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Everything posted by naturbar

  1. just purchased my third rear Avon, got 8500 on first (was running too low pressure) got close to 11k on second (adjusted air pressure to 42 frt. & 46 rear, i ride two 95% of time), i currently have 18k on the frt. and it has considerable mileage left. i just purchased two Avon's (front & rear) from SW Moto and they were $269.00 for both shipped (no shpg. charge). it's time for you to replace your rear if it's to the wear bar. check out this previous thread)...... http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=48543
  2. got some seat time in today, temps around 70 here in central N.Carolina.
  3. i hate it that a fellow bike & PGR rider died this way. personally i don't believe 'cagers' are all out to get bikers. i try to put myself in a situation like the driver of the suv and think maybe a super quick glance in the mirror and seeing no other cage i move quickly to the other lane and a bad decision costs the bikers life. we are conditioned mostly to look for cars, trucks and the like and we often miss the motorcyclist due to the smaller footprint they present. i must believe the driver of the suv is sick at heart for the tragedy. i believe the most alert and defensive driver probably wouldn't stand a chance in this situation (unfortunately). wasn't too long ago i was changing lanes, using turn signals and checking my mirrors and as i just completed my lane change i noticed a motorcycle in my lane, where he came from i cannot say. i believe we need to be less judgmental in this type situation and ask ourselves, could this have happened to me (as the cager that is). my heartfelt condolences go out to the biker & his family & i hope the one driving the suv can forgive themselves. watch the video (only once) and count how many times those dressed in WHITE pass the basketball. you may be surprised at how selective we are in what we see. http://viscog.beckman.illinois.edu/grafs/demos/15.html
  4. i believe you echo the sentiments on many...........
  5. for those can't see his video....this link should work...... http://www.photoshow.com/watch/Gx3pK6YR
  6. naturbar


    snow tires and chains on my bike .....solved the problem :-).............
  7. I recently noticed several small leaks in my 07 RSTD radiator. the amount of coolant which seeps out is very small and seems to stop leaking once the bike is driven. can i add some barr's leak safely.....or please suggest other alternatives. yes the bike is under warranty should i need to take that route.
  8. the most powerful tool each of us has in our 'toolbox' is "choice"....these choices fashion every aspect of our lives......as a believer these choices need not be made alone...your Mom being a woman of faith just needs to continue to trust God.....in my opinion God doesn't make mistakes. hope your Mom's choice is firmly placed in His hands and then give Him thanks for the outcome. and you saddlebum seem to be to one which is making rational choices....continue in your faith as well and support your Mom as you have been...you are in my prayers as well and I trust God to make the right choice....Godspeed.
  9. looks good and similar to the bracket i fabbed.... looks like the same trunk as mine also..
  10. had it done twice in last two years..... they will warn you in advance if the small shock is to be increased...but either way it's not bad. btw due to the results of my two tests i ended up with radial nerve reconstruction and carpel tunnel release....best of luck.
  11. gotta waste...eeerrr...spend those tax dollar some how !!
  12. how is one to know what are the correct processes that should be running?
  13. looks really good..... how 'bout someone on this site who is a fabricator, come up with something to make the two cowling openings (where original air box sat) into storage units ? just a thought.......
  14. " Only problem is I don't know which end of the cable is not working"....... if you have a pair of dental picks and a DVM (use the diode setting if it has it - it produces a tone when + & - are shorted) - pierce the sheath at intervals to try to locate the broken connection....just a thought.......
  15. thank you Don for the sacrifice you make by way of keeping this forum alive and healthy..... i haven't met but a few of the VR family....but hope to meet more in the upcoming year(s). i am grateful for this extended family and wish everyone here a healthy & prosperous new year. Rutan Family Randleman, NC
  16. the bike looks like a Harley Road Glide ??
  17. YD....that's what it's all about anyway....imo too much emphasis on the peripheral stuff....Merry Christmas
  18. "I have a set of RK mufflers to add. My question is: How do you save the soft gasket material that is around the head pipe? or do you just buy new if you decide to put the stock pipes back on."................. to swap on your HD mufflers does not require you to loosen or remove the exhaust pipe(s) thus no gasket to worry about........ you just remove stock mufflers - fab or purchase the HD bracket - install HD bracket - install chrome clamp ring - install HD mufflers..... i've included a pic of my 07 RSTD... ** i must have misunderstood the question....sorry
  19. was the compressed air hose an option on that year/model??
  20. the frame bends (hypothetically - it is only a 1/5 scale bike)...here is some reading.. http://gizmodo.com/186492/hyanide-snow-bike-mobile-concept
  21. take a close look at the rear of right fender.....looks like a bullet hole....but then again the trike is coming from the wild west !!
  22. naturbar


    to answer the 'WHY' part....probably due to not being mounted properly.....to answer the 'HOW' part...it's called gravity go have another cup of joe and enjoy............
  23. "You would have to be one very arrogant and ignorant jerk to complain about something this nice and joyful! Oops!"............. you can find that type person anywhere you look.....this has been some local news around my parts lately.....you will notice that all this commotion is due to "ONE" person complaining....and of all people - it was veteran... go figure. http://www.dailytarheel.com/index.php/article/2010/10/removal_of_christian_ag_sparks_controversy
  24. " The only other thing that struck me was - does everyone in America walk around with a camera and video corder these days"........... welcome to the new world. i see a plus and minus side to this issue......you really can't trust you are having a private moment these days........ you may have played hooky from work and headed to the mall with your wife ...only to be in the background of someones you tube....then you boss happens to see you.... oh well.....
  25. as luck would have it, i realized i needed checks today.... using the site you gave saved me 30% over where i was previously purchasing them....thanks !!
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