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Everything posted by Iowawegian

  1. :wow:Keep us posted! It would be fun to see it!
  2. It's been for sale for over a year....don't worry about it though...they are still open. Another great place to stay is 4 miles down the road in Soldiers Grove at the Country Gardens. Motel is on top of the bar/pub and they have fantastic food. We switched from staying at Kickapoo Corners to Country Gardens only because the rooms are less expensive and we could have a few brewskies in the bar and walk right up to our room.
  3. Bryan, I posted this on another thread a few weeks ago.....Here's just a few places in the area that Gary and I go to..... ...........Once you get down to Victory...you have to spend a day in over at the Kickapoo Reserve area riding backroads. Wild Cat Mountain State Park has some beautiful roads surrounding the Park. If you go east of Wild Cat...on highway 33 there is a barn that's been made into a bar. It's called the "Bull Pen Bar & Grill) It's really funky. Anywhere in Vernon County is a nice ride! they also have alphabet roads. Also, you have to go on Sunday to Rockton for their Barbequed Chicken. Hundreds if not thousands of bikes show up there on Sunday's at noon. It's really fun!http://www.rocktonbar.com At Soldiers Grove, we always stay at the Country Garden's because the food is terrific, rooms are cheap and the manager Marcie is great! It's a bar and grill with motel on top. If you stop there...you have to order the Bourbon Pork Tenderloins. It's an appetizer that will feed a lot and it's scrumptious. They also have homeade pizza and it's great. They don't have a website but jusk ask anyone in town where it's at. We found a new place out in the middle of nowhere this time close to Viroqua. It's on Norwegian Hollow Road and it's a bar/rest named Norwegian Hollow. The riding is really pretty and the bar is really nice. All the "xxxx Hollow" roads are really pretty riding in this area too!http://www.norwegianhollow.com There is also Vernon Vineyards which is out in the country near Viroqua, which is one of the prettiest vineyards we've been to! Free tastings.http://www.vernonvineyards.com I could go on and on....we love it over in that area.... If you go farther south....you have to hit New Diggings.http://www.newdiggs.com It's also out in the middle of nowwhere. If you go to Dubuque you have to ride this... http://www.google.com/images?q=tbn:BaI1U_yLnfNQiM::graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2005/08/19/travel/18road2_lg.jpg&h=78&w=112&usg=__wIvk7Enn-fBFEsx7mitHeiJTlcc=It's the Fenelon Place Elevator....it costs $1.00 per person and it's a howl! Coming from Iowa, I can say this......there are a lot of gravel roads and not much blacktop in Iowa. That's why we always head to Wisconsin..... If you like being in bigger towns and large crowds...ignore this whole post because these places are where the hubby and I like to ride. Away from large city's, ton's of people and lot's of vehicles. I could go on and on, but your going to have fun no matter where you ride
  4. I was going to book a cabin or room, but the phone number on their website has been disconnected. I also had a number for them on my cell from when we use to stay there. That one doesn't work either. Do you have a current number where they can be reached? Thanks Deb
  5. Iowawegian

    Banff 2009

    Our trip to the Canadian Rockies
  6. Iowawegian

    What a view!

    From the album: Banff 2009

  7. Iowawegian

    Jasper, Canada

    From the album: Banff 2009

  8. Iowawegian

    The hubby & I!

