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Everything posted by naturbar

  1. Puc that is a righteous bike my friend....and the right guy owns it!
  2. Believe me, if I was going to continue riding I'd by it back in a heart beat. I believe I could get it ship shape for max $2000.00 and could pocket the left over $6500.00 insurance money. I just have to walk away and count my many blessings that transpired on the day of the crash.
  3. I did 99% of my riding with my wife - she said she is done and I just want to be the kind of husband that honors his wife's request. She has supported virtually every endeavor I've undertaken....now it's my time to support her. There was life before bike riding and I am grateful to be alive today, so I'll just continue to enjoy what time I have left.
  4. They covered the helmets, thanks.
  5. The bike is in my garage. I'm really not interested in removing anything from it. It's killing me to know I'll never ride again and will begin to get over it the sooner the bike is out of my sight.
  6. Adjuster made it here this morning and as he was adding up the parts that needed replacing, he stopped counting at $12,500.00, needing to go no further because is was now totaled. Now waiting to hear from him about my add on part an the $ value they are placing on the bike. NADA and KBB have the bike valued at $7500.00, the adjuster rated my bike in "exceptional" condition before crash, so I'm hoping to receive the $7500.00 plus whatever portion of the $3250.00 of add on items on the bike. Will update ya'll later.
  7. Thanks to all you guys for providing links and offering solid advice....it has has been very helpful and provides me some additional ammo while dealing with adjuster. In a couple hours I'll be more informed as to the outcome of his visit. I'll pass along what transpired.... Thanks guys & gals.
  8. Geico Insurance adjuster coming tomorrow to appraise the damage from my accident on Saturday. I searched around to get comps but was wondering if anyone has more suggestions on where to look.
  9. Took wife to Ortho. doc and actually received good news. But before going to Doc this morn. my wife and I discussed what might be the best possible prognosis and decided that no surgery and just healing would be awesome, and that is exactly what doc recommended ! (a continuing miracle) It turns out she has shoulder separation (torn ligaments) and clavicle fracture. That is a two fold blessing as she won't need to recover from surgery and go thru rehab and secondly the expense will not be incurred.(one income family w/me on S.S. limits $$) Marcarl... "Got a question for you thought,,,,, when you found that you weren't heading in the desired direction, where were you looking??? around the curve still, or where you thought you were going to end up? Inquiring mind wants to know." To be honest it happened quickly but I believe once I knew I could not negotiate the turn, I looked to where I was headed to determine if i could take further action and a nanosecond later we were tossed. I'm thinking the outcome may have been more favorable if I was solo....when riding two up w/wife I hesitate to lean near as much with her aboard....so I believe that contributed to the outcome. Don't misunderstand this as blame on her but rather an observation. So all in all things are good. The hardest part for me though is the continuing thought of what might have happened to my wife and knowing I was responsible... My wife says for me to quit feeling bad about that, as it's killing her blessing that it turned out as good as it did.....some great wife I have, I am blessed.
  10. Thx. to all for prayers and well wishes. Took wife to doc today and she has a distal clavicle fracture in left shoulder...so we'll be seeing an orthopedic doc and see where that takes us. Wife said she was done riding but enjoyed the miles we shared together over the past 61/2 years. It's tough to throw the rag in on riding but I've got to be realistic..... I'm 67 yrs. old and although my brain says I'm a teenager....my reflexes say otherwise. I very thankful to be given the opportunity to walk away from this accident. Nothing is going to replace the feelings of freedom I experienced while riding....but we do own a 1977 MGB roadster convertible and we log a lot of miles in that, so that will have to suffice. I'm happy to have become a member of THIS family and have nothing but positive feelings towards it.....thanks all my brothers and sister for all the support....God speed to all.
  11. Wife and I were on our way home from dinner this evening, on a country winding road, which I had not ridden in quite some time. Was running probably 45 mph and missed apex of a hard sweeping left turn, did my best to get it slowed down as I was heading off the road..... Got into soggy slippery grass/red N.C. clay..... Front end washed out taking bike down on left side just as the front tire jerked all the way left (a high side event)..... At this point I saw my wife going over my head and I was right behind her. We both took a pretty good tumble and the soggy grass provided some cushion as we landed. We both looked at each other and asked "are you ok?". My wife may have (probably) a broken collarbone, and I'm pretty sore in my back shoulder and sternum. I wanted to take wife to emergency room for xray but she insisted we wait until tomorrow and go to urgent care. I'm guessing the bike is totaled. Have had the bike 6.5 years and put on about 37k miles and enjoyed it immensely but we're going to call it quits while we're ahead (so to speak). After the crash and while waiting for my two good friends to come with trailer....I walked back to where the skid mark left pavement and walked the tire path back to where we high sided..... We missed a steel posted sign by no more than six inches.....the outcome would have been horrendous if we had hit that sign. This is not the first miracle in my life but it is the only one which quite possibly saved our lives and at very least saved us serious injury. The God which I serve and worship is truly merciful and I just to publicly acknowledge Him. Ya'll be very safe out there and be more cautious on roads less travelled.
  12. Wow, first time for me to look at that site..... NOT impressed.....Don has done a much better job with this site ......thanks again Freebird for all your hard work and passion ........... Even tho you ride a Hardley... :-)
  13. That stuff (or something similar) was used over 30 yrs. ago when I worked at Motorola.....
  14. I'm still trying to figure out MySpace (can't seem to be able to log in?)...... Once I've accomplished that, I'll give FB a try.....maybe
  15. Puc you're in my prayers today.....
  16. I have a friend with one...you'll notice on the rear tires are PVC pipe, which facilitates it to slide easily.
  17. +1 on the Venoms - makes front end of bike feel 100 lbs. lighter...fwiw
  18. So if you are responding to a current post...a long time ago...then you are actually responding before it's posted? U b psychic me thinks...
  19. I'm a bit confused..... The original post was from 2009 and some are replying in 2014? Maybe my afternoon nap lasted too long?
  20. "they say to run the RPMS up to 5000"....... IMO "they" are off the mark with that suggestion. I may be wrong but logic dictates that if one needed to run engine to 5000 rpms to get the maximum voltage output.....then we would need drive around at that same rpm to keep battery charged? Hand held tachs are available which facilitates what you are requesting....good luck.
  21. My Visa debit card has been hacked two times recently ...once on Thanksgiving day and again on dec.1st. I shut my card down on the day after Thanksgiving but the bank says many times the hackers get another pre approved charge. Both charges came from the same computer store in India. Scams suck....
  22. Don, been around this site since I purchased my '07 RSTD in 2008... It was a free site then and I just couldn't get over how much info was available and how willing the people were to just chime in and offer help, advice, comfort and prayers and all for free. I initially thought that perhaps whoever ran the site was possibly a rich person who just enjoyed sharing. As it turns out I was exactly right about you Don. You are a rich person but not in the monetary sense, you are a unique individual who sacrifices for the good of others and while calling you a hero might be stretching the meaning, you certainly have the attributes of one. We are the fortunate ones here and I for one salute you and thank YOU for all your hard work, caring and sharing! Btw the $12.00 membership fee is absolutely the most cost effective money I've ever spent and you deserve it and more. My family hopes that you and your family have a wonderful Turkey Day. Thanks for your service and may God bless you & yours....... Buz Rutan
  23. " E-cig using your USB port " = giving your computer E-cancer ! Ain't technology wonderful......
  24. Will continue to offer up prayers..... Romans 8:31....amen !
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