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Everything posted by Iowawegian

  1. Where do you come up with this stuff?:rotfl:
  2. Well, I guess all you've got to do around here to get back in a good mood is start reading old posts. I was feeling sorry for myself and decided I needed a new toy for when we finally get the bike back. I need a can cooler holder thing a ma jig to go on my hand rail grips that won't get in the way of the side bag,when I open it up, so I did a search. That's when I came across this .....When I put the bike up for the Winter I then fire up the jacuzzi/hot tub for the Winter. Sitting and having hot water shooting up yer butt is not the same as a good ride.....but the Jim Beam helps. Someone had posted it back in April. I laughed so hard I had to run to the ...!! No luck on the finding a holder, but at least I'm back in a good mood! __________________
  3. Well, frustration has set in and I'm going to blow a fuse. Hit the deer about a month ago...took it to the dealer....$5,100 in damages later (thought it would be just a new fender and tire) they've got the bike tore down. Perfect, we have to go to New Orleans for a few days, it will be just like new when we get home. Not gonna happen....after talking the hubby into calling after we get back, because we haven't heard anything...he finds out that they haven't ordered parts because he had to sign off on insurance..ok, so he gets that done. Now it's going to be 4-5 days to get the parts in, then another 2 days to put it back together, Fine, should be ready last week. No phone call, no update, so get hubby to call shop guy back to get an update (cuz he's not gonna want to hear from me)and not all the parts are in yet, for sure it will be ready by next Wed (today) but he'll keep us informed. Yeah right...Nicely ask the hubby to call at noon to see if we can pick the bike up tonight and guess what....they've put a few parts on, but all the rest just came in this morning (imagine that) and the shop guy will start working on it as soon as he's done with the bike he's on. Will be done by Friday night. 3 weeks. Thankful we made it through the accident. Thankful we've got insurance. Thankful for my healthy family, but man alive, it's such a short riding season and my butt doesn't fit the backseat of my Virago very well. Well, I've crabbed enough so thanks for letting me vent. Nobody around here would understand! I wish I had my husband's patience, but no such luck.
  4. Jeeeez.....my sides hurt from laughing so hard! :rotfl::rotfl:
  5. HLFTONCHRRY!!! A couple of weeks ago he offered bag liners, trunk pack and a nice owners manual to anyone for the price of shipping. I happen to be at the right place at the right time and responded. Well, I got them in the mail yesterday and I felt like it was Christmas!! When I tried to get out of him how much shipping was to keep up my end of the deal, he said not to worry about it, on account of how much this website has done for him. I sent what I thought would cover it, but just goes to show there are a lot of great people on this forum! HLFTONCHERRY....thank you again, and we expect a call when your in the area!!
  6. :think:Remembering that I know nothing about how computers work....and this may be impossible...but is there any way that there could be a map put on the website for each state, with the ability for members to "red line" favorite routes that they have traveled. For instance, Gary and I plan on going to Kentucky next summer. I have never been to Illinois(except Galena and Savanna), Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky etc. Neither one of us like interstate travel and love the back roads. It would be nice to be able to see some routes that others have traveled and really enjoyed. We travel to Central and Southwestern Wisconsin all the time. Yeah, the Great River Road (35)is nice, but the smaller roads are so much twistier, scenic and less traveled. It would be nice to let others know which ones are worth riding. I know members are good about writing roads down, but it would be nice to be able to see it on an actual state map. I know we would have really used it this summer on our trip to the Black Hills. I don't know if it's even possible or how much work it would be, just thought I'd ask!
  7. 2009 International Venture riders annual meet WHERE OCEANS COLLIDE OMAHA NEBRASKA Now there's an idea!!
  8. Don't think the pix show it, but we put a soft rubber strip on it, but I'm trying to come up with something that looks a little better. I was hoping he could design a rubber oval with a Venture logo of some kind. Anybody got any great ideas?
  9. Hey you!! How you doing? I just can't believe there is that much damage!! We've put on over 1,500 miles since we hit the deer and now I'm wondering how dumb that was. We take off for New Orleans in a couple hours till Monday for work, so this was a good week to get it into the shop, but I'm missing it already!! Nice hearing from you!
