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Everything posted by naturbar

  1. a mechanical switch (micro-switch) would probably not work well in all instances - one example would be where a road is forked and let's say you want to go left at the fork - you don't actually turn the handlebars alot but may lean more into the turn - this lean would not produce enough travel for a switch to function - ( yes it could work with the slightest turn of the hbars but it would then become ultra sensitive and possibly cancel or not apply the signal when needed) ..... someone previously stated that the issue of cancelling the turn signal is not as easy as it may appear - while i agree with the signals may not function perfectly and we should not have to guess when we need to turn on our signal - i believe Yamaha has done a decent job offering us a solution (not the solution) - i like some others here simply self cancel (thumb) when the situation calls for it. i would like to know how HD solved the problem ?!
  2. where can i get an antenna for my RSTD to fly that pennant??
  3. i keep my spare key laced into my boot....i never ride without my boots on
  4. i guess i didn't do a good job of explaining what i wanted help with pricing...... i have the original factory windshield w/ lowers and all mounting hardware and factory pillion off my 07 RSTD which i am considering selling and was wanting some input as to what other members thought a fair price might be. the Hoppe fairing and detachable bracket and box are currently on my bike and i intend to keep them. sorry for any confusion i might have created.
  5. i have a 2007 RSTD which i have installed a Hoppe fairing and fabbed a detachable tour pak bracket and box. the factory windshield and lowers and the pillion backrest are in near perfect condition, i am considering selling these parts and was curious to what some of the member here thought about the pricing of the parts? any suggestions would be appreciated. i know to purchase new the rear pillion and all factory components would run about $825.00 which seems ludicrous but that's what the going price is !!
  6. very creative ----- job well done !
  7. Earl, just wanted to say i'm happy that you weren't hurt too badly, if my memory serves correctly you have been nursing a bad back. don't take any chances with your back, like others have said, there are times when symptoms don't immediately show up. and if there is anyone who can put your bike back together - it is you. i wish i had parts to donate. wishing you the best on recovery and repair and God bless you & family. buz
  8. unbelievable riding skill !! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJxOsYh12yY&feature=player_embedded]‪Donnie Williams - 2nd run http://www.NTMSC.com‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
  9. i second the Qwi gloves - they have gel pads that greatly reduce the pressure and vibration - i never ride without them !
  10. here is a low tech way to re-size pics that will post on this forum. 1. right click on pic 2. click on 'send to' 3. click 'mail recipient' 4. choose " make all my pictures smaller ", then click 'OK' 5. you should have an email pop up and just drag the attached (rezsized) photo to your desk top 6. when you are on this forum and trying to attach pics, just browse to your desk top and viola you are done. hope this helps.......... :-)
  11. upon advancing the video one second at a time - you will notice at 13 seconds (& 20 seconds) that the lady's vehicle who hit the bike is at an angle as if the driver was switching lanes......it doesn't seem probable that the rear of of vehicle jumped sideways from that impact.....any thoughts ?
  12. i agree that the rider was too close to the vehicle in front, but if you re-watch the video, start counting when the bike comes to a complete stop - i couldn't even count one second. there is no way this bike is responsible for this accident. i was rear ended by a 16 yr. old girl who had just gotten her license the day before - she said she and her friend were messing with the radio. this happened on a interstate where traffic had come to a gridlock, must have been a minimum of 100 cars stopped in front of me and by virtue of all the stopped cars and the circumstance i would venture to say that most everyone was too close to the vehicle in front of them. i was actually looking in the mirror and braced my wife just prior to impact. i feel no way responsible in any part for me being rear ended !! that is my story and i'm sticking to it.
  13. Sailor - "Had three MG As, TR 4A and Austin Healy 3000 MKIII. Watch out for " The Prince of Darkness" - ok you made me ask...what is the prince of darkness?? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sailor & Black Owl - those healy 3000 MKIII bring a handsome sum of these days !
  14. i've been looking for awhile for an MGB that was mechanically sound and affordable and i recently found one. here are a few pics of the new to me 1977 MGB, not quite the same sensation as my bike but a close second......
  15. i have one mount left (yes it works on a 2005), the weld on one of the standoffs has broken loose and would require rewelding, which will damage the powder coating. once repaired it can be media blasted and re-powder coated or painted to match the bike. this last one i will sell for $100.00 plus shipping by USPS Priority. i've included pics of bracket.
