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Everything posted by ImConfused666

  1. I look forward to hearing more. I also have an '07 RSV. Mine came with the Dunlop D404's as the stock tire. I've got just a little over 8,000 miles on it. (I've only had it since April. When I got it, it had 1,400 miles on it.) I'm about to ride from Baton Rouge to North Carolina to ride the Dragon and the Cherohala Skyway with some friends. This'll be my second trip there this year and I suspect that it'll be time for nwe tires when I get back. So, I'm busy trying to decide between the E3's or the Venoms. I like what I read about both of them and I'm sure I won't go wrong with either. I've also been quite pleased with the D404's on this bike as well as a previous bike. I'm running close to sensory overload already in trying to make a decision but... I keep telling myself it's not that big of a deal. Both are great tires.
  2. Trying again on the signature line...
  3. Now I want to know if my signature is working right....
  4. Thanks all. I ran that first stale tank of gas down to about 2 .5 gals remaining and filled it up with Premium gas and another can of Sea Foam. It is definitely beginning to run better. It started a good deal easier this morning and didn't hesitate to keep going (with 3/4 choke) as I started down my drive in 45 degree temp without a warm-up. I'm feeling better about it with each short ride. At this point, I've only done about 150 miles in the two days it hasn't been raining. I figure to run this tank down until I have to switch over to the reserve. Then, I'll put in another can of Sea Foam and fill it up again. As another question.... Do most of you use Regular, Premium or Mid-grade gas? Just curious. My old Road Star was supposed to run no better on Rgeular than on Premium and that seemed to be my experience with it so I usually tanked it up with the cheap stuff. I've never had a 4-cyclinder or water-cooled bike so this is new to me. It's also been a long time since I had anything other than a V-twin so the need for slightly higher RPM's when starting caught me by surprise twice. I'm starting to really like the way it feels on the road. Much easier on my old bones...
  5. Hello All. I just took delivery today on an '07 Venture with only 1462 miles. It had been laid down at slow speed. It was slow enough not to have broken the mirrors or scratched up the handlebars and yet low enough that it screwed up the right saddle bag and floor board and a few other cosmetic items. All fixed. It looks as good as new. I got a really good deal on it via eBay. So far, I've bought one other motorcycle, a car, truck and SUV this way and haven't been disappointed. Now to the possible problem. I found it was hard to get it to start and then it would not accept anything other than idle speed until the bike had warmed up to normal operating temperature. Even then it seems to have a bit of a hesitation upon acceleration. The gas has been in there since at least last November so that could be affecting things a bit. As soon as it stops raining and I get over the effects of the drugs I was given for a back procedure this afternoon, I'll take it to the service station and fill it up. Are the Ventures known for being cold natured? The temp is in the low 80's right now. The battery was completely dead and they told me they hadn't run it since back in October or November so it figures that the battery would have gone dead in that length of time. It charged right up with no problem in about an hour. Everything looks right on the bike and it sounds nice. It just seems like it needs to be up to normal temp in order to not die on me when the throttle is twisted more than about an eighth of a turn. I properly applied the choke to get it to crank and idle and backed it off after it got warmed up. My '99 Roadstar sure starts easier and runs better when cold than this thing does.
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