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Personal Information

  • Name
    Ethan Nathsn


  • Location
    Pierce County


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1988 Yamaga XVZ1300 Venture


  • Occupation
    Fuel Clerk

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  1. Alrighty, thanks Marcarl. I thought I would wind up checking the part numbers, but just wanted to see if anyone knew off-hand. Thanks!
  2. So, my dad and I are starting to get moving forward on putting together his '88 1300 for me (still need to move it into the shop, but we're getting there). Quick question to anyone that can answer off hand: is there any difference in the rear wheels on the '80s Ventures, or are they interchangeable? Could we take the rear wheel from, say, an '84 or '85 and put it on the '88, or is this something that's going to involve me trying to find a wheel if we don't have it? Thanks, Ethan
  3. Thanks! As I said, we're not quite at that stage yet; but once the Road Star is sold, we'll be moving the bikes into the shop and getting a better picture of the situation.
  4. Hello, all. Within the next month or two, hopefully, my dad and I will be putting together for me an 88 1300 he has amongst his Ventures. He also has an 83 or 84 that has a trike attachment on it. Does anyone know offhand if that attachment will work on an 88 frame, or if it would require modifications, or just not work at all? Thanks, Ethan
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