighten out the legs, the flop the feet in and out; confuses the synapses (nerve signals) and the fatigue passes. As well, BIO-FREEZE works very well in helping during the tougher times. DO NOT order that on line; they cheat. There is an 800 number to call; let me know if you want it. And it's cheaper. Best to you both! 150 CO miles today, and tomorrow looks hopeful too. Blessings of being retired; sure glad I am fairly $$ secure in all this mess Washington has donated to all of us 'to help us out.' LOL JackZ for your gutzie wife, ... well, and you!
  4. ... THAT was a lot of driving in a short bit of time! I know where you are and the general area; spent 2 years ca in Utah in SLC and area, ended in a bad marriage of less than one year. Life. But the area is beautiful to ride in. So you two be safe; I rejoice in your job (and Squidley's new one in TX). So glad I am rather well retired $$ in this hellish economy Washington has given us via all their devotion to our well being. LOL. Keep us all posted here. Neat to share in each others lives. Got in 150 miles in CO today, though cool towards the end of the scoot. Hoping for a good tomorrow for me, and both of you! JackZ
  5. .. fairly accurate. Out again tomorrow, unless he lies tonight. Enjoy. SPring is coming and we get that extra hour of light tomorrow for evening riding! Yea. All be safe! JackZ:2133: yup, coffee when back was great though!
  6. ... Upper 50's, sunshine with some clouds, gentle wind. =VARRRROOOOMMMMMM... ZIP! JackZ Jack Tharp Ft Collins and fingers crossed for all of the rest of you! Jz
  7. ... some of the impurities of water. Had coffee once at Burger King; pewwtttz! Had coffee once at Start Bucks: pewwwttttzzzzz! Get my coffee, one or two cups, Sr Price at McDonalds; supurb and always fresh: 2 @ $083! Doubt I'll ever give up coffee! Just my
  8. Rejoicing, and I hope the toughness of the first day at work in a new job went well. Keep us all posted. Best to two of you who are ALWAYS the best! JackZ PS ... riding tomorrow! Down next to the foot hills, of course! High 50's and sunshine. Good old Frebird! Jz
  9. ... fill your hearts with the joy of knowing all the prayers t hat are being sent 'UP' from your VR friends, including JackZ, aka DePreach. My prayers will be continuous for all of you in your family. Jack Tharp Ft Collins, CO
  10. All of us new you could win the big job. And I am glad you shared with all of us here, as there are just some burdens we have overwhelmed in life that need to be shared as a rejoicing with ALL THIS FAMILY HERE> Thanks for sharing. PRAYERS OF REJOICING!!!! JackZ :97::dancefool::thumbsup2::happy65::clap2::ice_awesome-vi46644:1hotsht::beer: PS Sleep well, ... together. So very happy for you both. See you SOOOON! Jz
  11. 1958 - 1962, College. 1962 - 1967, Graduate school, clergy school 1971 - 1979, Graduate School, Gerontology. LUVED the gerontology much more! Heard little of the Hippies; just a straight guy; no promises now though, ... LOL: Retired. JackZ Ft Collins
  12. Thanks. JackZ Ft Collins, CO
  13. ... for continued recovery, and thanksgiving for your good care with Taters. Don't know the two of you but I am sure I will enjoy meeting you when that day comes! In the mean time, dip the ice cream out for both of you. JackZ PS Keep her away from magnets!
  14. Well done. Would like that on my 86 VR, but where? LOL. JackZ
  15. He wasn't there, and is heading for Michigan from Denver. Grateful Dad. His Point: The need to do a major MT removal to keep this from routinely happening, because one day many will be caught and some killed. No doubt they'll do a patch, as this route is a must be open for our national travel. JackZ
  16. 86 VR: Frebird JackZ
  17. ... the wonderful presence of the communion of those gone on before, who do look back, care back, and return, sometimes as a thought that's ours, sometimes through animals, through a breeze that should not be there, ... to lift, to empower, and renew the best in all of you. My prayers are with you in your loss. JackZ, DePreach
  18. ... Spring riding season. 45 out of 48. Ahhhh. JackZ
  19. ... I was in the back yard when Mom told me we were at war with Japan. Didn't know what it meant at the time, but I knew it was serious from her tone. I have great childhood memories, and am, at 71, the only one who celebrates them. That's just how life is. JackZ
  20. You're right in your history. You PM BLINGED my brain. Wonder who the author of the words was; I Berlin? Could well be. What an era of creativity that was. Wonder when it will come again; I kind of think it does in cycles. I have appreciated the posts here. Most honorable. When I see a military man or woman, and I am sitting, I stand up and greet him or her, and say, 'Thanks for what you are doing for all of us!' Patritosim is on the return! JackZ
  21. Grandparenthood is a great thing. Now you can teach that girl to ride (behind) at about age 5!). Careful, she may easily fall asleep if it is on a 1st gen. LOL. Been at in that bed side photograph twice and it is the greatest joy there is. And I am glad now to have passed that onto my sons. Best to all of you! :mo money:And yup, send them money; they is gonna need it! LOL. JackZ
  22. Zfrebird4


    ... Spring! There are just too many minds here that are temporarily frozen and warm riding is THE only healing solution. But WHY ... hasn't it come yet? JackZ:bang head:
  23. ... part I had not ever known. I did know the author of the words was a lady who rode the trains across the eastern US, then traveled up Pike's Peak, and from there, wrote the words, later set to music. I think it's # 2 next to our Star Spangled Banner! I still remember listening at age 3-5 to it on the floor, with the family, popcorn and soda, during the days of WW II (I think). JackZ
  24. After a Nice 50 mile ride I decided Frebird earned a wash. I did a thorough, started right up, and died just outside the bay. Tried again, started, being determined, I took off with a high throttle and light clutch to edge of paved area; died. Started again, and got in line on the road to turn left. Died, and would NOT start. Lugged her in a turnaround toward the parking lot. Would NOT start. Finally did and light clutched into the parking lot. No more starts from the battery. Called son to come, while he was on the phone asked one more pick up driver if he had jumper cables; none. Tried one more time and she started. Gradually earning a masters degree at this, I decided to let her run, would call son back if needed jump. Ran fine and drove home with no missing or dying at all. History: Last spring in a downpoor she died. Took her to wrench, some 'electrical' connection on lower left (somewhere) of engine was the problem. He 'fixed it,' but did not replace it or tell me what it was. It's as the wrench's today for new tire, that water short out problem, to replace or permanantely fix this electriacal 'thingy!' THIS time I'll note what the name of the thingy is. Last thing I want in a turn lane after a wash or a downpoor is a drown out! VERY dangerous. So you talk about being embarassed Dan? With my police yellow flashers still on I was the attention of the neighborhood; dumb on that point, but good for max safety. Course the new used switch for the emergency flashers is being installed as well this time. Ahhhhhhh SHIFT! JackZ Yep, Dan, I spelled it right: S H I F T. Had a bishop once who said that, so I mimick! Jz:thumbdown:
  25. ... to all of you and to his family. How sad to loose a 'just and upright man' who served so many so very well in the Spirit. Prayers. And for the gang: I am prepared to stop instantly at any intersection or where there is a side road with a box on it preparing to turn in front of me or across my lane. Best defense I know; I also flash my headlights very fast as I approach, and that seems to work, back up by three strobe lights, police motorcycle type, yellow and legal. JackZ
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