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Everything posted by gunkylump

  1. Criminy!!! I should have looked up your geographic location...we just spent two days in San Antonio....could have picked them up for the ride home dang it! I'll paypal you a payment when we get home Buddy, I screwed up there, would have been great to meet you in person. gunk:smile5:
  2. The trip to San Antonio was ummm, wet....couldn't believe the amount of water running off the land in some areas. Very intimidating! I'm really glad we had the E'3s on....so much better than the stock tires we had been running.....I would not have attempted the run to S.A. on either the 404's or the Bridgestones - no way. San Antonio is a very beautiful, fun city! We did the Alamo, Tower of the America's, the Riverwalk of course! Met some fine people from all over, and funny thing....the beer on the Riverwalk seems to be the same beer as on Beale street in Memphis....dang stuff gave me a headache again? Can you believe that? Good thing you were'nt with us Monty....those headaches are a real pita! We'll come back to San Antonio again....probably fly down next time though...in the early spring when our weather at home is still being a coody pooper gunk:smile5:
  3. We're safe and sound.....the hotel we ended up at in San Antonio was a real story...as in horror! Pay for the internet my @ss. Sorry we weren't on line for a couple of days....principal kicked in. I wasn't going to pay to use a computer....next year we'll have a laptop we'll bring with us. I would NOT recommend the "Crockett Hotel" in downtown San Antonio - EVER! Shower water changing constantly, burning hot to cold, no pressure. Charged us to park the bike, $12 +tax per day. No meat with breakfast, no ham, sausage, or bacon. Powdered scrambled eggs, cold weak coffee. Very small rooms.....we will be much more cautious next time we use "hotwire", if we ever use it again. So, here we are in Tomball, at the Hampton Inn on Medical Complex way. It's pretty new, clean, cheery, all the regular Hampton stuff. Anyone want to hook up for dinner tonight? gunk:smile5:
  4. Save your money and get the motorcycle lift from Princess Auto. Well worth the wait and the extra $$$. I love mine. gunk:mo money:
  5. Well, it's 10:30 a.m.....time to roll. Did the hot tub thing...the pool......weather isn't as bad...at the moment, so we're headed for San Antonio. Wooohoooooo! gunk:Avatars_Gee_George:
  6. Well, unless things change big time by 11:00 a.m., we're going to stay put right here in Waco. I-35 is closed just to the south of us, and ol' "shebad" is tearing up the I-35 corridor. The hot tub, two pools and free beer later with finger foods will just have to keep us happy for another day. If things change, I'll post it before we leave. gunk:confused24:
  7. I'm pretty sure we pulled in to Waco at about that time David! Dang it! Raining here still this morning, we're going to check the weather and decide on what to do once Beth gets up......so darn much rain the roof is leaking here at the Inn. gunk:depressed:
  8. We are going to check the weather early in the a.m., and then if it all looks ok, book our hotel room via hotwire(saved us big bucks in Memphis) and then head on down to San Antonio. We're really looking forward to getting there.....even tho ol' "shebad" has been playing with us just a bit. My boots and clothes are dried out now.....the hot tub here at the Hampton Inn in Waco is really comfy, my shoulders and neck feel great now....we're ready for tomorrow! gunk:fingers-crossed-emo
  9. He better show up before Sunday when we head out....would like to have a quick visit with the pygmies while we're down this way... gunk:whistling:
  10. The ol' coon eyes are getting better every day Yammer, I should look REAL good by the time this run is all done. Even with the inclement weather, we are having a better than GREAT time....seeing some beauty country....only had to use the stebel 2x to wake idiots up...and there are areas where we can make up lost time in a big way.....folks down this way sure do like to cruise! gunk:big-grin-emoticon:
  11. Thanks Tom, we appreciate the offer! We are currently in Waco....just the other side of Waco we some some clouds that we've just never seen before....and I wasn't stopping to dig the camera out:shock3:...they didn't look real friendly if you know what I mean. The news says that 35 is closed just outside of Waco, so good thing we stopped when we did. We're going to see what the weather does o'night, and go from there. I left the pontoons at home with the sled dogs......should have brought both, hooked up the dogs to the pontoons and hauled the bike down! Hey, this Hampton Inn has complimentary beer, wine and finger foods for 2 hours tonight! Oh boy, I'm really beginning to enjoy Texas. Free beer! Yeah baby! I'm soaked, my mesh pants don't have a rain liner? I thought they did :confused24:when I ordered them from NewEnough.....nothing like the sound of socks squishing in your boots as you're walking down the hallway! So, the bikes' parked, we'll see what shapes up for morning, apparently we're about 3.5 hours from San Antonio. C'mon sunshine! gunk:shock3:
