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Everything posted by Pegasus1300

  1. So here is the FAA position on drones http://techpp.com/2015/11/19/fly-drone-faa-rules/ BTW it costs $499.
  2. I was a member for awhile when it was still VTS and switched over MTA with them also. When STAR became the Yamaha vehicle for the new Royal Star/Star line they kind of faded away.They are still there but not much going on. I had a few issues of Venture Roads but when I moved they were lost. Very nice magazine and the Bench Wrench feature(How to) was really useful. I went to a regional rally they had in Colorado in the late 80's it was great fun.
  3. Get hold of Rick at Buckeye Performance,he may have or can get what you need www.buckeyeperformance.com/
  4. You could have called them "Ethel and " Regular"
  5. I really like the cover piece you made for the radio controls. Your dash to go into the old cassette opening is nice too. I didn't realize you could get 3 gauges in there. I would try to fit a pierce of the dash around the gauges. Ajj in all a very nice piece of work.
  6. Most of my bikes especially the Yamaha V4s have been Pegasus something or other.The anniversary one in the Garage is Pegasus1300. The Spyder is Charlotte,kinda obvious huh?
  7. You would love that road Puc. I rode 191 from Helper Utah all the way to the Mexican border and really loved the section from Payson to Morenci. I had just ridden the Dragon in 2009 and liked the Showlow/Morenci section of 191 better,but it is more dangerous. You can't see anything on the Dragon but road,on 191 you can see lots of beautiful scenery but don't get distracted!!
  8. ".I do like the Spyder but the wife refuses to ride one." Will she not even do a demo one?They are great I love mine. I spent 27 years on Yamaha V4 both generations.The Spyder is so much fun,it's the most fun I've had since I left 2 wheels. The paddle shift is great. You have to shift it going up but it will downshift automaticly.Rt foot brake but it can be modified for a hand brake.It is really fun to ride,comfortable, fast.
  9. I saw this on another forum that I visit a lot. This Vest is from New York and seems to have been lost in Indiana. The following is from the postinf I saw. This vest belonging to a combat veteran was found on I-74 in indiana, With the. help of a good samaritan mike stanley. We are trying to get it back to its owner. Please share w all ur biker friends in different parts of the states. Any info call 951-252-7071..THIS VEST WAS BOUGHT OUT OF NEW YORK ,,BUT ASKIN ALL TO PLEASE SHARE
  10. I'll take a an Indian Chief Vintage triked with a Hannigan kit and thanks Puc for your generous frame of mind
  11. +1 on the Forking by Frank.This guy has been around since the sixties. I used to buy stuff from him when I had my shop in the early 70's.
  12. That is the only way I can find anything,rebuy it and as soon as the new article shows up so will the original.
  13. I like it. I would have liked to see what Yamaha would have done with the V4 and this concept. Much more fun looking then the current V Max. Maybe a V Max reprise.
  14. I was a Bridgestone dealer in Utah in 70-73 and I kept a 350,but eventually had to sell it. I am helping a friend of mine restore one right,a beautiful bike and very advanced for the time.
  15. I actually don't know how many miles I put on the Honda Trike before I sold it this year,maybe 1000,but I don't know for sure. Now the Spyder I put 8000 miles on her in 5 months. Great riding. I think I will do a lot more in 2016. I like riding the Spyder more then I ever liked the Goldwing.
  16. Well at least you tried,she can't say you didn't try. And who knows, maybe it will work out better later.
  17. That was a neat present for your wife. She will really love it. I bought my wife a set of Warm and Safe heated gear and her reaction was so fun to see also. I already have it wired,just waiting for the snow to go away to try them out. BTW I know you have your heating elements but in case anyone is thinking of this try http://www.motorcycledave.com . He has gel pads and heating elements for any seat and real good DIY instructions.
  18. Well the big news for 2015 here is I sold the Goldwing Trike and bought a 2012 Spyder RT Limited.I love it and for the first time since 2011 I don't miss not riding my V4. I rode to Sturgis a long time bucket list item and got to meet the Cowpuc,Tippy, Bj66, Phoneman1981 and others. I started camping again something I had left because of the Cpap but there are more options for electricity now then 15 years ago. Put 8500 miles on the Spyder in 5 months. I also got 2 new grand kids,one Grand daughter married. I have been following Don around the web for over 15 years now and really enjoy this site and the friends I have here. Happy New Year to everyone and safe riding for 2016 and beyond.
  19. If you have access to a compressor and a 3/8 drive air ratchet that is how I take mine out.Use a long 3/8 drive extension and you can do it standing up. You will have to remove 4 pieces of plastic,the side covers on each side and the plastic radiator shrouds on each side. If you leave the plastic bar that goes across the front attached to one side its one less thing to bother with. When I put mine back together I start it with the socket and extension then finish with the air ratchet. If you lower the air pressure until it will just drive but stall out under any resistance then you can finish with a torque wrench. 18 lbs I think.
  20. A Sena SM10 will allow you to connect your bloototh headset to your CB radio.The cheapest I have found is http://www.motorcycledave.com
  21. I once found a complete and running late 70's KZ1000 sitting in a thrift store. It was a bid item but I didn't bid enough.
  22. Good Luck Jeff,I hope all goes well. Sorry to hear about your klutz attack
  23. Andres Segovia,Manitas de Plata,Stan Rogers,Schooner Fare,Rodrigo, Loreena Mckinnet,Most classic music. This are the ones that would surprise them,I listen to lots of other more common stuff
  24. Actually it is really quite easy to add a satellite radio to your bike. Go to TSS (you can google it) and get their motorcycle mounting kit which even includes the short antenna. Plug it into the aux port beside the cassette deck and away you go.
  25. I had a Bell EVO (KBC) and I really liked it. It took my J&M head set just fine and it would take a Senna HM10 just fine. I have also had an HJC Sy Max II and I really liked it and ditto on the headset info. BTW I say liked because I went down in both helmets,they both did what they were supposed to. Of course they are both now junk which mad me mad about the Bell. I was the best fitting helmet I ever bought.
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