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Everything posted by naturbar

  1. Eck, the ipad makes it convenient to sit on the couch and surf....it also is nice in the car, using wife's smartphone as hotspot. It's easy to use but lacks some functionality that I'm used to on a pc.
  2. CJ thanks for the link and I hope the carb sync tool worked out.
  3. I am attempting to change a URL to a hyper link...such as... http:/ Google to google. It's easy to do on a pc but not so much on an ipad.
  4. If I am posting on an ipad to Watering Hole and want to change URL to another name....how to I do it?
  5. Randy yamaha is very proud of their piece parts....front fender, gas tank and two hard bags come to $3900.00. and a bad example i am... You are right... i may be stupid but i"m not nuts....i think In this case i don't think he was lazy....parts are very expensive for this bike. thanks for well wish. You are soooo correct ! Puc if i had to take anyone on a road trip on a bike you would be THAT guy. can't tell you how much i've enjoyed ALL your posts, they are always a great read. you should consider writing a novel on all your experiences...i'll be first to purchase. i agree it would be hard to leave such a great bunch of riding nuts ..err biking dudes.
  6. well now that was easy, thanks Don !!
  7. Congrats on making it thru the long haul.....one comment on the trip to the Keys....be careful, it's congested and mostly tourist taking in the sights and not paying alot of attention to driving. Taking a bus tour of the island is worth the $$. you'll have a great time while there enjoy !
  8. How do i include multiple member posts within my reply....in order to make comments to each in one post? Hope this makes sense.
  9. The tow company just left with my bike, actually it now belongs to an auction company. i am now officially without a bike . But an was looking over us on 12-13-14 when we totaled it. I can't express how much i've enjoyed and learned from this site over the past 6+ years. i'm torn whether to quit the site or continue to participate. the reason i entertain quitting is that it will be a constant reminder that my riding days are done and quite honestly feel somewhat envious of you all that still ride . i guess i'll just wait and see how it goes. i'm adding several photos of the bike as it was leaving. by looking at the pics the bike doesn't look totaled but the repair price was in excess of $12.5K. Ride safe ya'll.
  10. Maybe they shipped the ignition switch in the "OFF" position...
  11. Flyinfool says.... "Jasper engines have been around a long time and have a good reputation"..... Not true for everyone... It took five (5) Mitsubishi Eclipse engines before we got one that worked. My sons car spent better part of a year in a dealership getting engines swapped....yes Jasper paid for all the labor but that didn't put wheels under my son for all that time. As soon as we got it out of the shop with a working engine we sold it. I believe our situation wasn't typical but unfortunately that is what our experience was !
  12. "A minute?....He will be gone for a whole year"........ Guess it's a matter of perspective ...... Dec.31st 2014 @ 23:59 until JAN.1st 2015 @ 00.00 is....well one minute...which btw spans one year....go figure..
  13. Gonna miss you for a .......minute
  14. Chaharly, Spent alot of time making the bike the way i wanted it and about 3 seconds to destroy that hard work and dream. unfortunately my butt won't be on one again . recv'd PayPal and your address..... I'll try getting it to you on Friday....if not then, for sure on Monday. Merry Christmas !
  15. Chaharly, I have a Morgan Carbtune I used one time. I just totaled my bike and I'm done riding. $50.00 and you pay shipping.
  16. Well the insurance just left and gave me a check for my totaled '07 RSTD Midnight...it covered about half what i had invested into the bike. considering my wife and i put on about 38K miles over the past 6.5 years, i consider the check fair and equitable. I will place parts in classified if there is any interest. I have complete windscreen assembly (chrome midnight version), complete pillion assembly- both these assembly look brand new, brand new (never installed) left cowling, new "SKYDOC" brake bias kit and EBC double sintered FA 123HH disc pad set. if interested you can PM me or answer this post. it sure is tough saying goodbye to my bike, she was a trusty and reliable friend, who never once left me stranded....farewell Black Beauty !
  17. Bought my buddies ’56 post back in the 60’s. my first gas refill was memorable, at the gas station I could not find the gas tank, the attendant didn't know where it was either...after asking several other people there, someone went to the rear tail light and opened it.....viola there was the filler cap! Great car with lots of memories.
  18. Natur is last name spelled backwards and bar is my second sons initals....hence naturbar..
  19. It's not two wheels....but it is wind in the hair ! PBJ the MGB isn't very peppy - 1.8L w/ 55hp. Wife & I like driving country/rural roads, typically 35-45 mph. On interstate I'll run 60-70 mph ... 3500-4000 rpm. It's a fun car and we'll continue to pile on the miles with grateful hearts and smiles on our faces. Btw is "PBJ" peanut butter jelly? It's one of my fav's with ice cold milk....
  20. Jim, I have only one thing to say.... AMEN ! Thanks for prayers .....
  21. Puc, Here are a few pics of my '77 MGB i've owned for around 3 yrs. Since these pics i've lowered the car some and done some exhaust work. Did a complete engine rebuild, SU carbs and all suspension pieces approx. 10K miles ago. This is what is replacing our totaled '07 RSTD.
  22. Pbjman, Nice speech .... I've owned the bike going on 7 years and put approx. 38k miles.....I had a total of $16.5K in it......the settlement is slightly over 50% of that price....so I believe the settlement was fair. Have a great evening and enjoy your time in the saddle....
  23. Pucster I'll get a few pics posted soon..... I think :-)
  24. My family always eats something that starts with "f" and ends with "ood"....never been disappointed with that meal.
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