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Everything posted by naturbar

  1. I was in my prime during the 60's and I tried a variety of drugs (in retrospect I'm not proud of that). I enjoyed pot but it certainly made me lazy and unmotivated. I believe marijuana has benefits and deficits just like any drug. I am in favor of maijuana as a medical tool but from what I've read about the criteria used to dispense it, it is often too easy or even a joke. Many drugs are derived from trees/plants....here is a except concerning that and in conjunction with rain forests. "Experts estimates that we are losing 137 plant, animal and insect species every single day due to rainforest deforestation. That equates to 50,000 species a year. As the rainforest species disappear, so do many possible cures for life-threatening diseases. Currently, 121 prescription drugs sold worldwide come from plant-derived sources. While 25% of Western pharmaceuticals are derived from rainforest ingredients, less that 1% of these tropical trees and plants have been tested by scientists."
  2. 1966 Camp Geiger ITR training - off to the gas chamber. Gas mark firmly in place on your hip - grab the guys belt in front of you, start marching singing the Marine Corps hymn - the pellets dropped into the pot belly stove in the middle of room - now starts the gagging, nose running and eyes on fire - finally DI says to secure the masks on your face - not a pretty sight but I did get a laugh when they opened the door and everyone started running out - one guy ran headlong into a tree and about knocked himself out. Those were the days .....yeah right !
  3. Earl, i've never met you nor your wife Jean but that's not important.... i have however met the Great Physician and i am confident in His abilities, i've spoken with Him about this and have entrusted you & Jean into His care. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of thing not seen (Heb. 11:1). therefore my hope and i'm certain the hope of many others is that Jean will be in good health and the doctors and all those attending your wife will be lead by the Holy Spirit in her recovery....there are evidences of many things not seen, such as the wind, we can't see it but we can see its affects - just as our faith is unseen, we believe that God is great and we trust Him in all things, keep the faith and believe. Amen.......... Buz
  4. Ditto.... Pretty easy job and if you have questions, Earl (SkyDoc) is more than helpful.
  5. That's a great testament to 1st Gens. and Yamaha bikes....
  6. looked like a fun time. i've not driven or even been around a first gen bike but in the video the engined didn't sound like it was running on 4 cylinders? maybe it's the exhaust system that make it sound like that??
  7. my best guess is a Tomos Puch SG 250 (see attached photo). don't know the exact year??
  8. What a great Christmas gift for you... enjoy your holidays.
  9. Thanks all for the support, thoughts and prayers. Bones I should have been more clear with my question. I actually watched the procedure on you tube, so I'm familiar with that. What I was wondering was post surgery and you provided insight. Thanks again.
  10. Anyone here have an endarterectomy? i'm scheduled to have one done 1-13-14 (96% blocked) and curious to know what to expect.
  11. This pump with fittings is longer than the Oem. The manufacturer (airtek) says the dimensions of pump is 2.8 x 2.8 x 8.2 inches - by the time you add the fittings to each end the pump may be too long ? Btw this is the spare pump I carry in my MGB. [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Airtex-E8016S-Electric-Fuel-Pump/dp/B000C1LW0E#productDetails]Amazon.com: Airtex E8016S Electric Fuel Pump: Automotive@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/413-4UchsUL.@@AMEPARAM@@413-4UchsUL[/ame]
  12. There are several of us who have posted this fix. From what I've read with the mr. Gskt. You may also need to drill some additional holes to mount it? The point fix is extremely easy and all you really need is a soldering iron and a screw driver. Here is a link to my post, I even added a how to video..... http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=80742
  13. Cranked it up, let it warm up and charge battery. Put it back to bed.
  14. Your story reminds me of a fitting scripture..." Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends". Your wonderful dog is indeed a hero & warrior.
  15. it would be so much funnier if it didn't apply to ME !
  16. just got off the phone with SkyDoc_17 and he got me squared away. if you've never spoken with Earl, you're missing a fine gentleman and fellow enthusiast. Buz
  17. I just completed (well almost) the clutch upgrade kit from skydoc_17. Earl send me info to help do the install and I was also using a post by Freebird who used Tartan Terror write up. Here is my dilemma, I am complete with the upgrade except for tightening the six bolts which hold the clutch spring and pressure plate in place. Here is an excerpt from the above mentioned post...." When installing the spring retainer plate and bolts, be careful not to tighten the 6 bolts too tight. Also, you will need to make sure that the spring is centered. There are notches on the towers that the 6 bolts tighten into that the finger on the center of the spring should rest on. Tighten evenly and crisscross your torqueing pattern. The torque is 5.8 ft lbs or 70 in.lbs." It says the fingers of the spring should rest on the notches on the six towers ....here is my problem, there are six towers and eight finger on the spring- I can see no way to make six of the eight fingers rest on the six notches in the towers??? I'm only minutes away from completing this but am stuck here....help and TIA. Buz
  18. I second that.............
  19. Sure sounds like the fuel pump - mine was acting the same way. Here is a quick & easy fix if it's the point set in the fuel pump... http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=80742
  20. The fuel pump on my 07 RSMTD was intermittent and would require an occasional tap to make it work. I removed the end cover off my pump (Note: push the rubber grommet into the cover if possible, i pulled mine and broke it - RTV to the rescue) to find the points really messed up (see pic). I noticed the Mitsubishi Diamond Star on the end of the pump cover and began to research. I found that Mitsubishi makes fuel pumps for many bikes including Yamaha. Upon further research I found a company in the UK that sells the points switch set. This set fits many different bikes but the one I ordered was for 1990 - 2003 Honda XRV 750 African Twin (I am including the eBay Vendor). The repair is very simple, unsolder one wire and remove two screws and the points set comes out. Before removing the old set, take a good look at the plunger arm coming out of the pump which actuates the points breaker plate. There is a groove in the plunger arm which must "catch" the breaker plate to actuate them - so be sure to reassemble properly. I am supplying a how to video as well. There is one wire each under each screw - one wire is black to one screw and the other wire is a twisted lug wire which goes under the other screw. There is a thin paper gasket between the point switch set and the fuel pump body. In the video I've provide you will notice the one wire under one screw is green in the video but that same wire is BLACK on our bike. The cost is right @ $50.00 but you don't have to remove the pump or replace it with a Mr. Gasket and relocate holes. Best of luck for those who use this fix. Vendor In U.S.A. eBay Vendor How to Video
  21. i agree...if bikes are licensed and taxed to drive on our highways - then it should be the states job to insure all legal vehicles trip traffic lights. imo .
  22. if i decipher it correctly it would be 492-5523 ??
  23. i took the screw off the end of the fuel pump and tried removing the black cover but it seemed to have alot of resistance to coming off - i am afraid to tug hard enough to get the cover off for fear of damaging something. the wire coming into the end of the pump seems to be what may be holding the cover on. any advice as to how to safely remove the cover would be appreciated,,,,thanks in advance.
  24. "When cruising down the road the computer will occasionally turn off the alternator to help save fuel." so in theory gas mileage decreases if the headlights or any aux. device is being used (due to increased load on alternator). it would be interesting to know how much fuel could possibly be saved over the course of vehicle ownership. somehow i believe the the savings would be insignificant - just my two cents :-)
  25. anyone else notice that the driver appears to be holding paperwork in her left hand at point of deer impact (which was 5 seconds into the video) and the driver did not appear to realize the deer had come thru the windshield and was in the bus until 10 seconds into the video....i'd say that is awfully slow reflexes. just sayin'...........
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