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Everything posted by EddyG

  1. Thank You!!!! My last ride before I put the bike up last year. I suddenly had a very loud squeal coming from the front end. I immediately broke from our group and pulled over in a parking lot, and could not find any problems with the front end. Drove it the 15 miles the rest of the way home. I figured it was the speedo cable. Have not torn into it over the winter, but it is getting close to the time to ride again. It looks like the speedo needs grease, which this thread helps out considerably.. THANK YOU. Ed
  2. I agree, One GREAT commercial..
  3. I just wanted to add the ST2610 that I have isn't waterproof, I keep a ziplock bag handy in case it rains, but I was caught in the rain last weekend for a really good downpour and didn't have the space to even pull over to put rain gear on or cover the GPS and I had no problems.
  4. Look into the Garmin Nuvi 500 or 550, They are alot cheaper ( around $200) then the motorcycle units and are waterproof. Then get the ram mount. Actually Garmin sells the accessories to mount them on your bike too. I have a Garmin Streetpilot 2610 ( now discontinued ) but it works great. Mounted with a ram mount.
  5. EddyG

    ABS Glue

    I have only found the black glue for abs plastic..
  6. I finally gutted my cassette player and wired for an mp3 player, as some post have been showing. When I connected everything back up. My radio is stuck on one channel, unfortunately the last channel I was on is Not my favorite. none of the preset channels work now, and they were not able to program them anyway from the previous owner, because the memo button didn't work. I used the scan button all the time because of that. I don't think it is related to the mods I did. BUt I would surely like to use the radio. Any suggestions? As far as the mp3 player connections. the volume is so low I can barely hear it any suggestion on that problem as well?
  7. Cindy, I am fairly new here, and don't know any of ya'all personally. But have been following this post and the other for a couple of days. wondering what this was about. Your statement made it clear. As a father of 2 girls, I could not imagine going through what you and your husband did, I don't know how I would have handled the emotions I would have felt. Your statement brought tears to my eyes as I read it. With your courage I know that your Haylie will have the best care growing up with this nightmare. My prayers are with you and your family. EddyG
  8. Yes, please check them, It caused more damage then just the stand. I would say the bolt is most important, The bolt showed signs that it was cracked before the fresh break from yesterday, Go figure it's holding up 800+ pounds all the time. The sidestand itself was a clean break that didn't show signs of any kind of crack prior to the break. Thank you all, I have a good used one on the burner.
  9. I go to leave work, I unlock the steering and move the handlebars to hook up the GPS. And my bike falls towards me and over on the engine guards. After picking myself and the bike off the ground I found the side kickstand broke. In doing so broke my left highway floorboard in half my driving light but no plastic was damaged. I now am looking for any of you that might have a spare kickstand and bolt. Please I looked it over and the bolt appears to have been cracked for awhile, and probably broke and then one of the kickstand ears couldn't handle the weight and gave out.
  10. That's just dumb. Can't tell me that was his only vehicle. I read the title and thought a goldwing hit a ladder on the highway. I was heading home from a day trip with my wife yesterday, and in the middle of the road was a 10 foot ladder. I started imagining what would happen if a bike would hit it. Like I can imagine if someone clipped this guys ladder while he was riding.
  11. I don't post much either, only when I do have a problem, or trying to figure out something. I am a cheap guy, watch my money. But, I agree that the $12 was the right price, and well worth the knowledge I have received from this site. I would like to meet some of you from the Kansas City area, but have not yet seen a meet & great or even a Bike run. Hopefully soon. THANKS DON!!!! Great site.
  12. So glad your alright, After the deer broad sided us last year we only try to ride an hour after sunrise and home or stopped an hour or more before sunset. That's when they do the most running here. Deer Whistle's do not work, been proven time and time again. I hear Loud pipes help, just haven't got myself to put any on. I like to hear the radio.
  13. Tim. I have a couple of aviation headsets laying around collecting dust, pulled the mic out wired it with stereo headsets into my helmet, since it is an electre mic I am sure it won't work from what you have said, and others I have talked to. What would I need to do to get it to work? Have you gotten that far? Eddy
  14. I am also looking for any pin outs for the 5 pin headset connectors, I know someone out there has them. Please
  15. I found some of what I was looking for here http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=21667 but if anyone has something they did since this post that might work better I would be all eyes. and ears still.
  16. I was just thrown into the 21st century on fathers day when my kids got me an MP3 player. Now I want to add a mini jack to my existing stock audio system so I can listen to the MP3 player or even plug a Garmin GPS to it. This would be on a 1st Gen an 86 VR. I have the stock wiring out of the standard maintenance manual, but has anyone spliced into the wiring to add a mini jack? and where did you connect it ? I want to be able to use the intercom and CB while listening to the MP3. I thought I read that someone gutted their cassette player and wired a MP3 player through it, but couldn't find the post as I searched through the post on MP3 players and audio. Did he wire right into the wiring? That's what I am looking to do. I don't want to upgrade the player, I have a FM modulator but too many cords and hate changing the stations when you leave or go into a different area. I think the best option would be to add a mini jack.
  17. I see your close to the boothill in MO wish you were on the other side of the state I would come take a look. Just no easy way to get there from KC.
  18. I bought this '86 VR on mothers day ( 4 weeks ago ) Of course the previous owner said it was in great shape and a great bike. I rode it home in the pouring rain (80 miles) weather men were wrong again. I found several things I wasn't happy with but I could fix them. Started with the lights and fix the bad ones then I found the rear break froze in the( will not let the tire move ) position. I thank you all for the past posts on brakes, a BIG help! Fighting with brakes and rebuilding the rear caliper was soooo much fun I dread ever doing it again but It's done now. I figured the battery was bad because of the hard starting issue, it was but also every item that GeorgeS stated in one post. I found an issue even with the starter and ended up cleaning it up and fixing the corrosion issue and now one turn of the starter and she is running. Also made new bigger cables for the starter circuit. Clean grounds and every terminal on the bike it seams. Horns didn't work, so now we have new air horns, very loud! Well finished up the brakes this morning around 7am and putting on all the stuff I took off around 8:30. Then as if on cue, I pulled the bike out of the garage and started it up, and the RAIN started, weather men wrong again. I finally got to take her the the gas station around 10 am, She rode great. Thank all of you for the Help...... Eddy G
  19. EddyG

