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Everything posted by Zfrebird4

  1. ... there are many ways of getting on disability. I got on it in 1997 due to what I DO NOT HEAR without my hearing aids. I was in administration and public speakiing at the time. But I agree, the type of scoot she was on suggests she had the ability to ride, but just if on a hearing disability, ... riding would not get in the way of her coverage. Now I am fully retired, and prior to retirement and afterwards I have continued public speaking, ... and of course riding. It is a stupid law of wasting money to base disability on what you do (actually don't) hear without hearing aids, especially with todays technology on hearing aids. I wear a hearing aid now when I ride, set to telelphone which eleminates all background noise, but with the external speaker up some on my 86 VR so I can hear horns and sirens. Just wanted to at my $0.02 worth. JackZ and yup, I ride in any direction, except (prayerfully) down, and though I am ready, ... I ain't in any hurry to go UP! LOL Jz:innocent-emoticon:
  2. ... to go hunting for that country church. Hummmm, can't think of a single one though! JackZ:innocent-emoticon:
  3. Frebird runs smooth and passes well in 5th at 55-65 mph. Nope doesn't set me back in the seat, but it also doesn't drop my gas gage $. JackZ nutting like fresh coffee after a morning ride! Jz
  4. how easily the bikers do NOT impead traffic, but rather tend to open it up. Good Demonstration. JackZ Ahhhh, Sat morning coffee. Yummmmm. lol. Jz
  5. Nice polished 'something' in the space. I have just left them there, and the heat in winter is not missed, (can warm my hands on them if I want thought) and does not creat a heat problem in the hotest months of the summer. Brad may have photographs. They look pretty sharp. You may be able to see a shot of them on my postings, not sure. JackZ
  6. Off our main and secondary roads and almost off my drive way. VARRRRROooo0oommmmmmmmmmZ ... Sunday! Yea! I usually can do 2-3,000 miles during the late fall, winter and early spring months. Happy scooter! JackZ
  7. riding pants, with back, kidney, knee and shin protectors, plus a zip in quilted liner; legs are never cold. Seems the price was $89 as I remember. They are heavy, protective, but not restrictive. They also reflect headlights, which I have on all my gear. \www.fieldshfer.com JackZ :bawling:not a lot of $$$ to cry over either if you don't like them. Jz
  8. Yep, headlight and running lights always on. I also ride with three police motorcycle strobe lights; perfectly legal in the US as long as they do not get into the eyes of other drivers, hence they are low on the faring and pointed UP (significantly) under my headlight. I also have electronic air horns. STILL: yesterday in N Denver I was 'invaded' twice, but the highly flexible 86 VR swerved me out of the danger zone. Need a paint gun, too, to mark the stupid boxers so other motorcyclists can be allerted! LOL. JackZ At least I still have MOST of my teeth left! Jz
  9. Never dreamed so many great people could be members of VentureRider! It's Great!! JackZ
  10. So sorry to hear PastorPaul is still having a rough time; we will believe THIS is the healing time for all. JackZ
  11. ... I never allow my Bird to run out of gas, as that sends all the bottom junk to the filter. And I run with the reserve on, just where Lonna told Squidley to leave it when they sold her to me! LOL Good riding to all. JackZ anytime in CO .
  12. ... you are in the area and I'd love to ride with you. Cell Phone: 970-402-7375 Try S St Varaine towards Estes, (rt 7), then take 72 S to Jamestown, Neaderland; great places to bum around. Flip a right, west into Rainbow Lakes park; beautiful; local state fees though. You'll love the whole area. JackZ any time; retired
  13. ... a gal decided she just instantly wanted my lane. My electronic air horn didn't help at all. The fast swerving 86 VR saved my bacon, as I've learned long ago to drive DEFENSSIVELY, and NEVER offensively. Two wheels is not the place to defend one's turf! Stay alive out there everyone. JackZ PS Hate Denver Traffic, too.
