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skydoc_17 last won the day on October 4 2024

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About skydoc_17

  • Birthday 10/17/1955

Personal Information

  • Name
    Earl F Harrell


  • Location
    Duncansville, PA, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Fast Cars, 4x4 Trucks, Motorcycles
  • Bike Year and Model
    1987 Venture Royale, 1989 Venture Royale


  • Occupation
    Tool and Die Maker, CNC Machinist, Tooling Design Engineer

VR Assistance

  • VR Assistance
    Trailer, Tools, Work Shop, Hot Coffee and a functioning BBQ Grill!.

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  1. Sorry for the slow reply gents, was out of town, and just got back. Here is the link in the Member Vendor's section. This kit has the shim tool, picks to remove the shims, About 80 assorted shims and feeler gauges. I also send out a set of new Valve Cover Gaskets, and instructions for a flawless gasket install. Feel free to PM me if I can help. Check out the link for more info about what is in the kit. Earl.
  2. Now Bob, I wasn't trying to insult any of my vertically challenged fellow riders, I was just pointing out that if you are on the short side, these bikes can be a hand full. Also, even you admitted that the "perfect bike" for you had reverse gear in it. I'm just trying to keep Matt from BUYING TWO BIKES, to find the perfect ONE for him. Earl.
  3. Hey Matt, This is a cream-puff, BUT it is AUGUST! And you are trying to buy this from a Stealer, I mean Dealer! Offer them $3500. and if they move on the price at all, pay no more than $3800. If they refuse, come back next month and do the $3400./$3700 dance. After a month or two, they will figure out that this is just going to get worse! Maybe in December you will pay $3500. for that beast. Lastly, Matt if you are 5'6" tall with a 29" inseam, brother, this is NOT the bike for you!! LOL! Good luck with your quest for a new Scoot! Earl.
  4. I apologize for being late to the party! Thanks Ronnie for the "Props" on the Shim Kit Loan. Hey Charles, I loan out my Shop Shim Kit with a set of Brand New, Genuine Yamaha Valve Cover Gaskets, the Bucket Shim Tool, and an assortment of about 80 Bucket Shims. You get all of this for $95.00 and you pay the return shipping when you finish with the shim kit. (Apporx. $20.00) Let Me know if I can help, Earl
  5. Hey Earl this is Bushwacker  I Purchased a clutch pressure system from you for my 2009 Venture and it works great I have a 2008 Venture Trike and need another one for it do you still make them? and how much would it be. Thanks

