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Princess M

Expired Membership
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Everything posted by Princess M

  1. count me in:cool10:
  2. Good Luck, Rod. Don't leave too late. If they tell you to evacuate...do it. Wishing the best for everyone down there.
  3. I've been reading about what happened to Gary and Leslie and have not posted because I just don't know what to say. Except for saying that I'm sorry......and that doesn't say nearly enough.
  4. Today I saw a friend I haven't seen for about a month and she asked me if I've been practicing my motorcycle riding skills. Lone Eagle asked me the same question last week. For those that don't know I took the beginner MSF class in May (about a week and a half after we lost TomE). TomE and his wife Sherry were on my mind during the class. I was scared but went on. All summer we've heard about these accidents...It has me scared , real scared! So like I told Lone Eagle and my friend I haven't practiced very much because of this fear. I too believe when it's your time to go it's your time to go. My question is...Are we moving our "date" on the calendar up by taking the risk of riding a motorcycle. I guess I will have to decide that by next Spring.
  5. Oh no Leonard! I hope Tom doesn't see this post. He'd have lots to say. Our local Reno chapter had lots of rules too. He was told he had to attend so many meetings and rides, then the other members would vote on whether or not he could become a member. I think he couldn't access their website either, if I remember right.
  6. Sorry for your loss. I just don't understand...it's so senseless. My ex-husband,Mike, was on the Nevada Highway Patrol when we were married. He arrested a guy for his third DUI (can you believe that? His third) Well the guy spit on Mike and told him he was on his way to work in the mines. He said he was taking food from his kids mouths. Mike told him that he didn't put the bottle to his mouth. The drunk stated he worked at this "level" all the time and he had no problem functioning. Well, Mike called the courts the day before his hearing to make sure the guy didn't plead out. Mike found out that the guy made bail and went back to work. The guy must have been drunk again (you know, functioning like always). He decided to take a nap in one of the tunnels and got ran over by a tracked vehicle and killed. Maybe I shouldn't say this, but I am.........It couldn't have happened to a better guy. I always have the hope that whatever goes around comes around (good or bad).
  7. Glad you're feeling better.
  8. Sorry to hear about your pain, Fred. I'm a dental assistant. Have been for 24 years. DO NOT TAKE ASPRIN! Especially after an extraction. It will cause the sight to bleed more as it is a blood thinner. It's not even good to take for a tooth ache just in case you do need to take the tooth out. The best thing for tooth pain is Ibuprofen. Most dental pain is from inflammation and ibuprofen has an anti inflammatory in it. Ice your cheek for 20 minutes on/ 20 minutes off to help reduce facial swelling. Sorry it didn't go so well. Those roots are boogers to get out. Some dentists struggle with them more than others. My boss has a great technique. Too bad you weren't around here. (Jack- a tooth doesn't have to have a root canal to have a crown, but sometimes we do have to do them after a crown is in place. Besides I can almost guarantee that Fred's tooth had a root canal done at some point.)
  9. I love the jackets that Dkknight and I have. They are the TourMaster Flex jackets. The TourMaster Flex is good all year around. When it's cold and /or raining they have a quilted liner and a rain liner. Both liners zip out if you don't need then and then you have a nice light weight jacket. If you're still too hot then the outer shell can be taken off and now you're down to a mesh jacket. They also have refective piping and ballistic "pads".
  10. My guess is that this video was found on youtube and it has some Ventures in the video? That is probably some of our member who got to FC early and rode through Pouder Canyon.
  11. I'm sorry Dooder. What a remarkable woman she was. Here's a short news clip from our local news. http://www.kolotv.com/home/headlines/8509242.html M.
  12. Here's a link to a Lake Tahoe newspaper about a local boy that was killed in Iraq. Tom (Dkknight) had to notify the parents that he was killed last week. This week he was one of the people that did the honorable transfer. In the picture in the article, Tom is the soldier on the left front side of the picture. http://www.tahoedailytribune.com/article/20061017/REGION/110170048
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