  14. ... a new friend. But man I hate that Denver traffic! Weather was perfect. Weather changing today, upper 50's & cloudy, some snow tonight that won't stick .... and through Fri. Then Sat melting, and Sun VARRRRROOOOOMMMMMMMMMmmmmmm!! JackZ:173:
  15. That's what I got today after heavy traffic from Ft Collins to Lakewood, CO and 1/2 back; LOTS of tiring heavy traffic. I had two boxes try to wipe me out; that kind of 'safety edge' really wore me down; felt it only when I got home. At 41 X 5.8 (I THINK that's the max tank capacity) I come up with 237.8 mpg. I never push my Frebird more than 200 miles though. Out here in CO you can really get into some open stretches. Great riding today, 68 and felt like 70 in the sun; Snow Thursday night through Sat AM. Damn (*(&%*)*(*&(^(*&!!!!, they just don't let my prayers ass-send! JackZ Jack Tharp Ft Collins, CO
  16. All my new ones are sanded. Then I can lean all I want, though I too am cautious for the first tank full still. JackZ
  17. ... STAYING SINGLE ... after that first shot! JackZ
  18. ... I am loving it. Most serious problem has been the TCI (twice over last two years) that picks up water in a downpoor or from water in the street troughs. Squidly suggested I get it up on the air breather where it will stay dry; he has pixs he can show you. The cruise slips out going up slight hills even, and the auto air system does not work; alternative of front springs and manual air in the main rear sock solves the problem. I have 72,000 on her from Brad's 48,000 summer of 06; this is my SECOND 86 VR, and I have had great service from both of them. Hope you can get it! JackZ
  19. ... as it was still light. 3 lanes, in lane #2, signled to go left, BIG black boxes to left drops back (probably just distracted), ... sees me coming in to his lane thinking he was giving me a break, and he floors it. I flip the 1st Gen to the right just in time, and missed him, then in behind him to the stop waiting for the turn light. I just waived at him (or her; you know those dark windows). .. and let him go on, as I proceeded slowly in the out lane. I did not want to deal with road rage. And, oh, yes, said a prayer of thanksgivng to the Lord, and Frebird2, ... that she handled like a dirt bike. I was also thankful the road was beautiful CO dry! JackZ Ft Collins, CO
  20. Thanks for sharing. Ireland is on my Bucketlist when I win the Lotto! LOL. Jack Tharp Ft Collins, Co
  21. Yup, for the family too. This has been a very stressful thing for you guys; they are 4-legged people for sure. I've had my many through the years. I now have an 18 year old long-haired black cat, Scratch, and I'd borrow to the hilt for him. Keep us posted, and I agree: Send the bill (all of it) to the in-laws, tactfully, of course, and perhaps through the wife. Marriage damages to be insulated, of course. Glad Murphy Long is improving, too!! and give him some icecream, too! Jz Jack Tharp Ft Collins, CO
  22. So glad you made it out. And I had some of those thoughts, too, with my new knees in 06 when I started riding again after 6 yrs off, and even AFTER taking the training course, even though I had the license for the scoot. We've shared together about knees, so I understand where you are. And, to a degree, we all get those feelings on those first ride in the spring. We just have to wise up and ease into it as the season opens. Keep us posted and keep riding. You can do it! And I like your plan of action, too. Sounds good! JackZ Jack Tharp Ft Collins, CO :clap2::happy65:
  23. Here in Ft Collins we have the great Canadian Geese, ... and they not only rule the roost but the road. OFten, they take their good old Dam- time in crossing our 4 lanes in the city, and eveyone naturally stops, ... mutters something, and then we drive on. THEY NEVER hurry. Put on 150 yesterdcay and made it 1/2 way up to Estes Park till the marbles got too bad, and I did a flip to save it for another day. Tomorrow mid 50's and out; Tuesday, 60's and Wed, upper 60's. And Wed I head for Denver on the scoot to meet a new friend and eat fish! Yeaa. Yup, there is a rumor about spring time coming. Wonder how many days still? JackZ Ft Collins, CO and coffee after each ride! LOL Jz
  24. My younger son had one installed on his Seca, and zipped out the dealership, and immediately went down on the angle. The dealer after that had a warning slip for everyone to sign recognizing the protective coating they put on all new tires. Now I have mine hand sanded before I ride. Just my two cents worth here. JackZ PS dealer paid all repair costs; Longmont Yamaha now on I-25, east of Longmont, Co. Good dealership still as far as I know. Jz
  25. Prayers for her, and for you with that DOT (or whatever) helmet you now have to wear for awhile! JackZ
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