    Bushwacker  Robbie Robinson Greencastle Pa 

    717-830-4326 cell

  6. Hey All, I was wondering how the first day went?!?! How was the temps? Do any riding? Any pics? "Help a brother out! Earl.
  7. Well....Shucks! I left out yesterday morning at the crack of dawn. About 220 miles south west of Pittsburgh, a large black rubber wheel chock flew off of an 18 wheeler, right into my front grill of my truck! It took the rest of the day to get AAA to tow my rig back home. Thank heavens for AAA RV Towing! Made it home after 9pm. Because my truck is a bit older, the damage almost totalled her...Almost! I'm sitting here this morning, 620 miles from where I want to be! Needless to say I am truly bummed! Safe journeys to all who are riding this week! Earl.
  8. Well, The Old Skydoc is gonna' be there, I'm booked at the Pterodactyl Inn! Or is that the "Feather and Fin"! Oh Yea', that's it, Feather and Fin. I say we all pull up in Ronnie's front yard and yell, "What's for Breakfast"! If I remember correctly, Ronnie's wife just retired as an Elementary School Teacher!!! Surely, she can handle a group of "Troublesome Boys, on their noisy motorbikes"!!! If not, I have a spare bed in my hotel room for Ronnie! Looking forward to seeing everyone, Earl.
  9. The Skydoc and company have booked the last room at the Feather and Fin. Here's hoping that we will get to see a few old friends... and hopefully meet some NEW ones! I hope to see everyone there! Earl.
  10. Hey Matt, Sorry to hear about your braking trouble! The rear Master Cylinder is dangerously close to the exhaust manifold for the rear cylinder. If you fill the Master Cylinder to the top, the heat from the engine expands the brake fluid. With the Master Cylinder full, there is no place for the expanded fluid to go except to compress the brake pads. And since the left front and the rear brake caliper BOTH work off of the rear Master Cylinder, it locked up both calipers! Pull the plug off of the Rear Master Cylinder, Insert your index finger to the SECOND NUCKLE, if there is brake fluid on the end of your finger, the Master Cylinder is OVERFILLED!! Lower the level until it just touches the tip of your index finger with the inside of your second nuckle is touching the Master Cylinder. If this Master Cylinder is UNDERFILLED, you will get a light on the dash to inform you. Splash a little fluid in there, BUT do not overfill the Master. Because of what happened, you may have overheated the brake pads. The issue with this is the friction medium is GLUED to the metal backing plate. Sometimes the heat is too great for the glue, and the friction medium detaches from the backing plates. I am a Vendor for EBC braking products, (brake pads, rotors, etc.) And as Richard kindly mentioned, (Thanks for the Props Rich!) I do offer a delink kit which connects BOTH front calipers to the right front brake lever, and connects ONLY the rear caliper to the foot pedal. If I can help you with either of the items, please feel free to contact me. If the pads didn't separate, lower the fluid in the Master, and go for a ride! Good luck with this project Matt, Earl.
  11. Hey Leland, Congrats on the new Scoot! I am sure you will have "Miles of Smiles" with that beauty! Over the years, I have "Acquired" several motorcycles. I am VERY fortunate that I have the room for them, as well as a wife who is a "Good Sport" about having a few extra "Toys"! The bikes range from a pair of 550c.c. Honda Silver Wings, to a pair of Honda V65 Magnas, to a pair of MKII VR's (87' and 89') and finally an MKI VR (1984). Depending on my mood, distance, weather, and who's riding with me, determines which bike I take. As with many here Leland, it doesn't matter what you ride, it's the fact that you DO RIDE! I swear that I feel 10 years younger as soon as my butt hits the saddle! I am sure it will be the same for you as well. Safe Journeys, my friend! And don't be a stranger just because you bought a different bike. Heck Leland, the Founder of this web site, and now his wife BOTH ride Harley's, and we STILL let them "Hang Out"! LOL! Earl
  12. Hey Don, You Sir, are a GOOD MAN! We don't care what kind of bike you and Eileen ride, we DO care that you ride safely, visit many wonderful places, and take lots of pics to share with the forum members! Heck! we got members that ride Electric Bicycles for Jimmy's sake! You do YOU, Don and Eileen! Update: Thanks Don, I showed Jean Eileen's new bike, and now SHE wants one too so she can ride with Eileen! Thanks Buddy! Earl.
  13. Both Jean and I hope that 2024 brings back some of the fun outings we used to have. I sure do miss those days! But I also look forward to whatever our forum offers in the new year. Please stay safe, Earl and Jean Harrell.
  14. Hey John, Where would this event take place? I am assuming it is in Ohio, but I thought if we nailed down the event site, we might get a bit more interest in it. I for one have been an "Avid" Cigar Smoker for pretty much my entire adult life. Unfortunately, due to recent events, (Heart Attack, Bypass, etc.) I have been left to Vape from time to time. BUT I am always up for a good Meet and Greet! Count me in! Thanks for bringing this to our attention, Earl
  15. THIS is sad news in deed! R.I.P. Muffinman! I met Jeff some 15 plus years ago. This Man was a "Force Of Nature"! He was one of the few people that could make me say, "COOL, How in the Heck Did You Do THAT"!! Prayers Up for MiniMuffin and the Family. Earl and Jean Harrell.
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