    Must see

    It's because of them that we have a free country!! I am proud of our military. Very touching. Thanks for sharing.
  20. I have a similar problem as the beginning post, Since I recently bought this bike and it was doing it when I bought it, of course he said it just started doing that. I talked him down to buy a new battery. I want to thank GeorgeS for the long list of things to check, most I had already accomplished, but most of what he wrote I found messed up. New Battery, new battery cable to solenoid/40amp fuse, Checked ground wire to case ( mine was not soldered, I know GeorgeS said to solder it, I suppose this really makes a difference??) The 5 wire plug, w/ 2 red 2 black, corroded repaired, the 3 wire 14 gauge plug one wire BURNT, cut it out of the plug and bypassed connector, installed new connector. Checked battery voltage drop at the battery during crank, about 1.5 volts drop. That didn't seam bad to me. It still has a hard time cranking over?? Next I suppose the starter is to be removed. Cane brushes be found for these?
  21. It's on my mind every time I jump on my bike. Last year mothers day Bambi's dad took my '84 VR to the grave yard. It was daylight and not even close to sunset. BTW DON't trust those deer whistles to save you, they don't work!
  22. Where did you get the 7200 for $275 ???
  23. Prayer sent.
  24. Air would not move them. I had to use hydraulic pressure. I wasn't very clear I know, I have all four out as far as they can go without spliting the caliper, when I split the caliper, even though they look like they will just pull out, they will not move. Can't get them any father. Just wondering if anyone had any ideas or had the same problem.
  25. I read all the post on breaking your reservoir to the rear breaks, and even tried the 16 mm and 14 mm wrench idea. But this bolt was stuck. This is what I did and it worked slick!!! After exhausting all the ideas I saw here I fired up the air compressor and pulled out my 3/8 drive impact and at LOW air pressure I held the resv. with the 16mm wrench and gave it a quick burst with the impact and spun it right off. Caution: I think I took a chance but from experience I thought it would work and it did. But I have used this technique with other projects, just not pot metal which breaks easy. So if you try this use Low pressure and a wrench to back up the resv. Second thing, HOW in the world do you all get the pucks out of the break housing??
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