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Everything posted by Iowawegian

  1. Love to, but you know my computer skills! Don't know how to do it! Also, just wanted to say how nice it was to meet you and lil bit!! She's a trooper!
  2. As promised.....I have downloaded Cody pictures and promised all of you a copy. If you would like a copy/dvd I will send it to you free of charge. I have taken out most of our family (Gary, Deb & Dane) and there is 125 pix of the sites we saw, Cody Venture riders, buffalo, landscape, etc. on it. If you would like a copy, please pm me your : Name Address City ST Zip and I will get it to you in the next couple of weeks!
  3. Your are in our thoughts and prayers. Please keep us posted as to what the prognosis is. We are all family here, whether you have a bike or not....
  4. Yep, it was Chili all right and it was delicious!! He and Mike did all the cooking and Terry and Irv treated all of us by providing the groceries!!! It was a big treat for me to watch the men doing the cooking as that doesn't happen at our house!
  5. Don, You know I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers nightly. Deb
  6. But I can asure you I would never do anything like that... And I tried real hard to keep Dane out of trouble. Does this look like the face of a man that's innocent? If I remember right......I had to break up a 2:00 a.m. party just so the youngin could get some sleep before the big ride Thursday!:crackup:Apparently the rule (what goes on in cody, stays in cody) stuck with Dane, as he wouldn't tell me one thing that you and Mike were up to that night!!
  7. It just goes to show that when it comes to motorcycles....there is no generation gap! Here's a pix of the youngest Cody rider and the oldest having a good time talkin' chrome on top of Beartooth Pass! (I'm not even gonna mention the rest of you that tried to teach him your bad habits!!! )
  8. Hey Scotty..... Just wanted to say thank you for saving my a$$!! Literally! We stayed in Rapid City SD, and bought one of those comfy seat covers!! It made a world of difference. They only had 1 left so I let Gary try it the last 200 miles. We will be getting another one soon for him! Here's to ya! Hope to cross paths with you again one day!
  9. Made it home safe and sound! Things are crazy trying to catch up at work, so I haven't been on the site till this morning! Just want you to know that Dane put 3,000 miles on that little bike of his. He had a ball, and really had a great time getting to know all of you! Deb, Gary and Dane
  10. Don't know about the rest of you.....but I can tell we are already going to be running a couple hours late tomorrow. It's been foggy the last few mornings, and it's too dangerous to start out till it's lifted. It's 8:45 now and just clearing! The son will be happy....he'll get to sleep in longer! Have a safe trip everyone....see you out there!
  11. Did u ever get that little bugger out?
  12. Can I just press the little green button on my monitor? or Would it be better to push the yellow button on my phone?
  13. Well ..............it's about time you joined!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't worry about the computer illiteracy. There's quite a few of us just like you (including me) and everyone puts up with us!! Tell the wifey hi!! She's a hoot!
  14. Just to let you know your in our thoughts and prayers for good news from the tests. Please keep us informed!
  15. Anyone have a problem with our 23 yr old son coming along? He rides a YZF, but doesn't get crazy at all. He has ridden with us on several trips and is an excellent rider. ( He thinks were nuts for all the miles we put on....) Anyway, kickstands up 6:00 Sat morning. Sleeping in Spearfish that night. Will be in Cody, late afternoon on Sunday!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! BEARTOOTH PASS!
  16. Hey, Mini.....if he's got a big list and it's anything we can do to help please let me know. We'd be more than happy to help out!
  17. Take the black one....take the black one............ (and switch out the flag with the 1st gen!!!)
  18. Just wanted to say I love the bug you've got crawling on your posts!! Ya, I flicked at it. :crackup:Felt like an idiot.
  19. Big congrat's to you!!!!! Now have fun!
  20. So where's Mt Zion, how do we get there, and who the heck is Alvin? Have fun at PIP!! Next weekend we leave for the Cody Roundup so we will be missing Davis Rally! We are also stopping at Gay's Mills at the apple orchard.....they have this great apple cider slushy that's do die for, not to mention the home made carmel apples!!!
  21. What fun plans do you have for the weekend? We will be missing Pork n the Pines, but for a good reason. We normally do a lot of riding with our 3 sons, but this summer has been so busy we haven't gotten to at all, so..... We are all heading east of the river (Mighty Mississipi) to the Kickapoo area to hit the following: Vernon Vineyards Bad Axe area Rockton (famous bbq chicken) Wild Cat Mountain State Park Bull's Den Bar (crazy barn out in the middle of nowhere turned into a fun bar Cheese Curds !!!! and staying at Soldiers Grove, WI at a place that has the best Bourbon Pork Tenders and generally riding back roads! Can't wait!!! So what are you doing?
  22. "When in doubt, read the manual. They turn off when you have "both" gone 490' and 15 seconds. I'm in the habit of giving plenty of notice when turning; guess I'll have to relearn. Thanks for the answers! " This was posted in another thread that started a couple months ago. Seems to be correct as after I read it, I paid more attention when Gary was turning.
  23. Please know that your family is in our thoughts and prayers. You should be very proud of them. God speed....
  24. Been away from the computer for a few days so I didn't see your post till just now. Even though things are looking a lot better....just to let you know your in our thoughts and prayers!
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