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Everything posted by naturbar

  1. (make sure other 3 screws are out first) try prying something under the screw while you try to unscrew it - you might also have someone lifting up on that corner of the chrome cover while doing this. when i recently had my tank off my 07 RSTD i realized that this screw mechanism for that cover is a weak setup. i'd be willing to bet they were overtightened buy the shop . good luck.
  2. the one jim morrison has for sale is a great buy...you should jump on it ! as far as the fairing goes there are several choices, i went with the hoppe fairing w/ stereo (four speakers) great sounding tunes. you will get some extra wind buffeting from under the bat wing due to loosing your lower deflectors. i have made an initial proto-type so i can reuse the ones off my stock windshield but until i recover from my shoulder surgery and nerve damage to my hand, that project is on hold. good luck on your quest to make your bike your own! Buz http://i34.tinypic.com/o518n9.jpg http://i34.tinypic.com/143qp2w.jpg http://i42.tinypic.com/1hcpk0.jpg
  3. " I hope y'all dont disown me"........ if anything you're more endeared to our hearts. i'm gonna paraphrase a little ....Jesus said ' there is no better gift to give than to lay you're life down for your friends'....squid you didn't exactly lay your life down but you certainly did put it on hold to help & honor your friend. you now own a genuine piece of Americana and what better way to remember & honor your friend by riding and maintaining something that was very important to him. life's lessons often come by unexpected means and squid you've taught us all well here today. congrats on your new ride & God bless you and yours. buz
  4. those 5 cactus cuties are now 4 cactus cuties ( i googled them) - when they sing it now you can definitely hear a difference imo - nonetheless they are still fantastic. i don't recall seeing anything about an album.
  5. wes, looks really good on your bike - sorry you had some rework to do but it paid off. how does your two up passenger like the wrap-around backrest on the tour pak? is it soft or hard ? i wish i had known about that backrest when i ordered my tour pak. i had rick butler rework my set and t.p. backrest but since i'm recovering from shoulder surgery i am unable to experience how good my seat is going to feel. best of luck! buz
  6. i have an 07 rstd and before i swapped out my brickstones i notice a progressively worse roaring from the rear tire and more pronounced as i was leaning into turns. avon venoms resolved all tire issues plus made the bike handle like a dream......forever done w/ brickstones!!
  7. A Yamaha dealer asking for repair advice from a forum...... i would be looking for another dealer/repair facility. it's not that i don't believe this forum is invaluable but i would expect a dealer to do his own research. just my opinion... anyway the "y" fork as mentioned above gets my vote :-)
  8. the height is pretty much dictated by the headlight opening on the batwing. you will notice that the handlebar grips are in line with the wing portion - so without some type of mod(s) and maybe different handlebars - you get what you get. here is a pic of mine with unpainted hoppe fairing. http://i37.tinypic.com/35bflao.jpg
  9. sylvester, thanks for the info......... buz
  10. it uses the same 'locations' of the stock factory brackets but you remove them and then the bracket of the batwing screws into original locations. i imagine if someone took some time they could figure a way to make the stock hardware work. the way it is right now, it would take five minutes to remove the wing.
  11. sylvester, i've recently joined the PGR and hoping you might include me in the next notification of the NC PGR gathering... i live just south of Greensboro NC..........thanks Congrats Aussie !!
  12. if you think about it maybe it doesn't seem all that strange......the radio was stuck on a tune called 'Crank It Up" and the obedient 2nd Gen. was just following orders ;-)...... the keybone is connected to the ignitionbone and the ignitionbone is connected to the ampbone and the ampbone is connected to the starterbone, etc...... guess it could have been worse, when you turned the key it started your wifes car....i know you must be relieved and happy to be riding again.
  13. a good ending to what could have been a disaster....i agree with divine intervention...God is Great!
  14. believe in miracles? coincidence..... is when God chooses to be anonymous. what a blessing for you that you were home at the time and nothing worse came of it. glad you had at least a few day of riding left.
  15. Like rdhc i have installed the Hoppe Quadzilla fairing - great workmanship and very nice stereo system. takes maybe 30 minutes to install plus some extra time to remove gas tank and run wiring and looks great...below is a pic of mine installed. Buz http://i32.tinypic.com/15phc14.jpg
  16. great pics - does it get any better than motorcycles, a workshop, friends and some grub!!
  17. if your looking for your choice of RK mufflers, forward slash/ reverse slash, side slash,straight cut and a quality piece...take a moment to look at the link i provided. you order the muffler of your choice and the loudness of your choice (removable baffles). i purcased my over a year ago and when i want really loud i take the baffles out, otherwise it has quite a bark with the baffles i ordered. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/WILD-PIG-PIPES-SLIP-ON-MUFFLERS-FOR-HARLEY-DRESSERS_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trkparmsZ65Q3a12Q7c66Q3a2Q7c39Q3a1Q7c72Q3a1240Q7c293Q3a1Q7c294Q3a50QQ_trksidZp3286Q2ec0Q2em14QQhashZitem41477ca8fbQQitemZ280372226299QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories Here'a a pic of my 07 RSTD MIdnight http://i31.tinypic.com/245d8ac.jpg
  18. injured my left arm Wednesday and have no use of arm or hand - but it would have been a beautiful NC day for a ride .... :-( trusting God & the docs to heal me and fix me ..... :-)
  19. with a heart felt thanks to all who responded with prayers, thoughts & advice. i go to the ortho doc tomorrow so we will see where that takes us. the hand being numb and useless is really what has me bothered. but i have placed myself in the hands of the Master Physician (i.e. Jesus) and have complete confidence. thanks you all for the great VR community support! Buz
  20. got to work @ 8am - soaped up the garage floor and scrubbed it down - stepped out to grab the water hose to rise it off - took one step into the shop and went down on my left side.... dislocating my shoulder (man that hurts) - off to emerg. room where they xrayed it and said they saw no break (s)-three shots of morphine and one other type didn't touch the pain- a doc comes in & tells nurse to give me a shot to put me sleep, well that didn't work either - so he proceeded to put it back in place - and when it popped back in the pain was instantly reduced by 90%. my left hand is numb and can't move two fingers- doc said wait about three days to see if it begins to cooperate, if not to see a ortho doc. got no one to blame but me, but the prospect of missing out on riding is a bummer. if anyone has an extra prayer send it my way,thanks. my initial prayer was already answered, i ask God to allow me no bone breaks...so praise God from whom all blessig flow. Buz in N.C.
  21. Lambretta http://i31.tinypic.com/2cemflw.jpg
  22. I wouldn't order anything for my bike that is shipped in a casket !! :-)
  23. I've tried zig zag pattern when coming to light in hopes to disrupt the field but in most cases not much luck. i'm going to try the magnets deal....Northern Tool has three of them (dime sized) for $4.00. Thanks for your input. http://www.northerntool.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_6970_200328197_200328197
  24. actually it (usually) isn't the 'weigh' which triggers the sensor...it is an inductive loop which is interrupted by an object which changes the inductance in the field, which in turn triggers a signal change. http://www.wikihow.com/Trigger-Green-Traffic-Lights [ame=http://www.metacafe.com/watch/828731/trigger_green_traffic_lights/]Trigger GREEN Traffic Lights! - Video[/ame]
  25. \\ disregard my inquiry... i just read the other post concerning Jim................praying for comfort for his family & friends.
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