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Everything posted by Iowawegian

  1. I'm glad they changed the name...we have bought several jackets, helmets, etc at terrific prices. I just always wondered about the name when everything we purchased was brand new. Their quality is great and they ship fast. I don't normally sign up for emails, but I did with them. It's been worth it!
  2. Just wanted to say thanks again. I know theres been people that have been donating without posting it. This is a great family, and I'm proud to be a part of it!
  3. Well, if I remember right.....there was more than 1 waitress you and Wild Hair were trying to exchange shirts with. Heck, not only the waitress's, but all the female patrons in the whole place!!!!
  4. Well, it's 31 BELOW (F) here so I can tell you who's not riding, and she's getting a little cranky about it. ME....that's who.
  5. Just wanted to say a big thanks to those who pitched in!! And a bigger thanks to those that pm'd me. I got a good laugh at Russ's expense, but don't tell him that!!!
  6. First, I want to say a big thanks to those who have jumped in so far!!!:bighug:I have no computer at home so I won't be able to check in till tomorrow morning. I'm really hoping that by then, Black Owl will be tickled pink with our Venture family members willing to help out!
  7. Well, call me partial, but I have a Yamaha Virago 1100, and I love it. I'm 5'3 and 3/4 and of medium weight(don't make fun...I'm countin every inch as I keep shrinking!) Anyway, that bike has a lot of get up and go. Slim frame so it's easy to handle, and the heigth from seat to floor is perfect. If she plans to do a lot of riding....she might want something bigger than a 750 Just my 2 cents....
  8. Ok, so when I posted this thread and previewed it, I could see the picture. Now when I went back to the thread I can't. Is it just me?
  9. Iowa- January 2011 http://f1618.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f83581%5fAHbSi2IAAFCjTTc9eAcuKyG2AnU&pid=2&fid=Inbox&inline=1 It's winter in Iowa And the gentle breezes blow, 70 miles per hour at 52 below! Oh, how I love Iowa When the snow's up to your butt; You take a breath of winter air And your nose is frozen shut. Yes, the weather here is wonderful, You may think I'm a fool. I could never leave Iowa , Cause I'm frozen to the stool. (hehehe...made you look didn't I?)
  10. Black Owl has a thread titled Special Activites Fund (SAF) that was started in December. Now for those of you who don't know Russ, he would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. Russ doesn't ask very much from this family, and yet he gives 10 times back. He's asking for a small donation, anything, to help. When we have a Venture family member pass away, he's the one that sends flowers, etc. He's had to bump that thread several times, and he's asking for our help. He's not asking for much from you, just a little. So far, there hasn't been the response that I would have thought. I know Russ does a lot for this family, and a lot of times, it comes out of his own pocket and no one ever knows about. I hope he isn't upset with me, but I'm down on one knee begging you to help him out. So,....even if it's only a buck or two, maybe $5.00 even $10.00.....it would sure be nice to show him a little appreciation for all he does. Thanks in advance for any help! Deb
  11. I get weekly emails from Motorcycle Gear (old name was New Enough) and they have a great sale going on for new HJC CL-Max Helmets for $64.99. This is a full face, flip up helmet. I bought one for the hubby last year and it's a nice helmet. Just wish I would have gotten that good of a sale on it. Anyway....just wanted to pass along a great deal. I tried to copy and paste it here but to no avail. Website is: www.motorcyclegear.com Deb
  12. I think it's cuz most of us that live up north suffer from brain freeze all winter....With all this snow and cold the last couple of years, I'm starting to notice a glazed look in people's eyes around our area......
  13. Congrat's to ya!!
  14. Nice! Love the music also....
  15. Man....did that ring true for me!!! Having twin boys with an older brother to teach them the tricks of the trade!!! Thanks for the memories!
  16. Well, I'd feel bad for ya, but it's dumping out right now, and it's suppose to be 6-9 inches today, with big winds tomorrow....another lovely day in North Iowa!
  17. Let me know when it's fixed and she'll get a vote from Iowa! I remember that video...what a beautiful gal with a great voice!
  18. Just got back to the computer after a few days off..... Just wanted to wish you a happy New Year, Owl.... and thanks for the jokes!!
  19. Thoughts and prayers go out to you...I sure hope they find out what's going on.
  20. Just want you to know.,....thoughts and prayers are with you.
  21. And it's headed our way after you get it.......One more weekend the hubby will be up at 2:00am for the whole weekend plowing roads! Why can't it ever blizzard during the week...? It looks like it's going to be a huge storm...we are now in dense fog, rain, and it's suppose to start snowing tonight.... Remind me again, why we live in this mess?
  22. Happy Birthday Rocket!!! Here's just a little reminder of the fun we had in Cody!!!
  23. Nope, but I'll take a look!! Same to you!! We usually take it pretty easy on New Years....a little vino, dinner and home before midnight!!
  24. Aren't you the smart a## today!!! And at such a fair price !!! With my short legs, all I would need is a feather on my head, and I'd look like an ostrich in those things! Thanks for the help, Russ! I always know I can count on you!
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