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Everything posted by Iowawegian

  1. Here's a couple from our 2009 Banff trip. On the 2nd pix it looks like the hubby's helmet is dirty.......not so....just the remanants of sunflower seeds I eat on our road trips! hehe......
  2. Now there's a line I've never heard before......!! Glad to see you post Wildhair...was wondering what trouble you had been up to!
  3. Just got back on the forum since last Thursday....so a much belated Happy Mothers Day back at ya!!!!!
  4. Your right!!! I clicked on the wrong pic!! Thanks for helping me out!!! Doesn't it look sweet!!!! His is black!
  5. Thanks for the tip! I've never heard of that website and it's exactly what I've been looking for!! Thanks again, Deb
  6. Our 24 yr old son, Dane, has ridden a YZF for the last 5 years. Some of you know him from the Cody Roundup last year. (He rode 3,000 miles on that little thing out there) anyhoo.....He traded bikes this week and hasn't told his dad yet. He's riding up this weekend to suprise him!! It's a 2010 Honda Sabre. As a mom, I'm glad he traded off the YZF. Even though he's a careful rider.... Here he is on his old bike and here's a pix of his new one! I can't wait to see it in the flesh! I've never seen one, but it sure looks like fun! http://www.google.com/images?q=tbn:3zPg6BrxIk4GZM::www.totalmotorcycle.com/photos/2006models/2006-Honda-Shadow-SabreB.jpg
  7. Have a wonderful, safe, exciting and memorabile trip from the Hanson's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Saw this today on the Tail of the Dragon website. Does anyone know for sure that it is open? Last I knew it was going to be July before they got it cleared. Also, the hubby,sons and I are heading down there in June. Has anyone ridden "Devils Triangle" or the Cheohala Skyway and are they really nice roads with a lot of twistes? Thanks Deb ROCK SLIDE UPDATE April 16, 2010: The rock slide on US 129 is located between the Dragon and Happy Valley Road/Foothills Parkway. TDOT has announced in a press release that the 11 mile section known as the Tail of the Dragon will be open from 8 am to 8 pm beginning Monday April 12, 2010. The only access is from North Carolina US 129. THP announced that there will be zero tolerance for traffic violations, so I'd travel the Tail with extreme caution. Please obey the traffic laws and report any undue harassment to us. We will forward all complaints to the Tennessee and North Carolina senators and representatives who worked so hard to get the road open. We will continue to post the latest information here so keep in touch. All is going well at the Tail of the Dragon. Traffic is low, so it's a great time to enjoy the road without fear of semi trucks and large crowds.
  9. Purty nice lookin bike there Jack!! Congrat's to you! Love the color!!
  10. You got it. 20 miles straight north of Mason! Yes, my boys ride. Both Yamaha's....the apple doesn't fall far from the tree does it? Why trailer instead of ride up here?
  11. 2 of our sons live in Cedar Falls!!! It's 1 1/2 hours southest of us. Lucky you, you get nice weather all year round for the most part!! Let us know if your in our area!!
  12. There is an estate auction at our next door neighbors Sunday with an 89 Virago 1100 on it. It's got a bad back tire, the auctioneer doesn't know if it will start and it's got the derndest thing on the gas tank. It's a relief of a precious moments figure on it (I know, I know.....don't mean to speak ill of the dead, but he was an odd ball to say the least) but.....I'm hoping I can get it for about $200.00. I'll put a new tire on it, get that #%*# thing off the gas tank, have it repainted for $200.00. Hopefully the battery will just need charging. When I get done with it, I hope to have a match to mine. Wish I had a pix to show you how ugly mine was before I had it repainted. This bike is quite a bit older than mine, but the style is pretty much the same. If I get this thing....I'm going to have to post a pix of what that gas tank looks like. Anyway...this is how I'm hoping to have it look when I get done. Wish me luck!!
  13. Truthfully.............I spend more on safety chrome than the hubby does. My thoughts are.....this is the one sport, hobby, etc. that we enjoy together. We are frugal with our funds because around here, that's how life is. I hate shopping, we don't go out to "fancy" eating places, I don't get manicures, we camp usually rather than hoteling it...(apparently raising 3 sons and no daughters has had an effect of me) ....so if I want to see our Black Beauty or my Virago spruced up a little with a new piece of saftey chrome, I don't feel one bit guilty. I really am thinking....eusa1 chrome lower fairings would look pretty sweet!!!!
  14. The hubby and I got to take our first ride of the year over to the river (Mississippi) Sunday!!!:dancefool:Anyhoooooo.....stopped at the Kwik Trip in Alma, WI to fuel up before heading home and as we are pulling out, another Midnight Venture pulled in to gas up. Was it you? We also took a break on County Road F and a blue Venture drove by on HWY 37 that was riding with a (what are those bikes called that have 4 wheels and spiffy looking?) Just asking as we don't see to many Ventures over there. Anyway, it was a beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeautiful day for a ride.
  15. That is too funny!! My son drives a YZF and is always changing out his pipes. Is there anyway I can email him that video? He would really get a laugh out of it!!
  16. Big Congrat's to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Holey Schmoley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That looks terrific!!!!!!! Wouldn't that look great on a Midnight????? Maybe....Xmas is only 8 months away.....
  18. Sometime we can suprise you.... Alrighty then....thank you sir for the directions. I just love the "helpful hints" section of this forum!!!
  19. Jeez.......................I learn something new every day here. I've always wondered how people do that. Now, I hit the button, but nothing happened. How does a person use it?
  20. I don't have one....but I wish I did........but I'm hoping.... Ruffy was there for me a few weeks ago when I was looking for a part and he sprung into action to help me out. I hope someone here can help him out since he was so good to me!!! Thanks again Ruffy !!!
  21. Here is a pix of them on my Virago. They really work great on keeping bugs off my forks and they look good too!! Thanks, Black Owl!!
  22. Well .................shoot. The hubby and I are taking the boys on a bike trip to Kentucky in June and the only request Gary had was to make sure and go to the Dragon as long as we were so close. Thanks for the info, though!!!
  23. Wasn't it beautiful out last night?....Had to get the porch cleaned out.but the next nice day, I 'm back on her again!!!
  24. :bighug:Glad to hear your back.....hope you get well soon!!!!
  25. Sent you a pm
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