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Everything posted by EddyG

  1. It makes a whole bunch of sense to me. I will compaire both filters when I get the Fram one. Thanks for that information.
  2. That looks like the filter adapter that is on the bike. Yes it's leaking just sitting there and I haven't even run it yet, due to some other issues I am repairing. I was going to go pick up the Fram filter and inspect the adapter when I take this filter off. I didn't realize that there was an o-ring on the engine side of the plate but it could be leaking from there. This bike has had a oil leak that I was going to hunt down, this may be one that has been leaking for a while.
  3. I just bought a 86 VR and it has a spin on oil filter ( Fram PH3950). I changed the oil and got a equivalent Wix filter. ( I think Fram is junk) My problem is that the filter seamed to bottom out before the seal completely seated, this was confirmed when after a bit there is a drop oil oil then after a day a small puddle of oil on the floor, coming from the bottom of the filter. I have no idea who makes this conversion to the spin on or if I have to use only the Fram junk. Anyone have any advice? or know what filters will work best on this spin on conversion? Thanks EddyG
  4. Snarley Bill, I sent you a PM EddyG
  5. It has to be a Zumo 450 or 550 that's rebuilt. Probably the Zumo 450 because they are now discontinued. I can't help you with where to get the best price though. But I will say that the Newly overhauled units are sometimes new units. Meaning whatever gets sent back even if you never opened the box gets sent thru and is then considered an overhauled unit. With the same warranted of a new unit, actually a pretty good deal. Unfortunately not too many Zumo's are ever on the Overhauled list. Don't ask me how I know. I just found out that the Nuvi 500 and Nuvi 550 are also waterproof and are touch screen, you might want to go here http://www.garmin.com and see if they will suit you. They are considerably less then the Zumo, but they don't have ALL the feature the Zumo has.
  6. I had one of those opps, on my 84 venture when I first bought it and getting used to it. Lucky I knew how to pick it up easy. I was worried that the GL would also be a maintenance hog, I hope this 86 venture is all the guy says it is. I have the wife all excited about getting another venture, she really didn't care to get a wing.
  7. Thank you all for the comments. I went to ride the Wing last night and sat on it, the dealer that has it really pissed me off. The town is out of my way to get to so I called earily that day and told him what time I would be there and wanted to hear it and ride it, since I had already looked it over. Well when I got there I talked to him and said can we take it outside and get-r-running. He said they take the battery out when in the showroom and had to check to get it back in, then comes back said it would be a day or two before he could get the battery in. I asked for his card, thinking I would call the manager or someone to tell them how ticked I was and come to find out He was the owner. I figured I didn't need to buy a bike from him, and that half the stuff on it didn't work. He is the closest Yamaha dealer though, But I don't even want to take anything to him now. Talked to the Guy with the '86 Venture Royale and if everything works out I will get it on Sunday. Like most of you, I really enjoyed my '84 and think I would have been disappointed getting the wing. My wife really enjoyed the '84 as well. Thanks again for the comments, I think I will stick to looking for the Venture's, if this one Sunday doesn't work out there are a few others out there. Eddy
  8. Hi, I don't get here much since my 84 venture got hit by a deer last May, But I am looking a an 86 venture and an 87 venture Royale and a 86 Goldwing GL1200. It seams everyone wants a goldwing but what are the downsides between the venture and wing? I liked the way I sat lower on the venture but how does the wing sit, I was told higher and I am only 5'8" so the lower the better. The prices are the same. equipment is the same. Is it hard to find venture parts? Wings have the timing belt issue and the stator. Ventures have the 2nd gear problem. Any opinions to sway me one way or another? Eddy
  9. No helmet law in Kansas where I live. I wear a helmet 100% of the time, My last accident ( got broadsided by a Deer ) My wife had a full face helmet and no damage to her pretty face, I had a open face with a shield on , I have a nice scar across my chin that took "More stiches then I could count" quote from the plastic surgion in the emergency room. ( he had to layer stich from the inside out.) I will always were a full face now. Thing is you never know when an animal or a car will do something stupid.
  10. I had a similer story, the girl just got her car out of the shop from an accident 3 weeks eariler. She ran a stop sign and I hit her with my truck. She said that was her third accident in two months. The COP said " You got to love steel bumpers" Bent my front bumper just barely but I drove away, her car was towed, maybe even totalled. Glad I wasn't on a bike. I agree, they should have their licences revoked, but that wouldn't do any good they would just drive without a license or insurance. Been rear ended by someone without insurance too.. Not a fun deal.
  11. I just took a safety course and I had first got my license 31 years ago. I didn't take the basic course but took an advanced course, it lowered my insurance, my main reason was I hadn't driven a bike for over 10 years and wanted a refreasher. I did get something out of the course even though I have had many years of riding before. So much I am paying for my step son in Florida to take the advanced course, hopeing he gets something out of it, mainly safety! I think it is a GREAT idea to take a safety course but NOT TO MAKE IT MANDITORY or as a LAW. Freedom of choice. Those in Florida should find out who voted for that and write to them and let them know how upset you are and NOT vote for them next time they are up for election.