  12. Thanks Tom, we'll keep that in mind....we'll keep a real close eye on the weather today, Hermine could have been a wee bit friendlier, don't ya think? gunk:Laugh:
  13. Y'all should see the "coon eyes" today after riding from Memphis to Texarkana:scorched:....just beautiful! We stopped just outside Little Rock for a Wildberry fruit smoothie at a Raunchie Ronnie's...and the folks behind the counter were really, really impressed with our "tans":scratchchin:....and I was really, really impressed that could say it and not burst out laughing at us:clap2:. Anyways, we're in Texarkana, ol' stinky town....pulp and paper mill ya know....and weather permitting we'll make at least to Waco tomorrow......not sure what Hermine is up to just yet. Thought you Texans were gonna handle the weather thing if we came down? I'm getting too old to have to do everything. Give me a hand here will ya's? We're still coming.....just a wee bit behind schedule...which we really shouldn't have cuz we're on holidays....and my head hurt this morning....gotta tell you......don't stay too long at Beale street in Memphis....there really is something wrong with that beer they sell....really is. gunk:Laugh:
  14. Yup, coon eyes, forgot to wash the belly button lint off...toejam got blown up...heck, I don't know what happened! Great trip, great riding, was awesome to catch up with the Monty's again....I learned how to do the eyebrow thing watching the "Rock" on the WWE back in the day! We're in Memphis, Beale Street has great beer....paddlewheeler boat tour tomorrow, Graceland tomorrow, then off to Texas!...well, maybe we'll wait till Tuesday morn for the departure to Texas...then again, maybe we'll wait and go tomorrow...after Graceland.... Oh, and by the way.....we lost our cell phone today.....no clue where, when how....but it's gone! Vacations are so much fun!!!!! And how the heck do they sell Cuban cigars on Beale street anyway? Get ready Texas.....we're well on our way gunk:big-grin-emoticon:
  15. We're just outside of Nashville right now, Franklin. We're pretty much ready to roll.... Mapquest says we're two hours to Jackson Where in Jackson Monty? gunk
  16. Want to go to Texas? Looks like we're taking I40 over to Memphis....you have any suggestions where we can hook up?
  17. We're on the bike.....we take our summer vacations on the bike, right from home. No trailering, right from the driveway. We'll be turning over 100,000 in the next few days, and it's an '04, so we ride it on occasion. We're planning on arriving in San Antonio on Tuesday sometime...nothing is etched in stone though, stop and go as nature calls. Clear the weather for us will you? Fair weather riding is just so much more enjoyable. gunk:fingers-crossed-emo
  18. Beth's still in bed...and I'm just the driver. She's the chief navigator...commander in chief....evil taskmaster..... I see that you're located a wee bit northwest of Nashville....I'm not even sure how much time we're going to spend in Nashville, we're about a half day behind our so called "schedule".....we kind of got turned around a wee bit in the Mammoth Cave area, but sure hit some beauty roads and great scenery....I've always said never a wrong turn when you're out for a ride. What shift are you on today, Sunday and Monday? Let me get back to you on what's up once I get "directions" from Beth...lol! I'd like to meet up with you folks for a wee visit! gunk:whistling:
  19. I'm not really sure, she's up in the room relaxing...let me get back to you on that one in the morning! gunk:big-grin-emoticon:
  20. Cheesecake! Yeah baby!! I'll have to kick the cruise control up a notch or two now.... gunk:shock3:
  21. Great to hear you're home Ian....when we get back, we'll have to all get together, you and Pat, Gary and Mary, and Beth and I and have a picture viewing, eating/wine drinking party! gunk:whistling:
  22. Not sure yet what's set up for Saturday....but we would sure like to do a ride and get together of some kind. It would be great to ride and enjoy a meal with y'all! gunk:big-grin-emoticon:
  23. Thanks Roadhand, we'll see where we end up gunk:big-grin-emoticon:
  24. Thanks Squidley, we plan on making it a safe one for sure! First night is already in, we've made it to Cinncinati.....next stop, Nashville! gunk:big-grin-emoticon:
  25. I spoke with my navigator and she reports that we will be crossing through the lower part of ol' Miss.....whereabouts are you located? gunk:)
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