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Everything posted by keithert

  1. I recently bought a 1998 Ural sidecar rig. It is fun but I have my doubts about it's reliability. Between it's rough shifting transmission, wooden brakes and slow takeoff it is not an easy bike to ride. But I do like the idea of the sidecar for family rides and for bad weather riding. I debate putting the sidecar on my RSTD. DMC sells the mounts to put the Ural hack on another bike. They would cost about $1400. I wonder though how a Venture/RSTD would take to a sidecar. I know it would have plenty of power. But how difficult would it be to steer? The Ural takes a good amount of leaning to corner quickly. The RSTD is heavy to begin with. How would that be with a sidecar attached? http://i1034.photobucket.com/albums/a422/keithert/Ural/IMG_4374631128354_zpsqncjzkgg.jpeg http://i1034.photobucket.com/albums/a422/keithert/Ural/20141018_171531_zpsknupjam9.jpg
  2. Good, an RSTD is what I have.
  3. Was that for a RSTD or a Venture?
  4. I currently have the Barons bars on my RSTD. I would like a bit more pull back. Do the Flanders bars (650-08091) have more or less pullback than the Barons?
  5. I had mine made so my Utopia backrest works with the Russell seat. They just didn't build up the front of the passenger seat as much.
  6. I have the same concerns with the seat I just bought. I'm glad to read that you did too and they worked out with break in.
  7. I received the Russell seat today and got it mounted. I am using a Utopia backrest between the rider and passenger sections. I didn't have any major issues getting it all bolted together. The backrest is a bit tricky with any seat but it went on okay. This seat does not look like other RDL seats I've seen. It seems higher than others. When I first sat on it it was very uncomfortable in the sense that I was on tip toes to reach the ground. Normally I can flat foot this bike no problem. If I lean forward I can reach the ground. I went for a 20 mile ride and the seat was certainly comfortable. The riding position is what is odd. It doesn't feel like my bike! The seating position is now more upright tourer than cruiser. I think I'll get used to it, but it is different. http://i1034.photobucket.com/albums/a422/keithert/20140905_134739_zpsqul7dfbz.jpg http://i1034.photobucket.com/albums/a422/keithert/20140905_234952_zpstqrz3cuo.jpg
  8. Didn't 85 still have the second gear issue?
  9. I went with the Russell with the velour seating. It is shipping today. I hope I like it! I hope to have it by next Thursday for a ride I'm taking. I really hope this was not a waste of money.
  10. Was the trunk on the 86-93 Venture removable with the key like the 83-85 were?
  11. I have a Venture seat on the way. I'll give it a try. If that doesn't do it for me I'll order a Russell.
  12. I see that for a passenger over 150 the firmer suspension is required. I'm surprised the limit is that low. I will also require the extra suspension since i am right at the limit for the driver. Did you guys that have Russells have to get the firmer suspension?
  13. I met Don at the 2000 VTS Rally in Somerset KY. Kept in touch periodically since.
  14. How is the velour working out for you? I'm considering a Russell and wonder which surface to get. I also have an RSTD.
  15. I called Russell today and with their seat I will still be able to use my Utopia backrest so that cuts down on their cost somewhat. They are scheduling now for mid August builds and the seat would be back by the beginning of September. If I go this route I'll keep my Danny Gray seats for use in the meantime. Normally I only need to be able to ride a couple of hundred miles a day. But I'd like to not have a limit. When I had my Venture I had no limit. While I'm waiting for the Russell I may also try a Venture seat on the RSTD.
  16. RedRider, How did you feel about the stock RSV seat? Did the Russell immediately resolve your issues or did it have to be adjusted by them? I was pretty happy with my 99 RSV seat.
  17. I'm debating between an Ultimate seat and a Russell seat for my RSTD. I read a lot of good things about the ultimate and I've seen almost completely positive reviews on the Russell for any bike. I can get a good deal on a used Ultimate but then if I don't like it I don't have the money to put toward a Russell. The stock seat is only comfortable for me for about 30 minutes. A Danny Gray custom is only good for about 45 minutes.
  18. Don't the 84s have the second gear issues? Get an 86 and claim you are 2 years younger. Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk
  19. I've found a good deal on a Danny Gray seat for an RSTD. Does anyone know anything about them? The shape is similar to stock.
  20. With Rick being away for the summer I'm wondering if I can do the Butt Butler mod myself on my RSTD. I've taken off and stapled a seat cover back on on another bike before so I don't think that is an issue. I see in his pics where he makes the cut out for the tailbone. That is the main thing I'm looking for. After the seat foam mods does he just put the 1/2 inch memory foam over the whole thing and re-install the cover? I'd gladly have Rick to the mod but can't wait until mid August.
  21. On my old RSV I had a set of pegs similiar to the first ones below. They worked perfectly. But they had a slightly smaller mounting surface than these ones. I'm concerned these ones may not fit well between the lowers and the bar. How well do the second type fit on the crash bars? Does the bolt get in the way of the lowers? I like the way the ones I had worked and would like to go with them again if they will fit. I do not want a set of Kuryakyns due to high cost when a cheaper alternative will work well. Mount type 1 http://image1.jcwstatics.com/product_images/images/small/G_12577G_SW_1.jpg Mount type 2 http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/OTAwWDkwMA==/z/cAUAAOxytQxSG68c/$(KGrHqZHJFUFI(h5VYjqBSG68b1n+w~~60_35.JPG
  22. Back in 98 my 83 had the class overridden. They put valves on the hoses and sealed them with wire wrapped around the fitting. Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk
  23. Is that a Carbtune? Does it need any additional parts for a Venture? I'm looking at ordering one.
  24. I checked the backrest mount and there is nothing behind where the bolts mount. Also the bolts aren't too long. Thanks for the suggestion though. I've been riding the bike solo and with my 80 pound son. No issues since the other night. Maybe tonight we'll load up and try it again.
  25. I'm keeping the stock shield for cooler weather. I like to run a mini-shield in the summer. Eck, thanks for the tips!
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