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Everything posted by Iowawegian

  1. Just wanted to say thanks for the help! Going to do a little research on all the sites. It's always nice to get opinions from websites that members are happy with!! Thanks again, Deb
  2. Better late than never..... Happy Belated Birthday!!
  3. Forgot to mention....the one's I have now come just above my ankle which I really like.
  4. Just got back to work today, so just wanted to say....hope your holidays were full of warmth and good times....We were lucky enough to have our 3 boys and their wives/fiances/girlfriends all get to spend time with us. Gary and I are truly blessed!
  5. I have had a pair of riding boots for around 7 years...but they are a man's boot. I ride my own bike so I need something with some good tread on the sole. I love them, but....would like something with a "little" bit of a heel. I'd also like it if they would zip up rather than tie. The problem is we live in an area that the only place that carries women's boots is Fleet Farm. They have a brand "Eddie Moran" that I liked, but I have no idea how they will hold up. I'm hoping the women on here can give me some advice, but also, if the guys could ask their riding partners, I would really appreciate it. Thanks Deb
  6. :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
  7. That was going to be my next question.....just didn't know how to word it right!
  8. So, I can only find 2......help me out on the third one.
  9. Thanks Jack!! I also have that on my IPod. Love to listen to it when I'm riding!!!
  10. Take a look at www.crankyape.com also. My cousin bought a boat off their and they love it. I've seen Ventures on there once in a while. Usually, they aren't to damaged.
  11. hey squeeze I forgot you were from germany... I thought you were pretty smart their understanding the language thanks for the help! Merry Christmas from an old Norwegian!
  12. :rotfl::rotfl:
  13. Ok, so how'd you make your own....I'd like to send one to our boys.... Thanks Deb
  14. Kewl beans.....loved the message at the end of it! Same to ya!
  15. I'm jealous of ya Boomer.....The hubby's been plowing roads for 8 days straight starting at 3:00 am. Poor guy can't even keep his eyes open to eat supper before he hits the sack. 70 degrees sounds like heaven right now....and yeah, another 3-5 inches is piling up outside my office right now!
  16. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KG3O6UBLGbA]YouTube - It's a Jolly Holi-dog Celebration![/ame] Hope the video comes through as I'm computer illiterate. Thought those of you who love dogs might enjoy this!
  17. No sense feeling horrible.....proud of you for being honest....on the flip side, Iowa hosts an annual RAGBRAI. It's a bicycle ride across Iowa and thousands of people from all over the world come for it. It's a 5-7 day trek with a differant route each yr. 5 yrs ago, it came through our little town of 2,000. Each "overnight host town" asks for people to allow riders to either sleep in their home or tent on their lawn. Gary and I had 54 people stay at our house that night. 8 differant groups of riders from Texas, New York, San Fran, etc. Gary and I had volunteered in town with food, entertainment, etc, so we just popped home every couple of hours to meet the new groups riding in and show them where their sleeping arrangements were. They were some of the nicest people you would ever meet, and when they all left in the morning, you wouldn't have even known they were there.... The same goes for our Venture rider group...every single one we've met in person, or visited with online knows our door is always open to them. Gut instinct is a big thing for me, and I have yet to "get that wary feeling" with anyone here!
  18. Count me in!!!! That thing looks like a blast!! Thanks for sharing!!
  19. :rotfl::rotfl: Jeez, Russ, you jsut got me out of my sappy mood, dog gone it! Here I was listening to Christmas music, quiet day at work, snow's gently falling outside, thinking how wonderful it's going to be to have all our boys home for the holidays.... and kaplooie.....back to reality!! Merry Christmas Black Owl, from you friends a couple hours south of you!!!
  20. I'm thankful this holiday season for 3 terrific sons, all who love to ride with their parents. They all picked women that like to ride also. So.....how bout you? What are you thankful for?
  21. -12 below this morning in here North Iowa!! We have a furnace vent that goes into our garage. In temps like this...the garage is at about 58 degrees. The only problem we have is when it starts thawing a little, then freezing again. The door sticks on the cement a little. I just give the bottom of the door a little friendly kick...and it's usually enough to open it! Jeez, with this much snow and the freezing temps....it's gonna be a long winter hibernating.
  22. Well, I was doing pretty good watching the video ....till the end.:bawling: You know how Gary, Dane and I feel about you Lowell..... Wishing you a warm Christmas and so glad to hear your doing better. Deb
  23. Hey Annie!! Nice job on winning!! Hope Santa's good to ya this year!!!
  24. :crackup::crackup: I'll admit it....I don't even like cats, but that was funny!
  25. You should be very proud of her!! I love Alison Krauss and the your daughter in laws music reminds me of it.... Also, she's a very beautiful gal!! Wish her luck from all of us here on the site! Deb
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