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Everything posted by Iowawegian

  1. :bawling: Thanks you guys! I don't know what's the matter with me today!! I know everything will be fine....and your right Boomer! I know he will climb out of that plane with a huge smile on face! Iowawegian......who gets sappier about her kids everyday.
  2. Hoping that those of you who are on the site this morning can say a quick prayer. Our oldest son is doing is first long distance solo flight this morning up to our airport to meet us! Grandpa who is also a pilot, Grandma, Gary and myself are meeting him in about an hour. Clouds are low this morning, and I know things will go fine. Problem is I've flown with my dad hundereds of times....but it's a little different knowing your child is up in the air for a long flight by himself for the first time. Just hoping you could say a quick prayer for his safe trip and return home. It would help me out. Thanks Deb
  3. It's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to early in the morning to look at those pix!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Nice Pix!!! Looks like you had good weather too!! It's been raining here for 7 days in a row it's clouding up again this morning!!! UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!When is summer coming to IOWA?
  5. Don't forget the marshmellows, graham crackers, and hershey bars!!!! They go good with beer!!!
  6. Well thanks for answering the "mystery question"!! I know how excited he was to be there!! Looks like everyone had a good time. Hopefully, someday we can get there!!
  7. I've been looking at all the MD post and pix. In almost everyones threads, this gentleman seems to be in at least one photo. It's nice to put a name with a face (or legs)and just wondering who this camera shy guy is? Anybody know?
  8. Nice LUNKER!!!!
  9. Thanks for the answer to that! Hubby and I both turn our signals on way before the corner. Both of our signals stop before we get to it. I'll let him know what you said. Ya learn summpin new on here everday don't ya!
  10. You crack me up!!! Fun to see the pix!!! Wish we could have been there!!
  11. Bike only on the map. Get to add 3-4 more states here in another month and also Canada!!! :cool10::cool10:
  12. Great big congrat's going out to you!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Glad to hear your ok!
  14. Thoughts and prayers being sent!
  15. Well, the hubby was tickled pink with his present and..............he told me that he has the extra set of passenger lamps from when we hit the deer last summer, so......he's going to fabricate a small mount to fit the lamps on my Virago. That means I get to have a set of visors!!! WhooooooooooHoooooooooooooo I LOVE CHROME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I just need to find a headlight visor for it!:banana:
  16. Primary home. 4,000 sq ft. which includes finished basement and family room above the garage Thank you!
  17. Hubby's a firefighter also and he'd love this!! Nice job!
  18. Thanks Ruffy, Father in law, hubby, myself and our son's along with my brother built it by hand 10 years ago. Time flies. I plan on being buried there!
  19. Found this idea in "Cheap mans tips and tricks" here on the webs: Take a foam can holder, cut the bottom out and slip it on your gas can cover. Didn't cost him a dime and he loves it.
  20. I saw a classified here a couple of weeks ago for passing lamp visors! I thought they would make a great xmas stocking stuffer for the hubby so I bought them. They came in the mail today and I'm too excited to wait till xmas, so I thought I'd give them to him for Fathers Day! That starts at 5:00 tonight doesn't it? hehehe can't wait to get home and suprise him!:banana: Thanks again Randy for the bargain I got!
  21. This has nothing to do with biking...but a funny thing happened last weekend. To make a long story short....my neice got married Sat night and we have been bustin our butts to get the farm ready for my parents 50th party the next day. My oldest son was suppose to be married by a jp in a couple of weeks, but Grandma made a special request from them Sat night. "Wouldn't it be fun if you two could be married on Grandpa and my 50th anniversary? I could line up a minister by tommorrow!" So, that's what happened!! The kids asked grandpa and grandma to stand up for them, the minister was a trooper and the guests that came for the anniversary party ended up at a wedding! They thought it was great! What a wonderful weekend and now I finally have a daughter!! Life is good! Thanks for letting me share.....
  22. Here's another circle tour around Superior. www.wolfsheadrally.com
  23. Yup, count me in. I go to our county board of supervisors meetings since we are such a rural area. They are usually happy to oblige, but sometimes it takes a few reminders.
  24. One made me think, the other made me laugh!! Thank you both!
  25. Just wanted to say you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers!
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