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Everything posted by Iowawegian

  1. We use to take our boys camping to the city park in Decorah all the time! It's some of the best memories they have! City park campground with the fresh trout stream running through it! The lighted bike trail from the campground into the "Whippy Dip" was also a nightly excursion. Ask your mom if she's ever ridden the "cut" by there! It's a beautiful town! I wish we had that kind of scenery around here! Mason's 20 min straight South of us!
  2. "Norwegian, probably Lutheran" Jah, yoou hit da nail right on da head dere! Cun da snok a Norkse? Been a Luteran since da day I was bjorn. Baptised, confirmed and married in da same country church! Us Norske's never change! Uff-da!
  3. keep your fingers, legs, eyeballs, and anything else you can bodily cross,crossed today. The saga of the Venture has continued. Still torn down at the dealer, but didn't want to keep crying and whining here about it...one thing after another with lost parts in the mail, etc,etc....anyway, ... tonight is suppose to be the big night, after 4 weeks, that we get our baby back. I appreciate all the moral support you have given me....it helps to have people understand. So, even if your co workers look strange at you walking around with your legs crossed, just tell them "No you don't need to use the restroom, your just helpin' out a friend! Thanks again!
  4. Dragon Rider, You don't happen to have a pix of the ones you fabricated do you? I could get Gary to do the same for me. Tessa c2, Well, there was that one time, after I had just added blinker fluid, I got on the bike and rolled it all the way to town backwards, but it didn't seem to make any difference! My legs hurt so bad after that I decided not to try that again!:crackup::crackup:
  5. :2133:As I started reading the post, I was going to reply that our company's motto is to "Pay it forward"....I was suprised to see all the follow up posts with the same thoughts!! You can be sure this young man will stop the next time he sees someone in need when he remembers what you did for him! Kudo's to you and how terrific it was for him that you were there for him!
  6. Iowawegian

    Just Bought

  7. Posted a thread to you this morning. Got a question about the Virago. Put it in "Watering Hole" Just wanted some words of wisdom! Ya feelin' up to the challenge?

