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Everything posted by naturbar

  1. " it didnt take long to decide on the baby so off she went".................... where did you send the baby???????
  2. thanks for the great replies - i seem to have made some headway since my last post. probably only masking the problem but for now i'll live with it. i simply made an exceptions list of the sites that i will accept cookies. for the past several hours i have not had any unwanted windows open up - so we will see where this leads. this site offers sooooo much more than motorcycle advice - i've recently received expert advice on brakes, clutch & brake bleeding - the $12.00 yearly dues easily the best $$ ever spent. thanks again for the awesome people who take time to read and participate in this great forum - Thank you FreeBird (Don) for all you do to maintain this site.
  3. i have noticed that we have several 'IT' types computer guys here on this forum and i would ask for your help. info you probably need: 1) Firefox is browser 2) Windows XP 3) McAfee protection 4) NetGear wireless router (but have my computer connected via Ethernet cable) problem..... several weeks ago when i turned my computer on it tried booting from a disc (don't know how it happened) i resolved that issue. then last week in the morning my computer seemed to work fine but later i could not connect to the internet - i turned my firewall off and could then connect to the internet - so i just restored to default my firewall settings and and have had no issues since then connecting to internet - but since then i started getting pop ups opening a new browser window with urls such as..."googleads.g.doubleclick.net"..... "epoclick.com/?ads=12587652904" the last digits will change each time a new window opens..... and other pop ups. solution (?).... i tried use Adblock filters to stop the windows without success, but not sure if i have written the filters correctly. i just read online that if i look into my NetGear Gateway settings and see my Primary & Secondary DNS settings at something other than all zeros then i have been hijacked - the solution was to reset those gateways to all zeros, which i tried but got an error saying the gateways were were not set correctly. i really hate to use malware software to solve my problem(s) as in the past i felt the malware software was creating its own issues. so....if any of you guys have any suggestions please feel free to post them up .....THANKS
  4. how many miles did you get from those pads??
  5. Don, crappy weeks have a purpose.....they make the great weeks so much better....hoping yours get better real soon. Ken, have lifted you & family up in prayer.
  6. Dave, thanks for that article............ Yammer, i hear the first gens don't actually go fast enough to require brakes.....
  7. offered a prayer for your dad, family & friends.
  8. Digger, while i have not done more than 500 miles in a days ride - i can fully agree that my 07 RSTD is an awesome bike. it runs down the road with two up @70-80 mph effortlessly. sounds as though you had a wonderful trip - i'm happy for you .....
  9. jb, i swapped them side for side at approx. 12k miles. skydoc17, thank you for getting me the rear pads so quickly and also for the great phone conversation that we subsequently had......FWIW to our member....Earl is very knowledgeable on our bikes and is very user friendly....hats off to Earl :thumbsup:
  10. this is what i had left after 21.3k miles......
  11. naturbar

    screen name

    mine is.....my last name backwards along with my sons initials....naturbar
  12. you obviously need to add a "B" to your avatar name followed by MAN....LOL !!
  13. did you not notice what color her hair was ..... i've seen stupid and this ranks near the top
  14. 21K on my 07 RSTD - in process right now of replacing the rears. i did the inside/outside swap about 7-8k miles ago. the fronts look to be in excellent condition. i use the rear more than i probably should and have tried to be more conscious of using the front more often. i will be putting on EBC HH Sintered pads.
  15. he and his family have been lifted up from our home.....
  16. " quick fix for the grone"......... that groan you hear is me (don't think trans fluid and fork oil is gonna do the trick, but maybe a cold beer will help) when i read that you have to tear the bike apart. i'm not going to worry about it right now - i will keep my eye on the swingarm as the miles progress and when the time comes then i will dig into it. thanks for your comment.
  17. hmmmm....can anyone help Randy out with a date....just sayin'....
  18. that robo-girl sure has some big hands.......and to think of it - if japan can make that complicated gadget then why can't they make a rear shock for our bikes that works that good ???
  19. GeorgeS, that is very encouraging news.... i was afraid i needed to completely disassemble the rear of bike and actually remove the swingarm. i have the large torque wrench and large sockets in my tool chest, i also have the link to the manual. i'll just need to get the needle attachment...does it just fit on the end like the regular Zerk fittings? what a relief to know that i don't have to tear the bike apart to do this maintenance !
  20. i'm at the mileage interval where i need to lubricate the swingarm bushings on my 07 RSTD.... can anyone either direct me to a thread or provide some insight as to how to accomplish this? thanks !!!
  21. i git an email response that zoovy.com is handles their shopping cart. i'll go ahead and order them. Jim when you replace with the speed bleeder, do you just unscrew old and screw on new, then maybe do a small bleed?
  22. Jim, just tried ordering from Speed Bleeder.com and when i got to the checkout - i got a warning from my browser (firefox) - i had been rerouted to ssl.zoovy.com - wasn't sure about that so i aborted the order. i did sent them an email asking about it.
  23. welcome Thom....you can change that 'trial member' into 'Supporting Member' for only $12.00....could be the best small dollar investment you'll ever make .....
  24. thanks again - i suspect these work like a one way valve, eliminating the opening/closing of the bleeder...i have the part numbers i need and have put them on my wish list (b-day & Christmas coming up)
  25. is there some ordinance that prevents you from taking it down? i know some places have too many rules & regs. hope it gets taken care of .....
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