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  • Name
    Tony Sowers


  • Location
    Upstate , NY


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2008 Royal Star Venture


  • Occupation
    Auto Technician

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  1. When I was diagnosing it, I didn't know that you have to pull the clutch lever in to start it. Once I figured that out it was pretty simple. The blue wire at the starter solenoid was grounded when the clutch lever was in and the start button was pushed but the solenoid didn't actuate. Replaced the starter solenoid and all good. Thanks
  2. Thanks I've been checking threads here for a little while. Since I purchased the 2008 RSV
  3. I just acquired this bike and it ran last year. Now I hit the starter button (key on) and nothing. Not even a click. With the key on, I have power to all 4 smaller wires at the solenoid. Hit the start button and no change. Something has to ground the relay. I've searched threads and didn't find one that had the location of the starter circuit cut-off relay. A lot of talk about it but no location. From what I've read it may have the fuel pump relay as part of it. I have the manual and the wiring diagram is too hard to follow. I found a simplified starting diagram but can't find a relay anywhere with the wire colors it shows for the cut-off relay. I'd attach a clip of the diagram that I have, but I can't figure out how, lol.
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