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Everything posted by jonesy

  1. thanks for your help, much needed.
  2. Tom and whoever may be thinking of quitting, do it before its too late. I just found out this morning I got lung cancer wide spread. Had a operation 2 years ago for it guess it didn't get it all. going to be a hard fight, wish me luck. I quit 5 years ago or so, guess I should have sooner.
  3. I have something more pressing now, but I could help you out towards spring.
  4. wed., nov. 11th, to honor the vets. http://themilitarywallet.com/veterans-day-free-meals-and-discounts/
  5. Glad to hear you like it, hard to understand how it went so cheaply.
  6. Don't watch baseball normally, but I found these games good. No favorite, just hope the rest of the games are just as good.
  7. leave room when going up to driveup windows, toll booths, gas pumps, and such. you need extra space now.
  8. I never mess with propane gas, I'd get new tank, gauge in a heart beat. Never took chances at all.
  9. jonesy

    Fuel Pump?

    mine worked for 2 weeks on and off, then quit all together, someone told me with a full tank they'll work like normal. replace it.
  10. not home yet, but really enjoyed ourselves too. you guys did it up right.
  11. Linda said she saw you go though town, where you staying, JRichard is in town too.
  12. Rain in Springville, Ny.. kinda light now, heavy stuff noon to 5. Same forecast for Arcade, Ny. clearing after 5.
  13. We be here already, will go over in the morning.
  14. she wants to know if you're coming.
  15. Linda and I are in Utica on our way west, not sure if we're going to 1000 islands. We'll be in the area Thursday .
  16. This I'm going to have to see, Gene, Gene the dancing machine[aka Craig].
  17. you're lucky they don't guess 72, LOL
  18. having the opening side of trailer puts you on the traffic side if you need to get into it on side of road the way you did it, having it on other side is much safer if you need to get into it on the side of the road.
  19. wishing you the best of luck.
  20. I hope it doesn't rain on you folk but I'm sure you will have good time weather or not it does. We couldn't make it cause of wife's mother not feeling well, had to stay close to home. Will see some of you at Tom's in august.
  21. I've had a pacemaker since '98, only concern from my dr. was that I gave up smoking before hand. Since then I got a new one when battery wore out, and another new one 2 yrs. ago cause I had a 2 wire model and needed a 4 wire model upgrade. other than office visits to check things out things are good. Get this feature the new one has, if for any reason my heart / pacemaker messes up I sound off like a car alarm and that's my notice to get to a hospital. And adjustments are made wirelessly, using a laptop. Science is amazing these days. Don't worry about things, the drs. got things under control.
  22. Sorry about accident, don't you feel like just grabbing the driver by the collar and smacking them a few times. Take em for whatever you can get.
  23. my eyes would be hurting for a while with that sight of his legs with a poodle skirt, no thank you
  24. I'm not sure what I got in medical terms but I got a heart valve and a pacemaker for the last 16 years, not such a big deal. had to get new pacemaker 2 years ago due to heart not pumping correctly cause of old style one at that time. what options are they talking about.
  25. What we ride doesn't matter to me, what matters is I've met some great people here, and will meet some more, just would have liked to live closer to them, but when I do see my venturerider friends I cherish our time together. Freebird you've done a good thing getting us together and we're not leaving, and that's all there is to it. One thing to think about, could you think of a neighbor hood, with us all living in it, pretty scarcey thought if you ask me.
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