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Everything posted by Iowawegian

  1. It's a little easier to breathe now, isn't it!!! My advice: Go get a massage.....you'll be amazed at how tense you were and didn't even realize it. Enjoy the news. You deserve it!
  2. Yep, ball cap with velcro on the back strap instead of plastic or a slider. The velcro makes it easy to adjust. The only time I have a problem is when it's reaaaaaaaaally gusty out.
  3. I have the same problem. At one point I was going to cut it really short just so I didn't have to deal with all the snarls. I started out with bandana's but you have to tie them really tight. Helmets do the job, but I don't wear one unless we're doing interstate. My hair is a little shorter than shoulder length so what I've found works best for me is to wear a brimmed hat. I wet my hair down and it's just barley long enough to put up in a coated rubberband. The hat works really well as it has a velcro strap on the back and I can adjust it. The best part....the brim keeps the sun off my face. Don't know if this helps or not....
  4. ATTA Girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family!
  6. First of all......I don't have a computer at home, so I can't be involved in chat at night, which means I would never get to hear from you anymore.....That's not going to happen, RIGHT? Second of all, your thread was informative, and you did nothing wrong. Last week, someone else started a thread which ultimately was deleted. I was hoping that wouldn't happen as it was on a subject that Gary and I were completely unaware of. In fact we discussed it again last night. It was something that I am glad we were made aware of because it explained an incident that happened to us a couple of years ago on bike. I agree with the rules that Don has set up, and it's too bad that sometimes a few decide to push it to the limit after a thread has been started with good intentions. I know your upset....but you are an important member of this family. Please rethink your decision and soon!:bighug:
  7. Hey!! Nice pix!! Looks like you had a great time!!
  8. Sounds like you had a blast!! Ribs aren't my cup of tea, but the beer, wine, rum sounds delicious!!!
  9. Yep, the hubby's guilty of the same thing!!! It sure puts a smile on their faces doesn't it?
  10. Looks great Annie!!! :wow:
  11. Welcome to the madhouse!!
  12. Just saw your post but what really impressed me :wow:was you map of states ridden in. What did you think of riding in Mexico?
  13. Only because we lose track of time! Days are already getting shorter here. My night vision is terrible and 5 times this summer a deer as jumped between Gary & I which makes us both a little skittish in the dark. I have to agree with you though....it's peaceful and the temp's are wonderful!
  14. "But this just my opinion. And what do I know eh?" Your name my be Black Owl, but to those that know you it should be "Wise Owl". Glad to hear Redwood is on your list. It's now on mine!(by the way.....remember what you told me about Jasper? Have to disagree with you on that one...it was stunning!) "Upper Penninsula of Michigan (Specifically the Keweenaw pennensula ...." I agree....thought it was so pretty we had to go back a second time!
  15. It's lucky I live in the country..... 10/20 & 14/20 I started hyperventilating just taking the d@#n thing with all that traffic. Did I mention I hate driving my bike in towns larger than a population of oh say.....2,000? No sirreeeeee you can keep that city life. I don't want nothin to do with it. Crowds, traffic and cement......3 things I avoid!
  16. Since it's Friday and all of you sluff off at work today give me your opinion...would ya? Gary and I were awestruck during our trip this summer to the Canadian Rockies, Glacier and Beartooth Pass. It was so beautiful that it was breathtaking. For those of you who have a lot of your states colored in on your maps, this question is for you....where do you think the most beautiful area to ride is? I'm not talking a twistie road (Tail of Dragon, etc) but an area or state as a whole. Just trying to add to the bucket list and I can't believe there is any place that can beat the scenery we say this summer. Oh yeah....is the Redwood Forest worth riding from nowwhere land all the way out to California?
  17. Nice Pix!!! It's always fun to see someone else with that great big grin on their face!!!!
  18. It's a great offer....but I don't know how I would pull it off. It's going to be a suprise for Gary and I don't know how I could pull it off. This weekend we move our son, the following weekend we have to be in western Iowa for a wedding. Labor Day, we are taking our boys riding for 3 days, and the following weekend we are off to Cody Wy for the VR Roundup. I would love to get together with you guys again...is just such a crazy time for us.
  19. Just put a wanted out there. Purchased passing lamp visor's from one of our members here. Looking to buy the headlight visor if anyone would like to get rid of one! I know they are pretty cheap on the internet, but would rather buy from a member here. Thanks Deb
  20. I was just thinking about you last night!!!! We did the Badlands loop on our way home this summer too! Isn't it crazy? Hope you did Needles Highway and Spearfish Canyon!! Nice pix and glad to hear you made it home safe!!!
  21. :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::crackup::crackup::crackup: Good One!! Now, that was funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Check the weather just before hand and be prepared for cooler temps. Deb- how was it just recently? Dave We were there a couple weeks ago and all I had on was my leathers. (Chaps and jackets) It probably was cooler than I thought, but I was sweatin' thinkin' about grizzly's chasin' us!!! http://www.animaltrial.com/Resources/madgrizzlybearsm.jpeg
  23. Been away from the computer for a few days, so just saw your post!! I AM SOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! There's no feeling like climbing back on a bike is there? Congrat's and have fun!!!!!
  24. Herb, You gotta do Beartooth Pass. About a month ago, someone on this site talked about, so on our way home from the Canadian Rockies, two weeks ago, we decided to try it!!!!! It's unreal!!! Hubby liked it so much, we signed up for the Cody Roundup and will be driving 2 days out there just to go back to Beartooth!!! It's a howl!!!!!!
  25. Just to let you know I'm thinking of you. We always thank the people that serve our country, but sometimes the spouses are forgotten about. It can't be easy and I just wanted to say thanks for your service also. Thoughts and prayers are with you!
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