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Everything posted by naturbar

  1. I run 42F/46R and ride two up 95% of time. 3rd set of venoms and typically get 18k fronts 11-12k rears. I'm a happy Avon customer........good luck with yours.
  2. you are indeed connected correctly, otherwise with the bike running the rear wheel would not spin when in gear. the 1st time i had my drive shaft out, i miss aligned upon re-installation and had to redo. i'm not familiar with the process to change to a v-max but do you have to set the pinion depth as part of the setup? if so perhaps you have too much backlash causing the clunk ?? best of luck the the new install.
  3. prayer offered from our home....................
  4. Sgt. Walker once again proves that freedom isn't free - thank you for your selfless sacrifice. May God comfort those left behind....prayers sent from our home.
  5. you are in our prayers at our home.....faith is what sees us thru difficult times and gives us confidence to believe all things are possible.
  6. welcome aboard....... i'll be headed to Gautier on May 14 to do some fishin' with my brother....ride safe
  7. I had a nail go into the center of my new rear tire. i put an ordinary tire plug in it and i made it about ten miles and it pushed itself out. i would not use plugs like that again. i removed the rear tire and took it to the local mc shop and they fixed it with a plug/patch combo (see pic)....it's the only way to safely repair a hole imo.
  8. An icon indeed.....farewell Dick Clark
  9. he was seated facing backwards , that could explain why he was so sore.....
  10. So very sorry about your Mom - I will remember you, your family and friends in my prayers.
  11. Too all of this family who sent prayers, condolences, well wishes and good thoughts our way.... I thank and commend you. We buried (cremated) Toby yesterday in the beautiful N.C. mountains which he learned to love so much. It was on one of those mountains that Toby saw its last beauty and drew his last fresh breathe of mountain air. He was the happiest he had been for a very long time. He had worked two years on his new (to him) '05 Mustang, which he turned into a replica GT. It turned out magnificently well and he was rightfully proud of it. After the service yesterday, both myself and my son Bret took turns in Toby's hot rod and it was indeed a special time. The last time I was in that car, Toby was demonstrating it for us and I remember the smile he had on his face. I will miss that boy and will hold strong onto the memories, I will laugh, I will smile, I will cry and I will always thank God for the time we spent together. My VR family, cherish today, live in this moment, don't put off until tomorrow to say 'I love you', mend a broken relationship, heal a broken heart, lend a helping hand because tomorrow may not come and the opportunity is forever lost. Thanks again for your support and love..... The Rutan Family
  12. Rick, Having just buried my son yesterday I can understand the pain that you, your wife and family are experiencing. I extend my heartfelt sympathy and condolence to you all. Personally I have found peace and solace in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I wish for you the same. God bless you all at this time and always. Buz
  13. On Sunday 3-11-12 my son lost his life on his new motorcycle. He had just purchased a Suzuki crotch rocket on Saturday. To my knowledge he did not have much (if any) experience riding. He was 41 yrs. old and lived in the mountains of N.C. I was not aware that he was purchasing a bike but I wish I had known. I certainly would have recommended him to take the MSF course before doing too much riding. He was on a long straight road with a hard sweeping left turn and apparently ran into so loose gravel according to the officer on the scene. He went into some trees and was killed instantly. He was my first born son and his passing leaves a huge void in my heart. He had great potential and loved life, he loved hot rod cars and apparently loved his new ride. I share this info with you all because I feel you are extended family in a way. Thanks to all for your support and love. I am confident that he will be in the presence of the Lord and that I will some day join him. I offer a link to his memory. http://maconfuneralhome.frontrunnerpro.com/runtime/4031/runtime.php?SiteId=4031&NavigatorId=61569&op=tributeObituary&viewOpt=dpaneOnly&ItemId=1154809&LinkId=221
  14. i think this is what you're talking about....
  15. 'jacked by alien.......probed and released back to the humanoids
  16. a few $ sent along with a prayer for a full and speedy recover...to God be the Glory !!
  17. Happy Birthday !!
  18. This is exactly what i was looking for and it works perfectly....thanks !! .....
  19. After reading my original post i realized that i hadn't provided all the info i could have. I have always had my screen saver and monitor invoked to shut down after 5 minutes.... i was hopeful to find some keyboard stroke(s) to turn my monitor off as i was finished with my session. It doesn't appear that this is possible though...thanks all for your suggestions !
  20. my keybd. doesn't have a Fn (function) key
  21. XP Home Edition
  22. I have a Dell 4600 series desktop computer with dual Dell E171FPB 17" monitors. I've done some research but can't find the answer to this question......"can I put my monitors to sleep from my wireless Dell keyboard?"
  23. Quote: flb_78 sub-human missing link Supporting Member Join Date: Jun 2007 View Photos By: flb_78 Quote: Originally Posted by Prairiehammer Do you really think the largest company in the world gives a rat's a$$ about product liability? yes. All it takes is one massive class action lawsuit to put them out of business. In fact, wasn't WalMart who pulled their house branded baby formula just because a baby somewhere died from a rare bacterial infection even though there was almost no way it was possible for the bacteria to have come from their formuala? http://consumerist.com/2011/12/walma...f-newborn.html Quote: According to reports, the 10-day-old baby died of a rare bacterial infection not long after being fed Enfamil Newborn — lot #ZP1K7G — which had been purchased at a nearby Walmart. It is not know whether the formula is even related to the child's passing, but the retail chain opted to pull it from shelves while testing continues. In the end, it wasn't from the formula but Im sure Walmart lost a bunch of money from their voluntary recall. http://consumerist.com/2012/01/tests...ld-deaths.html >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I believe you meant "formula"....... the old saying about living in glass houses comes to mind .........
  24. you need to see your local VSO (veteran service officer) and they should be able to refer you to an independent audiologist who is familiar with the VA requirements. my VSO said that the VA hospital (or clinic) in most instances will tell you just what yours said to you. I researched the Db level of the ordnances i fired while in military and presented them to audiologist before my hearing exam. At the end of my exam she wrote a letter to the VA stating that in her professional opinion and based upon my hearing losses, she believes they were due to my military service, she further recommended that i use hearing aids. That was several months ago and i recently received a letter from VA stating they had my disability under review. Hearing loss disability is rated at 10% with a max. monthly check of around $126.00. Good luck and check with your VSO about this. BTW my brother also filed for hearing loss and started receiving his disability check several months ago - along with a pro rated check from the time he filed.
  25. smart kid...even realizes that he needs to increase throttle going up that incline..... a future moto crosser????
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