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Everything posted by Precious

  1. What highway pegs are compatible with the 1998 RSTD?
  2. Anyone know what size the engine guard is on a 98 RSTD? I,ve tried measuring mine and I think they are 1 inch, but don't know if I measured correctly.
  3. Anyone know what size the engine guard is on a 98 RSTD? I,ve tried measuring mine and I think they are 1 inch, but don't know if I measured correctly.
  4. I love my 98 RSTD! I hate the placement of the speedo! I wear a full face which means taking my eyes off the road to check the speedo and all the little lights. Has anyone ever replaced their speedo with a bar mounted one for better vision? If so, what's involved? Thanks
  5. I love my 98 RSTD! I hate the placement of the speedo! I wear a full face which means taking my eyes off the road to check the speedo and all the little lights. Has anyone ever replaced their speedo with a bar mounted one for better vision? If so, what's involved? Thanks
  6. When replacing the huge, ugly air box on a 1998 RSTD, what is the mm of the carbs? I measured and get 44 inside, 48 outside. I'm assuming they are measured from the outside so to accept the new pods. Anyone know for sure? Thanks in advance.
  7. When replacing the huge, ugly air box on a 1998 RSTD, what is the mm of the carb? I measured and get 44 inside, 48 outside. I'm assuming they are measured from the outside so to accept the new pods. Anyone know for sure? Thanks in advance.
  8. So I'm still in need of help to get the carbs off my 1998 RSTD. I've got the tank and seat off, the air box removed (man that things a pain in the A$$! Now I have a stripped screw on the left front boot, the others are all loose. Any ideas on how to get it off would be helpful, but I think I've tried everything, so likely going to purchase a stripped screw removal kit, recommendations? Once I get it loose, what needs to be disconnected or removed to get the carbs out? Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated, but please, don't tell me to take it to a dealer. I can't afford their rates and I really want to do this myself to avoid going nuts for the next several months! I hate winter!
  9. So I'm still in need of help to get the carbs off my 1998 RSTD. I've got the tank and seat off, the air box removed (man that things a pain in the A$$! Now I have a stripped screw on the left front boot, the others are all loose. Any ideas on how to get it off would be helpful, but I think I've tried everything, so likely going to purchase a stripped screw removal kit, recommendations? Once I get it loose, what needs to be disconnected or removed to get the carbs out? Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated, but please, don't tell me to take it to a dealer. I can't afford their rates and I really want to do this myself to avoid going nuts for the next several months! I hate winter!
  10. Much thanks! That was kinda what I figured based on a video, but it didn't really explainit the way you just did! Again much thanks.
  11. Surely a member must know how to remove the carbs on a 98 RSTD! Much thanks
  12. Thanks for the reply. I did the spray test to check for the vaccum leaks and every one responded as indicated, increased rpm. The bike sat for 8 years and I had to replace the tires, so it stood to reason that much, if not all rubber components had deteriorated. As for replacing the big ugly, cumbersome air box, I know I'll have to rejet the carbs. Still need to know how to get them off.
  13. I'm back! So, I need to replace the carb boots. They all have cracks, causing decel backfiring after the bike sat for 8 years. Seats off, tanks off, air box is out...now how the heck do I get the carbs out? I found 1 video on line, but it wasn't very helpful. I also want to replace the ungodly air box and just put nice little air cleaners on the carbs, is that possible? Thanks and for those of us in the colder climes, we will get through PMS (Parked Motorcycle Syndrome) LOL
  14. I'm back! So, I need to replace the carb boots. They all have cracks, causing decel backfiring after the bike sat for 8 years. Seats off, tanks off, air box is out...now how the heck do I get the carbs out? I found 1 video on line, but it wasn't very helpful. I also want to replace the ungodly air box and just put nice little air cleaners on the carbs, is that possible? Thanks and for those of us in the colder climes, we will get through PMS (Parked Motorcycle Syndrome) LOL
  15. Can anyone direct me to a tutorial on how to remove the carbs from a 98 RSTD? much thanks in advance.
  16. I can't tell, but they look okay. I used carb cleaner to test and all responded with increased RPM.
  17. Has anyone tried a spray sealer for stopping air intake leaks on a v4? If so, which one do you use? I suspect I'm going to have tear the carbs down over winter and likely replace the rubber at that time, but would really like to get the rest of this season in. Thoughts? Ideas? Much thanks
  18. OK, so a couple of people said I should be running 87. So could the higher octane fuel I've been using be the cause of by decel backfiring?
  19. So I like to run 94 in my bike, but here in the Cariboo the only company that carries the grade is Chevron and their stations are few and far between. So, I when I have to, use 91. Good? Bad? Indifferent?
  20. If you mean on the unkown thingy, nope. It's solid, no holes, ports, nada, butkus, diddly, zero, nothing. It just is. LOL
  21. Does the 98 RSTD have linked brakes?
  22. How do I become a supporting member?
  23. To the administrator, how long do I remain a "trial" member? I tried sending email, can't also tried to ad photo to a question I have, can't. thanks. Precious.
  24. How do I upload pixs from my computer when I don't have an URL link? Trying to post a couple of pix of a piece that was in the saddle bag of my 98 RSTD because I have no idea what it is. Looks like a cover of some type, thought it might be for battery, but it's too big. Instructions say link with URL or upload, but I don't see anything that shows an upload link. Thanks
  25. Much thanks. I got seven in the front and will check the one that had zero air in the morning to see of it's leaking. Again, thank you.
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