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Princess M

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Everything posted by Princess M

  1. Up here in the beautiful Northern part of Nevada, the high for today is 75 F cooling to a low of 42 F. Right now, at about 8:30 am, it's 63 F with 45% humidity. It's a wonderful day!
  2. Congrats, Vic! Now where are the pictures? You know how we like pictures around here.
  3. Hey Vic- I was just wondering if your motorcycle won more trophies this year at the Reno Star-B-Q? Sorry we couldn't meet up with you while you were here. Tom had drill this weekend and went to the range. M.
  4. What a lucky guy. 1)She is a beautiful baby. 2)With her around no one will ever notice that you ride a 1st Gen.
  5. :cool10:Wow! That's great news.
  6. Boy oh boy! I saw the title on this thread and had to take a look and was hoping for some pictures. Then I find out ... to my disappointment...it wasn't what I thought:whistling:
  7. Life is not measured by the breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away.
  8. VWII stands for Venture West II
  9. Jerry- Tom and I feel the same way. This site has introduced us to so many great people. I am so glad we got to meet you at VWII in Death Valley.
  10. Patrick- If you do come through Reno, let Dkknight (Tom) and I know. We are in Carson City and would love to try and meet up with you if possible.
  11. He's still trying to get a casino built. He owns or owed a building that was a Walmart store a few blocks from our house. The casino is to be based on the Beverly Hillbillies. He wants a huge oil derrick, like Minimuffin mentioned. Carson City said NO. Now he's looking to build in the next county.
  12. Agree totally with you guys. I'm not doing so well at the little finger prick right now but after a little reminder from you guys I'll start doing better again. I also agree with watch what you eat. Most people think we can't eat sugar, but it's the carbs we must watch. A lot of "sugarfree" candy has fructose which is a sugar. Also watch thing with yeast. Bread is horrible and I really have to watch one of my favorite foods...pizza. READ THE LABELS too. Make sure when you are checking the carbs you check the serving size too. I checked the carbs on a candy bar one time. At first I thought, "That's not very many carbs!?" then I noticed the serving size was 1/2 of the candy bar. Now who's just going to eat half? Now may I make a somewhat opinionated statement about the ADA and the search for the cure. I truly believe this disease could have been cured by now. I think as long as they can find a way to keep us alive and have fewer complications the need to find a cure lessens. How many diabetic do we have just in the United States? How much money are the pharmaceutical companies making a year off the medicines and supplies we need? Well that is how much they would loose if a cure was found.
  13. Fred- I don't have any advise except to keep working on it. I'm a Type I diabetic. I've been struggling for 24 1/2 years. The holidays really suck. Right now I have a endocrinoligist that is mad at me. So I went and finally had my blood work done. Having diabetes puts you on a continuous emotional roller coaster. Sometimes there's acceptance, other times it's denial, and other times it's "Why me?" I guess I'm back in the denial stage. I wouldn't wish this on anyone. The only disease I can think of that could be worse is cancer. Which reminds me of a story: One time I went to see my "lady doctor". She wanted to do a (*) exam. I told her, "No, thank you. I already have diabetes. If I get cancer there, I think I just want to die." Good luck, keep trying, and try to still see the humor in life.
  14. Brad, Thanks for the updates.I really don't have anything to add that hasn't already been said. Take it easy you two. You both are in mine and Tom's hearts, thoughts and prayers.
  15. Dkknight has one. I think that is why he's not hear very much anymore. He plays Call of Duty 4 and you can play it online (Xbox live). He's able to play with and talk to other players. The controller vibrates when things explode. He's so into I bought him a gaming chair to sit in. The gaming experience is awesome these days. Totally different from Pong.
  16. My thoughts exactly. Thank you, Jeff. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! From the DkKnight and his Princess M.
  17. I can think of one other thing, right off the bat, no one thinks about when they go to a hotel. How clean are the bedspreads and blankets? They don't change and wash those between each guest. There are even times the sheets aren't washed. How many people do you think had sex on those bedspreads before you laid down or sat on them? Even worse sat your child or baby on those beds?.......YUCK!!!
  18. [ATTACH]14153[/ATTACH] These are our cats. I had the fluffy one for 4 1/2 years now. Her name is America and I got her from the animal shelter when she was just a couple months old. Then last year around this time, DK brought home the calico kitten who was about 5 months old at the time. Her name is Holli. America pitched a fit (growled, hissed, etc). We put Holli in another room with her own bed, litterbox, and food for about a week. American had the rest of the house to herself (after all it was her house first). They sniffed each other under the door and I put a ribbon under the door so they could play together. Once together they became best buddies. They love snuggling.
  19. On third try I got all of them and scored a 687! Dang, that was hard.
  20. Does this quote cause any extra concern for any of our members, of any age? “A 280-pound guy falling off his bike is not the same as a 180-pound guy falling off a bike. Their abdominal girth is so large, it makes them have a lot of respiratory problems,” Velky said.
  21. I was wondering the same thing, George. Even though it seems I don't get to go 50% of the time, hopefully someone will get this going. Who knows it may fall during a time when I can go.
  22. You may also want to look at Petfinder.com I don't know much about them but the animal rescue groups and shelters post the animals they have on this site.
  23. I don't know if motorcycle tires are the same as car tires, if they are, there should be a tread wear rating. The lower the number the faster they wear (softer rubber) but the advantage is more traction and better handling (at least that's what it says for cars). The higher the number the longer they last (harder rubber). Maybe this could be the difference in the mileage people are getting....just a thought.
  24. I bought Dkknight some boots at Leatherup.com They have good customer service and we got some nice boots. Their prices aren't bad either. I think this one probably could be worn casually or on the motorcycle and it looks like it comes in black too. http://www.leatherup.com/p/Womens-Motorcycle-Jackets/Ladies-Waist-Length-Front-Zipper-White-Leather-Jacket/40957.html
  25. Princess M


    Most of the time I listen to channel 16, Unless my daughter is in the car and then we listen to the Disney Channel (channel 115).
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