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Everything posted by Iowawegian

  1. :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: OMG...that was too funny!!!!!!!!!!! That sounds like the hubby this week! Hubby came in the house 3 nights ago after working on a snowplow. Blood was running down his nose and into his mustache. All he told me with a nasaly tone is "the tractor won" 2 nights ago, he came in from the shop, blood running out of his finger. I know there was some kind of power saw involved. I just handed him band aides. The butterfly kind. Last night, he came in.....with hydrolic (spell?) oil all over the front and back of his brand new Dickies, blue denim work shirt. He wanted to know if bleach would "take that out". Now this is from a guy who can build/weld anything from scratch. He's had a hell of a week!
  2. :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
  3. Yeppers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It felt so good!!! Only got about an hour in because it got dark, but man, it was nice to be back in the saddle again!!! It was a little slippery going down the driveway with the ice, but we both were able to keep our bikes up!!! I can't wait till spring!
  4. Happy, Happy Birthday!!!
  5. Terrific video! Just wondering....liked the music you had with it! Can you tell me about it?
  6. If we can get down the driveway without slipping on the ice, the hubby and I are going for a ride!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 46 degrees out right now. Last week 30 below zero! My baby started right up last night, no choke, first time I hit the start button since last fall!!! :dancefool::dancefool::dancefool::dancefool::dancefool::dancefool: I CAN'T WAIT TILL 4:00!!
  7. :wow:Happy Anniversary to both of you!!!!!!!!!!!! And a great big thanks to the both of you for serving our country. It can't always be easy for you Mini!! Hats off to the both of you!
  8. :rotfl: Being Lutrin, (ELC!), Scandanavian (thus the name Iowawegian) and also live 5 miles south of the Minnesota border..... I truly live this life. Not to mention, I love Garrison Keillor!! Hate to admit it....but anytime I head south (and I mean just a couple hours)...it never fails, strangers ask if I came from Norway or Minnesota with my Scandanavian accent!
  9. :moon::moon::moon::moon::rotfl::rotfl: "Now of Legal drinking age"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Hubby and I did it 2 yrs ago on our way up to the Canadian Rockies. I agree............It's beautiful!! Especially for us flatlanders!
  11. Just want to say thanks for the birthday wishes!!! It did finally warm up and is suppose to be nice all week! :dancefool:That's the best birthday present I could have gotten. Suppose to be in the high 40's by Thursday! Might be able to take a quick ride!!!
  12. Actually, wine's about the only thing that puts me out of my misery!! Yeppers, looking forward to a little warmer temp's this weekend too! I hope that bald headed knuckle headed, weather man on our local station isn't just messin' with me, telling us it's going to be a heat wave at 30 degrees! Poor Hubby has only had 2 weekends since November 1st, that he hasn't been called in to plow roads. I noticed last night even his eyes are starting to glaze over. Yep, another case of the dreaded brain freeze disease!
  13. Hard to believe isn't it!!! By the way....we head to Wisconsin (Kickapoo Reserve area, near the Mississippi) almost every weekend! It's beautiful over there!
  14. and I don't want to hear any of you from Minnesota people telling me you got it worse up there....at least you've got a lot of trees/lakes and scenery. Nothing but flat land and no trees within sight of here!
  15. living here in frozen Arctic circle of Iowa (yeah, it's 32 below 0 ...again).... I start to suffer from brain freeze. It's a terrible disease and happens every year around the end of Feb. It's dark at 5:00, cold, blizzardy, windy, etc, etc. Honest to gosh.....everyone walks around here in a daze for months on end. Nothing to do, nowhere to go, tired all the time, it's miserable. Please don't tell me to move cuz all the family lives within 20 minutes and I would miss them to much. So..............anyway, just wanted to thank you for helping me keep my sense of humor. No computer at home, so the only time I can jump on is during work. Everyday, someone posts something so funny, I end up spitting my coffee out while I'm reading a post. I start laughing so hard, my co worker think I've lost my marbles. All I do is talk, eat, and sleep motorcycles. (I'm sure people where we live think we're nuts) I just really appreciate having this forum so even if the hubby and I can't ride for 6 months out of the year, it helps just to talk about it. So thanks for helping me keep my sanity!
  16. A big congrat's to you!!!
  17. Been there, once, done that. Never again. Summers are to short here to begin with. The hubby and I aren't going to waste precious riding days, by stopping every 10 min at a bar. Don't get me wrong, when we're done for the day after being out in the warm weather, nothing tastes better than an ice cold brewsky, but I love riding to much!
  18. Good for you Minnie!!!
  19. Iowawegian


    Yep, the hubby and I are suffering from a severe case of PMS ......another blizzard last night, -25 below today. It was so bad last night, I put my half helmet on while I made dinner. He thought I'd lost my marbles.
  20. " I swing a carpenters hammer to drive a nail or saw a piece of wood I am going to feel his absence, because everything I learned about building houses I learned from him." I hope from now on you can think " ....I am going to feel his PRESENCE,....." What a wonderful gift your father gave to you. I am so sorry for your loss and please know you are in my thoughts and prayers.
  21. Loved it! Thanks for sharing...
  22. Looks kinda comfy to me with that pillow top seat!
  23. yaya..what they all said!!!
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