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Everything posted by Iowawegian

  1. You know what Mini.....I have been thinking of you for the last 1/2 since this mess started. You are always quick witted, and always have a good comeback. I on the other hand always seem to stick my foot in my mouth. Thank you defending me!!!
  2. :clap2:Congrat's on the good news!!
  3. Daryl, I would have thought you would have at least stuck up for me, beings you've stayed over night at our house!! By the way....tell your wifey hi!
  4. [ and still laffin his a$$ off too.....:crackup: Well....I'm glad I made your day, sunshine. :moon:
  5. Oh crap....I just reread my thread. If your referring to what I think you are...once again, I've stuck my foot in my mouth. Didn't mean it how it sounded. Jeez, when am I ever gonna learn.... What I meant to say was ....oh forget it... I just wish I was somewhere with white sand, palm trees and the hubby and I soakin up some rays.
  6. I'm sittin here about 100 miles south of you enjoying another %$#@* blizzard, wondering how I'm going to get back up my long driveway when I get home from work tonight, cuz the hubby's been plowing the county roads since 3 a.m. this morning. At least in Minnesota, you've got trees....down here in North Iowa it's just frozen fields, with no protection from this miserable stuff. Thought we both might enjoy dreamin' of being here....http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:FCOvDWJCi29TAM:http://ic2.pbase.com/u43/renobguy/large/40617479.IMG_1876.jpgNow where's my Pina Colada?
  7. Oops Scotty, my mistake!! It was so beautiful up there, I have never seen scenery like that ever!!
  8. Just got back to work today so I didn't see your post till now. Happy New Years belated!!!
  9. Here's the hubby and I in Banff, BC last year!
  10. Prayers go out to you Annie, from North Iowa!!!
  11. Whoo hooo hoooo!!! Bragger! (Just had to tease you!!!) #1 Best thing: Surviving melanoma #2 Best thing: My oldest son marrying a terrific gal #3 Best thing: Our bike trip out to Glacier and up to Banff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:dancefool:Trip of a lifetime!!
  12. Thanks for the sympathy. I'm just getting tired of being middle income where you take it in the shorts from both ends. I'm starting to realize that being hard working, honest and beliveing in paying your own way doesn't work. Thanks again for the ear. Hope your son is feeling better!
  13. Happy New Year to you Lowell!!! Dane says "hi"
  14. I've been going through a bunch of tests for the last month to figure out what's going on with me. Specialists finally got a diagnosis yesterday.....sent me to pick up the prescription. 30 days worth of drugs (1 prescription) Total cost: $1,132.03 Had to pay out of pocket as I have a huge deductible. Guess we'll be eating beans and weenies for a while. Merry Christmas to me. I'm having my own little pity party today.
  15. No computer at home so just when I'm at work Mon-Fri. More times during the workday than I'm going to ever admit.
  16. You were in the little boys room!!! If I knew how to photoshop I would have gotten you in there!!
  17. Just wanted to wish all of you happy holidays from Gary, Dane & I!! I made Dane a Shutterfly photo book with all of you in it for one of his Christmas presents. I can't wait to give it to him!!!! Happy Holidays from the Hanson's!
  18. All right ...All right..... 49 till Feb....then it's the big 50. And just why do inquiring minds want to know?
  19. :cool10: A big congrat's to you from North Iowa!!!!!!
  20. Iowawegian

    Christms video

    Nobody will ever come close to being as hot as that guy was!!! He just gives me the shivers thinking about him!!!!!
  21. Purty good lookin truck there mini!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Prayers sent for a neighbor!!!
  23. Thank you so much!!!!!
  24. Please keep us posted Mini. That's not like her at all. It's one thing to not post, but we all know she's on this sight every day. If theres anything I can do ....please let me know. Deb
  25. Iowawegian


    A foofa valve....oh my gosh...I lost mine a long time ago. I didn't realize they were still around. Can anyone tell me where I can order a new (or used) foofa!
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