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Greg Powell

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  • Name
    Greg Powell


  • Location
    209221 County Rd i


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2005 Royal Star Tour Deluxe
  • Bike Customizations


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  1. Ok, thanks for the response...I'll be going into other forums and hopefully get a few people interested.
  2. Hi guys, are you receiving my responses???
  3. Hi guys, are you receiving my responses???
  4. Just another thought, all engines make noise...cam chains, valve lash, clutch baskets etc. There's just nowhere to disapate this noise on the Royal Stars with the faring placement.
  5. I put four pod air filters on, along with delete all vacuum lines to AIS, and put a chrome crankcase vent on the nipple at the engine. I also deleted the carb heaters, passenger seat, backrest, hard bags, bag rails, and installed leather bags...love the look! I installed a small chrome luggage rack on the rear fender. I'll install a thumb controlled throttle lock to replace the cruise control. When I removed the AIS, you'll have a 1/2 aluminum tube coming from the exhaust manifold on each cylinder. The ends of these tube's don't get that hot...I used 1/2inch vacuum caps with a clamp to sove that problem.
  6. This was my trial ony, I highly recommend taking off your farings and hopefully get the same results.
  7. I guess I'll give you the short version with more questions than answers. I had a 96 Ryal Star, now I have an 05 RSTD. The 96 had no whine, whereas the 05 does and it's very annoying. When riding the 05, I noticed the whine disappeared when turning my head left or right about 60 degrees...WTF, right? The real difference in the bikes were the lower fore and aft leg farings and I thought that maybe the engine noise was being reflected and directed up and to the rear towards the driver. I removed all the above except the engine guard with all the electronics mounted on them. Took for a test ride and the whine all but disappeared. I rerouted all the electronics and deleted the cruise. I deleted all the AIS crap as well. I removed the entire intake crap as well. Rejected all carb main jets with #135 and all pilot jets to #17. I've unleashed the beast!!!
  8. Hey Steve-o, I just sent you a lengthy fix to the whine issue, along with the AIS delete and carb jetting. Did you get it? and if not, maybe you can help me retrieve it. Thanks!
  9. Hey Steve-o, Sorry for delayed response but I've been kinda busy. Anyway, I'd like to address three things on the forum that I had questions about, but no answers to. First is that annoying whine...I had a 96 Royal Star that didn't have that issue, so why does my 05 RSTD have it? When riding my 05, I noticed the whine disappeared when I turned my head either right or left at roughly 60 degrees...WTF, right? I realize that all bikes have engine noise but not to the extent of the RSTD. I parked the bike, stood back and looked at the design of the 05 compared to the 96. Both the forward and aft lower leg faring, and engine guard were the only differences. I thought maybe that the farings were reflecting engine sounds directly up and to the rear...so I took all the farings off, left the engine guards in place with all electronics and took it for a spin. ABSOLUTELY no whine! The clutch basket is not the problem but the noise from it bouncing back to the driver. This is only my trial, I recommend trying this on your bike as well. I relocated all the electrical components and deleted the cruise control...which will be missed, however, I'll install a thumb controlled throttle lock on the grip. The next subject is the AIS, air induction system. Since I removed/relocated all the above mentioned stuff, I removed the forward and rear AIS, including filters, hoses, and housings. I capped the aluminum lines from the exaust ports, and it ran great! The last thing is carburetor jetting. I'm not an engineer, but the staggered main jets really confused me. I've been around and repairing all kinds of engines for 60 years...so, I removed the ugly stock air filters, all hoses, air plenum, vacuum lines, and crankcase vent hose and installed a nice vent at the nipple on the engine. Pulled the carbs and installed 135 main jets and # 17 pilot jets on all cylinders, then installed four pod filters. I buttoned it all up and took it for a test ride...WOW!!! This thing moves! No more anemic engine. I also removed the carb heaters.
  10. Please let me know if you receive the response, and I'll describe in detail of the solution.
  11. Hey guys, I'm new to the forum, and found and cured the whine issue!
  12. Hey guys, I might have figured out the Venture and RSTD whine issue!!!
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