  8. Saw your post. If your meeting other groups around Mason City Iowa (We live 20 min North of there on Hwy 65) it might be easier to meet at the Top of Iowa Welcome Center. It's north of Mason about 20 min and right off of I-35. Nice welcome center. It's a big red barn. If it's hot and humid out, it's nice to have a place to go into while waiting for the others. Wish we were able to make it to Pork in the Pines but family committments tied us up.
  9. Hey Rod, do you think it could be from the style of windsheild that's on my bike. I don't know what kind it is, but it's big. http://itadvisorygroup.com/SPS/auctionimages/55-9155Lg.jpgHere's a pix of what it looks like.
  10. who owns a Virago. Russell, When I'm on the Virago, I always get wind blowing up on the left side of my bike that hits me right in the face. Does this ever happen to you? I find that if I put my left foot on the passenger peg it stops it, (but that obviously looks stupid not to mention, it's not the safest way to ride) I don't know why it's only on the left side but anyway....Do you know of any place that sells wind deflectors for an 95 1100 Virago?
  11. :sign busted:Don't wanna tell the truth (feeling guilty about it)but I will, the only time we wear helmuts, is on the interstate. I know...I know...
  12. Am I jumpin the gun or did I miss something.....Does anyone know the cost and/or do where do we register for the actual rally?
  13. Well, it's Friday and guess what. No bike. Now when the hubby calls up...the parts that came in this morning (we were told on Wed that the parts had just come in that morning") there is one piece that's bent and can't put the forks back on till they get a new one. 2 days shipping so the soonest they will get the part is Tues. But once again he'll "keep us informed" My nerve endings are tingling. The steam is coming out of my ears, and my eyeballs are bulging...........I can not believe this! Had a trip planned for this weekend. Guess that's not gonna happen ...again.
  14. Bugfish69: If we get the Venture back tonight I'll take a pix and post it Monday. (No computer at home) Sleeperhawk: Your comment reminded me of something that happened to Gary a couple years ago. We still laugh about it! Don't know if it will be as funny posting it but.... we were on a week long bike trip with my brother and his wife up in the UP. Great weather, beautiful campgrounds, terrific trip until Thursday morning we woke up to rain. We threw all our camping gear together as quick as we could, jumped on the bikes and were going to try and drive out of the rain. Now you gotta know my husband...he's such a careful driver he slows down for green lights, never goes above the speed limit, and will wait till the car down the road a mile goes by before pulling out on an intersection. (I do appreciate his safety record) Anyway.... my brother is leading (and he drives like me, a little faster than the speed limit, etc) Not long after we get on the bikes, the rain stops, and were cruising along about 60 mph, brand new roads, no traffic and Gary starts cussin up a storm about how fast my brothers going. "Good gawd...this is just plain stupid going this fast..." a couple miles later "Jeez, he's gonna get us killed"...10 miles later "That's it, I refuse to go any further driving in the fog like this, the sob is crazy". All I could think was "man, he didn't get much sleep last night as crabby as he is" so we pull over I asked him what "fog" he was talking about. He was wearing goggles and as soon as we pulled out of the campground, they had fogged all up, and he didn't realize it. He lifted up his goggles to give me one of those looks and that's when he realized, the sun was shining! Poor guy, he was a wreck driving in what he thought was fog! Gotta love him!
  15. Thanks Rosebud! Hopefully we'll be getting the Venture:fingers-crossed-emo back tomorrow night! I'll show him the pix and if he has any questions, I'll get back to you! We were suppose to head to Indianola tomorrow after work for the National Hot Air Balloon Classic. Don't know if we'll make it down there or not now! We've never been to it, but it's suppose to be something spectacular!
  16. O o o o o h! I guess I better pay more attention. This thread was talking about passenger cupholders DUH! Sorry. No problem! Thought maybe you were in the middle of a siesta when you were reading the thread. Didn't quite know how to answer your comment!
  17. Yep, but if you get a swivel mount then it will work fine.
  18. Mariner, No problem if you mount it on the right hand side. It sits far enough back when I swing my leg over. Robbitybob, Don't know what the other members use for the driver of the bike, but there was a thread a while ago about using a foam can cooler, cutting the bottom of it out, and it fits perfect over the gas tank. We happen to have a black one at home, and Gary's been using it ever since. Couldn't beat the price!
  19. That's perfect!! I've printed off the pix and taking it home to see if Gary can build me one. Thanks for the help!!
  20. on passenger cup holder mounts. I'm sure this has been gone over many times, but I can't seem to find any threads. The only place I can find to mount a cup holder is on the passenger hand rails. Gary's using the trick on the gas tank cover, but I need one myself. My brother had given us one that I put on from Cabella's but the first time I used it, away she went. I also had purchased a leather one that I liked, but it hung down to low and now I have a rub mark on the top of my side bag. I need one that sits up high enough that I can still get my side cover open. Any suggestions?
  21. Just ordered one! Black on black and I've been needing one and it's exactly what I've been looking for! Thanks for passing along the info!
  22. Hey Boomer, Help me out. What does ROFL stand for? SilverT: You sound just like my husband! I usually don't sweat the small stuff...but that Venture comes in a close second behind my kids. I want my baby back! Thanks to everyone for trying to ease my pain....I'm done sulking but come Friday...
  23. I'm headed home to wallow in my sorrows. I'm pickin up a six pack of ice cold ones and sittin' on the front porch to sulk. Won't take much as 1 cool one and my knees start to go numb. Hubby's trying to butter me up (gotta give him credit, as he knows how upset I am)....he just called and bought a dozen ears of sweetcorn! It's the first night it's available around here since last year and there's nothing better in the summer than BLT's and sweet corn!
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