  10. Gary just got a call from the dealer. They just got done tearing down our Venture and there is over $5,000 damage from when we hit the deer! :scared:And here I thought we would just needed a new tire, front fender and headlight bracket! $500.00 deductible (Which is a lot cheaper than hospital bills). Man, am I glad we had full coverage on that thing. It will be interesting to see what the insuance company says.
  11. I feel like I just won the lottery!! :dancefool:Just want to say a big thanks!!! We've been stuffing our clothes in plastic sacks when we take off because none of the bags we have fit! It is greatly appreciated!!:cool10:
  12. PM on the way!
  13. Didn't see your last line about how much he'd charge. I'll give him a jingle and see what he says and get back to you. I'm always giving him a hard time, because he undercharges, so I know he'll give you a fair price. Gotta take care of our neighbors!
  14. I ended up finding the perfect ones. Once again, Fleet Farm. They're junior shooting saftey glasses in the archery dept. $7.00. I wear contacts too, and no wind comes through on the side. They are clear like I wanted and they fit great if I'm wearing my helmet or my cap. Best $7.00 I've ever spent.
  15. Hey Road Kill:The carrier is bolted to the hitch he made. It's got 2 holes in the hitch and 2 in the carrier for extra support. He bolted an 1/8" stainless steel plate on the bottom also for extra support. Hey Eck! Unless I'm misunderstanding you, there isn't a tubeular frame. It's a solid plate. Gary has custom fabricated trailers for 20 years and everyone around here knows he overbuilds for saftey reasons. He was going to custom build it but we both knew it would be to heavy, so that's why we ended up buying the diamond plate box and he beefed it up. Total weight of the box is about 18 lbs and total weight loaded down is around 35-37 lbs. The hitch he built carries at least a 200 lb load. Don't know if I made any sense here, but if anyone wants, Gary said he would draw up a schematic and send it. Have a good one!
  16. Mornin...Black Owl! Just registered and sent funds via PayPal for P in the P! Wish we could get up there to help this weekend but heading down to New Orleans for work for a few days.
  17. Wouldn't that be fun for a day! Gary says it does handle a little different, but easy to get used to. He had 2 holes drilled in the tongue and 2 in the carrier to give it a lot of stability. We took it out to the Black Hills for a week, packed it full and it worked great!
  18. Thought I'd throw out pix of the carrier Gary made. Works like a gem. We bought the box from Fleet Farm and he did a little upgrading. Sure get a lot of comments when we use it! [attach]19422[/attach] [attach]19423[/attach] [attach]19424[/attach]
  19. Don't know how many of our members have or are serving in our armed forces....but Gary and I just want to say a big thank you for making it possible to enjoy the 4th of July tomorrow. Can't help being a sorry sap who gets a tear or two when I see our local VFW walking past us with the flag flying. However you feel about the war right now, we all wish our troops home safe and soon, so thank you again for serving our country! HAPPY 4TH OF JULY TO ALL OF YOU!http://us.st12.yimg.com/us.st.yimg.com/I/mcmahanphoto_2009_122119125
  20. Wow, your gonna love it!You gotta hit New Diggins. Also, Wildcat Mt State Park is very pretty, and as long as your in the area, Balltown, north of Dubuque Ia. It is the oldest bar in Iowa...burned down last winter, but they rebuilt it and that's got great eats! Get on all the backroads...it's great over there!
  21. Then she'd be an angel!
  22. Somebody was watchin out for ya!
  23. Glad to hear your ok!
  24. Gary and I just wanted to say thanks for all the well wishes! It really means a lot to us! He took the bike up yesterday to the dealer. Insurance is $500.00 deductible, and they won't tear down the bike until next week, so we have no idea how much damage is done. Don't mind paying the deductible so much as we feel fortunate not to have to be paying hospitals bills or worse. Have a freezer full of deer meat already...so we left it! Glad we are able to keep riding it until it goes in the shop as the weather has finally done a turn around here. Last night was the perfect night. No wind, clear skies and 80 degrees. Had a great peaceful, calm ride...life is good!
  25. Your family is in our thoughts and prayers. It can be overwhelming sometimes, just know that He will help carry you through this.
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