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Everything posted by Iowawegian

  1. Hey Cindy, Just wanted to say get well quick!!
  2. He and his family are also in our thoughts and prayers.
  3. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.
  4. :crying::crying::crying: Wish we could have been there! Ride safe and have a great time!!!
  5. Just wanted to say good morning to ya! Looks like the weather is going to be pretty nice here in the midwest for the weekend! Hope you all have safe travels wherever your headed!!! Going to miss pork n pines...but at least we'll be riding. Hope you all have a great holiday! Ride safe!!
  6. Praying for a speedy recovery!!
  7. Just wanted to say that Gary and I are still dissappointed we can't come!!! Hope you have a brewski for all of us who tried to make it but couldn't!!! We'll be thinking of ya!! It will be fun to see the pix next week!
  8. Were ya usin' a putter on the fareway's?
  9. Looks to me like you stopped at a bunch of ice creams stores in a short amount of time on #22-29! Did ya try a different flavor at each stop?
  10. "Not all of us northerners are confused by BBQ. I have a BBQ pit and a gas grill. I really love doing BBQ pulled pork and pork ribs. Personally I'm a dry rub BBQ'r but I use a vinegar based mop sauce that has brown sugar and crushed red chili peppers. Hmm, that adds some tang. " Jeez Juggler...............my mouths been watering all afternoon since I read that. I don't suppose you'd be willing to give a neighbor the recipe would you?
  11. I posted the same question a couple months ago about passenger cup holders. Rosebud posted this pix. It's a water bottle holder from Walmart and her husband made the bracket. Cost around $5.00 I ended going to the boat section at Cabella's and got a swivel mount bracket that stays level. It clamps onto the grab rails. You have to be careful which options you go with. If it doesn't swivel or doesn't sit high enough, you can't get your side trunk open. Cost of mine $12.00 and works great. It's also adjustable for larger or smaller drinks. I can't remember the name of it, but they only carry 2 brands, and they guy said they have a lot of bikers use it. Would have used Rosebud's idea, but the hubby's been pretty busy so I just figured something else out.
  12. Stayed at hotel instead of camping last night because of weather. A big thank you to Red Rider and his son Grant!! They treated us to the best margarita's and authentic Mexican food. This is our first Ventrure Riders "mini" meet and eat and it was so fun!!! They showed us their beautiful town and Gary and I will be heading up on back roads per their directions. Who know's where we'll end up tonight and won't have internet till we get home but just wanted to say that we really appreciated the Fond du Lac hospitality!! Thank you again Jeff, we're just sorry we missed your wife!!! Please call us when your in area, we have plenty of room!!! Thanks again!
  13. Hey juggler! Didn't see your post till just a min ago. Thanks for all of the info!!!! I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. I'm outta here in about an hour!!!!!!!! Leaving midmorning for wherever the wind blows us. Orrin, FJR Rider, and Red Rider....wrote down your info and if we are in your neck of the woods we'll give you a jingle just to say hi and shoot the breeze for a bit. VRooom VRooom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. So just out of curiosity....what is the point of having a dry county? Is it simply to try and cut down on the amount of consumption or is there a lot bigger explanation for this thing?
  16. I have an apology to make! I'm afraid my teasing might have gone a little to far on the dry county thing. I honestly didn't even know there was such a thing as dry counties, ( I don't get off the farm very often can you tell?) so then I reved it up a little joking about the Corona! (Although I do like an ice cold one once in a while!!) I hope I didn't upset anyone, and if I did, I really am sorry! Everyone is going to have a great time at the rally, and I will tone down my teasing. You guys are doing a great job of planning this thing and we can't wait for it!!
  17. Where's the Davis Rally at? Iowa?
  18. Iowa....will you be anywhere near our area? (5 miles south of the Minnesota border, right smack in the middle of the state.
  19. There's a banner at the top of the page you need to check out. Next August Marble Falls, AR!! Be there or be square!
  20. Maybe after Labor Day, we can get an Iowa/Minnesota/Wisconsin meet n eat together! We were signed up for Pork n Pines, got myself all excited about meeting some of the members, then a family thing came up that we didn't know about, so we had to bow out. Love the family, but I really wanted to go up there! Can't wait till next summer for the 09 Rally!! Just gotta figure out how to repack our carrier for the Corona!
  21. Rosebud, Are you serious with this dry county thing? Can really not buy any beer in the county? Don't want you to think I'm a lush (Hubby quit 15 yrs ago!) but after a hot day of riding, a nice cold one tastes pretty good!
  22. dry county....dry county....what the heck does that mean? Please don't tell me there's no ice cold Corona to be bought down there?
  23. FDR....spent all night riding my bike trying to figure out GB! Thanks for clearing that one up!! Also, thanks for all the reply's. I'm bringing along the posts with names and numbers and if we happen to be in anyone's area...we'll give you a jingle. Thanks for the offers!!
  24. "Hey Rosebud this started serious then got silly. Thats okay though silly is fun. But i have a suggestion. How about a demonstration of the Carol Skirkowski ( Skirt) method of how a woman can pick up her bike by herself if it ever goes down. Either by Carol herself or someone that has learned it from her, This is a valuable skill for any woman rider or passenger. Carols methods show how any woman of any size can lift any bike, Venture, Harley or Gold Wing with her legs (A womans most powerful body part.) Phil." I still like the foot massage idea, but seriously, I like PJ's idea. I ride an 1100 Virago and theres times when I go by myself. I dropped it once on a right hand turn and wouldn't have been able to lift it up myself. I watched the tape that someone posted on here but would really like to try it.
  25. Prayers sent and will be thinking of you today. Mothers are one of a kind and no matter how old....it still hurts.
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