  12. LOL your right, I have hit deer in a car without them, and with them. I would probably install them on my next bike too...
  13. Deer wistles didn't work in my case, I had just installed them right before that ride... Who knows maybe they attract deer.
  14. I read that the other day, amazing. He didn't even know what was going on. My deer hit me at full speed at the front right of the bike, I had deer fir in my gloves and my chin. He actually broke the sub-frame where the mirror used to be. I wish I could have kept it upright, but he was as big as the bike.
  15. No annual inspection in Kansas, but if you buy a bike from out of state, you have an inspection, just basiclly vin # inspection to make sure the bike isn't stolen. I did take my MC test here in Kansas with the 84 Venture, I tried to get a smaller bike but was unable to. It would help on because they make you do ALOT of slow riding and such, but passed with no problems. BTW Make sure when changing states you have them transfer the MC endorsement, I didn't and had to take everything again.
  16. IT does happen in a blink of an eye, Yes the Angel's were with us. Below is a picture of my view going down the road, I was on the inside of the road, as I came down the road notice the right trees and brush, the deer came out just as I was getting to the edge of the tree line about 15- 20 feet before that mail box and I saw him, running full speed and contacted me. There was no time to even react, full light outside, It can happen any time of day.
  17. Please expand on this. I just hit a deer and totalled the bike and have PIP and Medical expenses building every day. So far they have seamed to be good, I don't think I got what the bike was really worth but I didn't lose money on it. But your comment kinda makes me uneasy.
  18. Richard, I am not afraid just very sore. I want another bike and want to continue to ride. I just got to convince my wife that if something happens to me she's rich. No but really, I will continue to search and might find a bike, The one that was totalled was in very good condition, and a good deal when I bought it. Even had a corbin seat, which was very comfortable. It's just I may wait again for a great deal. Meanwhile, I might go get a friends bike and go for a ride when I can use my left arm again...
  19. Thanks all, I don't really consider myself lucky, I feel that God just spaired my wife and I for another reason. I have researched and found that very few people that get hit with the size of deer we did and actually are in as good of condition we were. I do regret that we were not wearing proper safety gear, I had a jacket and gloves, boots, 3/4 face helmet, I suffered a major cut to my chin requiring more stiches then the nurse could count ( but she was blond) I should of had a full face helmet, my wife had no saftey gear on, if she had the padded jacket & pants & gloves she would not have had the problems she has now, she did hav e a full face helmet. Please always were all the safety gear even for a short ride like we took. I agree it's easier to ask forgiveness then permission. hummmm I will have another one, I really liked the Venture.
  20. I have no idea and didn't care at that point who got the meat. It was probably hambuger by that time anyway. I am having a hard time convincing the wife and family of letting me get another one. But I am working on it. Maybe for Christmas, when there cheaper.. We have made great strides in recovery the last week and a half, especially my wife who got the worst injuries. Thanks for the prayers.
  21. I had about 2 seconds to react, we went down as soon as he hit right by my right handle bars. The EMT's were supprised as the county sheriffs that we were still alive. He was as big if not bigger then the bike. It is only by the Grace of God we are alive.
  22. Hi all, I am really a newbe here just a few weeks old, I bought a very nice 84 venture, and Loved it It was the most comfortable Bike I have ever owned. I just thought I would share this. Mothers day my wife and I decided to take a late afternoon drive, and about 4 miles from home Bambi's dad decided he wanted to commit suicide and run into my bike. Attached is a picture before and after the accident. I hope they come out haven't ever attached photos and I had to resize them. My wife and I have survived, just broken bones, and sore body parts. And one less Venture on the road sad to say.
  23. EddyG

    Gas Price

    So what is the Tax per gallon in the Europe market? I was once told that most the cost per liter/gallon was Tax. Our tax in my state is around 50 cents a gallon. If we compaire the prices of gallon per gallon lets remove the tax that the States or country gets per gallon, and see what the difference is. That would compaire apples with apples. And I am very courious.
  24. I am a new Venture owner, just bout it last Sunday. As with any vehicle I buy I go thru it before I start to drive it, a bike to me is even more important. I have skimmed the manual, but If I am reading these post right, I would drain the fluid, checking the quanity out of each strut. But when i fill it. Measure down from the top, 5 to 5.5 inches, making sure both struts are even. Then the air charge. And this should get them right. What oil should be used and how much?? I noticed the wheel wobble as I drove the bike home, and I hope this is part of the problem. I had also found the rear tire VERY low on air. Thanks
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