  16. prayer offered from our home .....wishing you a speedy & complete recovery.
  17. that is quite an undertaking and my hat is off to you for your perseverance. it looks like you are doing this project outdoors as well and that in itself can be challenging. best of luck with the completion, will be looking forward to the finished product !! btw that is some good friend to lend you his bike, you probably owe him a cup of joe or a cold beer for that !!
  18. interesting the way others perceive which gear they are in and thanks all for participating in this discussion. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I agree with both your posts. I never seem to know what gear I'm in and sometimes I get a surprise when I let the clutch out." The other thing that happens maybe a couple of times a summer, I'm running up through the gears and then forget if I need to push down with the heel or with the toe, hummmm now that gets the revs up pretty good. Seems to happen when I think about what I'm doing vs just doing it.[" BOO................................. on several occasions i thought i was in 4th gear (actually was in 3rd) and downshifted into second and was unexpectedly surprised..... they rate at which the clutch is released on downshifts is dependent on which gear I'm in. someone mentioned wet or slick roads and knowing which gear you're in is important while downshifting. Buz ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I don't like the surprise either when I want to get out of the way or something. Once I get a chance I turn on the cruise and set it. Light will come on when in fourth (or fifth). If the light is not on I know I am in one of the first three gears. First is real easy to tell, so are 2nd and third. Doesn't help much but real easy to pay attention without counting" Brad.................. this is pretty much the same as i do.... i always use my cruise when appropriate.....i wish cruise worked in 3rd gear as well. Buz
  19. as i am shifting thru the gears , either up or down i always count the gear i am in - does anyone else keep track this way....curious minds what to know !
  20. is it me or does anyone see "Dusty1300" pics?
  21. Thanks to all who responded. V7GOOSE SAID… I agree, running just one tank of fuel to measure results isn’t going to provide the most accurate data. Thanks for that info jfoster Reddog170 I always up shift on inclines and try to keep the rpms in the appropriate range. Thanks for the input. Jlh3rd there were no significant winds to speak of – kind of a calm & beautiful day. “even where you get your gas could also affect you mileage”….. I buy my gas at gas stations. You are right it being a balancing act – the trade off of higher rpms in 4th gear to possibly give better mileage but also placing more stress on the engine vs. lower rpms to possibly get no as good mileage but reduces stress, etc. bongobobny said… “Don't know why you got better gas mileage but I do know the Roanoke area is some pretty country!!”. You are correct !! OutKast I wish I had known, we would have enjoyed a meal and a ride with you. maybe next time.
  22. my wife wanted to take a ride to Roanoke Va. today, about 130 miles each direction. i decided that since the max speed limit anywhere i drove today would be 65 mph max, that i would make the entire trip in fourth gear. 98% of my riding is two up and my gas mileage lately has been around 33mpg but that was using fifth gear. my max speed today was 70 mph indicated on the speedo and if mine is 7% off then i was actually doing around 65 mph. the terrain from where i live to Roanoke is mildly hilly, so driving @ 65 in fourth kept the rpms in basically the sweet spot and especially pulling the hills. on my refill on the way back home the odo was showing 180 miles and it took 4.3 gals. to top it off - so essentially i got 42 mpg, which is 9 mpg better than i was previously getting. i would like to open up this strategy for discussion, such as pros/cons of fourth gear engine rpms vs. fifth gear engine rpms on longer trips. can anyone with a tach on the rsv or rstd tell me the rpms @ 70 mph indicated in fourth gear vs. rpms @ 70 mph indicated in fifth gear. i understand that fourth gear is technically an overdrive gear but am interested in your opinions. looking forward to the discussion, thanks ! buz
  23. "Riding on the road I get 160 to 187 miles before the F count down."............ now here is a guy who knows how to easy on the throttle ! what is your secret?
  24. i had a head on motorcycle accident when i was about 21 years old (42 yrs.ago) - after a year of therapy i found no relief. i had a laminectomy/fusion and after another year of therapy i was doing good. i lost some range of motion in my spine (predictably) but it has been a success story for me. i'm certain they have newer technology than 42 yrs. ago. i wish you well in you quest for healing....i've said a prayer on your behalf.
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