    From the album: Banff 2009

  9. Iowawegian

    Banff Area

    From the album: Banff 2009

  10. Hey Scarylarry, Can you do me a favor and go to the website and look up item#JMHSICD284HHU and let me know what you think? The reviews look good and it's a staff pick. Does the price look reasonable? And Do I have to purchase an HCPC lower cord to go along with it for the Venture? I appreciate your opinions as I am treading in water I know nothing about. Thanks Deb
  11. Great thanks for the help!!
  12. Sorry, meant to say Mason City Powersports..... Haven't seen the blue one!
  13. I was down at the North Star Power Sports last Thurs at noon picking up a new speedometer cable for my bike. There were about 4 people ahead of me in line. Anyhow, the guy being helped was ordering parts for a Venture. Was that you? Just asking as there aren't many Ventures in the area.
  14. Ok, so now I know what I'm looking for..... just want to make sure....the hubby and I will still be able to talk to each other even though he has a whole different brand of head set? Is that correct?
  15. When we bought our 05 Venture...a pair of full face helmets with headsets came with it. I can't do a full face anymore with all the 40 mph winds, 90 plus temperatures, etc. I have purchased a half helmet that has ear flaps where my earpieces can fit into, but I have no place to velcro stick my mike, so hears my question.... What kind of headset do I need to buy for a halfhelmet and will I also need to buy one for the hubby in order for us to talk together? Neither one of us know anything about electronics at all. Thanks in advance for any help. Deb
  16. Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!
  17. Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!! Nice job done!!
  18. We will plan on it as we usually head over there several weekends in a row to make sure we hit "peak leaf" weekend..... There were 26 people in the bunch that stayed there last weekend. They were from Mankato, Mn. Susan and her husband are really nice!
  19. And the beds there are reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeal comfy!!!
  20. Thanks Bill for the update.... Prayers will be sent and for those who have never met Lowell, your missing out. He's got a kind, gentle soul and the hubby and I only hope to be able to ride the miles he has some day! Dane says he's saying a little prayer for you also, Wildhair!
  21. The hubby and I just spent Fri-Sun there and your going to love the area. We go over to that area several times during the summer.... If your crossing over at Wabasha and going down 35 (The great river road)....you'll come into Nelson. There is the Nelson Cheese Factory and you have to stop.....cheesecurds, wine, bread, sandwiches....It's the brick building on the right hand side with ivy growing all over it. www.nelsoncheese.com You also need to get off of 35 and hit the alphabet roads and the small county roads. The ones with the green road signs. Any road that says "xxxxx Hollow" on it is great. Lots of hills, twisties, beautiful farms. Nelson is in Buffalo County, and I swear every back road is black top even though hardly anyone lives on them. Once you get down to Victory...you have to spend a day in over at the Kickapoo Reserve area riding backroads. Wild Cat Mountain State Park has some beautiful roads surrounding the Park. If you go east of Wild Cat...on highway 33 there is a barn that's been made into a bar. It's called the "Bull Pen Bar & Grill) It's really funky. Anywhere in Vernon County is a nice ride! they also have alphabet roads. Also, you have to go on Sunday to Rockton for their Barbequed Chicken. Hundreds if not thousands of bikes show up there on Sunday's at noon. It's really fun!www.rocktonbar.com At Soldiers Grove, we always stay at the Country Garden's because the food is terrific, rooms are cheap and the manager Marcie is great! It's a bar and grill with motel on top. If you stop there...you have to order the Bourbon Pork Tenderloins. It's an appetizer that will feed a lot and it's scrumptious. They also have homeade pizza and it's great. They don't have a website but jusk ask anyone in town where it's at. We found a new place out in the middle of nowhere this time close to Viroqua. It's on Norwegian Hollow Road and it's a bar/rest named Norwegian Hollow. The riding is really pretty and the bar is really nice. All the "xxxx Hollow" roads are really pretty riding in this area too!www.norwegianhollow.com There is also Vernon Vineyards which is out in the country near Viroqua, which is one of the prettiest vineyards we've been to! Free tastings.www.vernonvineyards.com I could go on and on....we love it over in that area.... If you go farther south....you have to hit New Diggings.www.newdiggs.com It's also out in the middle of nowwhere. If you go to Dubuque you have to ride this... http://www.google.com/images?q=tbn:BaI1U_yLnfNQiM::graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2005/08/19/travel/18road2_lg.jpg&h=78&w=112&usg=__wIvk7Enn-fBFEsx7mitHeiJTlcc=It's the Fenelon Place Elevator....it costs $1.00 per person and it's a howl! Coming from Iowa, I can say this......there are a lot of gravel roads and not much blacktop in Iowa. That's why we always head to Wisconsin..... If you like being in bigger towns and large crowds...ignore this whole post because these places are where the hubby and I like to ride. Away from large city's, ton's of people and lot's of vehicles. I could go on and on, but your going to have fun no matter where you ride!
  22. LeClaire IA Sorry....it looks like it's closer to Davenport than Dubuque!
  23. American Pickers is over by Dubuque IA. It's a hoot to watch!
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