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Everything posted by Pegasus1300

  1. I have one don't know if it is weighted or not but you can take those off.You can have if for the postage.PM me your address and I'll get it off and let you know what the postage is.
  2. Did a google search and several possibilities came up including ebay and amazon.com
  3. So what does it do?
  4. You didn't say how many miles were on the bike,but I'll bet the fork bushings are worn out as well as the fork springs and steering head bearings.Because of the driveshaft the swing arms do not move like chain drive ones do when they are worn.The best way to check is to actually look and regrease.The factory puts very little grease in them to begin with. The rear shock or the bushings in the linkage may also be worn as nobody ever greases them. When new these bikes are very stable and handle very well.They were considered the best handleing touring bikes of their day.Over the years the suspension degrades very slowly and almost un noticed until a new owner takes over. With all you have done you are almost there don't get discouraged now.
  5. put the big plug from the top of the forks back in with the fork spring in place and screw it down.That will put enough pressure on the inner pieces to allow you to remove the 10mm allen head bolt from the bottom but you will still need an air or electric impact wrench to make it happen.Rent, buy (Harbour Freight),borrow whatever one and it will be much easier.
  6. Roadside service for bike or car is included in your AMA membership for 39/year if you allow them to autorenew you.This is the most effective political lobbying organization for riders around and als does ATV lobbying.Good magazine,discounts and other good stuff.Every rider should join just for the political clout.
  7. There is a sale on at www.triketalk.com on rake kits for $650.You might want to check that out.I think they are usually over $1000.00.
  8. In reading thru your writeup esp. the part about checking your Carbtune,if it is not alright what do you do,and what constitutes "not alright"? A very good and easy to follow sheet.Thanx for all your work.
  9. I have found white helmets to also be cooler as the white relectes the heat better. NO I didn't mean cooler as in Kooler:)
  10. I had an old E K Premier that I wore from 1968 into the 1990's, when I finially figured out it was probably long passed its prime..Anyway I replaced it with an HJC 3/4 that was very comfortable then a Symax 1 not quite so comfortable then a cheap Bell FFR that is the most comfortable helmet I have ever had.It was DOT approved cost $85.00 and saved my life when I went down in March of 2011.I had worn that helmet for 3 years and really enjoyed it.Next was an HJC Symax 2 comfortable not cheap but it also saved my life when I went down in June 2011.I now have an HJC flip front not a Symax but I don't remember what it is called.It was on closeout at Jake Wilson so I got to try it on. It was pretty cheap, DOT approved, and getting more comfortable as I break it in.I like flip fronts but I find them to be more comfortable and quieter if I remove the face shield and just use dark safety glasses.
  11. If you only need the trike effect at low speed or at a stop light consider Ghost Wheels,it's like haveing landing gear.Also check out www.triketalk.com/forum
  12. I had the same choice as you.One thing that you put in your post was that you didn't think you would take it off.If that is true then go with the true trike.You may even be able to sell your bike for enough to buy a good used trike.
  13. I have used a CPAP for 10 years now.I don't snore and I don't stop breathing anymore. It took several adjustments for the supply company to get the delivery pressure right but it works good now.In fact I can't sleep without it unless I sleep sitting up. Dry mouth comes from your mouth dropping open.You can get a strap to hold your mouth closed or I used to put a pillow on my chest and wedge it under my chin.I still do that if I find I am getting dry mouth again.It is bulkey to travel with and means if I want to camp I have find a campground that will provide me with electricity.
  14. After watching my own hand scrape accross pavement I could not watch much of that video it just hurt too much
  15. djh3 that is actually about normal tire life for dunlop 404. I put up with it because they were relatively cheap and I could get them in WWW front and rear.
  16. Do a google search for BraKing or Braking and see if they still have 1st gen rotors.They used to at real good price. I do not know if the 2nd gen rotors will fit.You might call call BraKing or maybe Galfers and see if they send out the same rotor for both 1st and 2nd gens. I wish I knew more.
  17. The chrome fairing vents are actually plastic themselves.I have a set on my 87. They have been on my 83 and my 86 also. I cut the tabs off as it made removing them easier for cleaning. There is a screw inside that actually holds them on.
  18. We will add Dorothea to our prayers. I have one question tho, in your post it seemed to indicate she only has one kidney now,is that right?So would she then go on dialysis?
  19. A lot of stripers use 1shot.It is a sign painters paint and flows well without extra thinning. I also use a Beugler Striping tool,not that I am very good but it is fun and a lot easier to master then a brush.You can get the paint at any local store that sells supplies to sign painters and they have the brushes also.Google Beugler for their website and have fun.Google pinstriping also there are several pinstriping shows around the country also.I am lucky enough to live 10 miles from Ed Roth's home and museum where they do a big homage to him the 1st weekend in june every year.The Kustom Kulture really comes out.Long Live the Rat Fink:cool10:
  20. Well after 2 wrecks this year I jumped ship too.I found a good buy on a trike so I replaced the 08 RSV with a 1990 Wing SE and a 06 TriKing conversion.I don't know what number I am.Still have the 87 anniversary VR.
  21. I think that the Royal Star is a beautiful platform to add stuff to.I Put the visors on my passing lights and front and rear turnsignals. The Diamond R light bars ad a beautiful touch to the bottom of the bags. If you can find a set the chrome billet carb covers that go between the carbs add a real finished look to that area as well as adding the lower covers between the v.The cover over the rear brake master cyclinder is nice. I also added the chrome clutch/brake levers and I found on ebay a set or clutch/brake covers that said Royal Star on them. Barons also makes a waterpump cover and an alternator cover in chrome and etched with V4.Chasing all that should pass some interesting time for you and who knows what else you may find. I also had the bike pinstriped.I am lucky enough to live 10 miles from Ed Roths home and museum in Manti Ut.Every year there is an Ed Roth celebration in June and lots of airbrush artists and pinstripers are in town.You may have to look a little harder to find one in your area.Google may help. Enjoy:cool10:
  22. Thanx Don for all that you do to maintain this site.I am very grateful that the cost of membership is still so incredibly low for all that we get.Again thank you for all you do.
  23. All Ventures from 1983 to present came from the factory with all locks keyed to a single key.You should have gotten a main key, a 2nd identical spare key and a metal tag with the key code on it. If you got anything else something was changed by the dealer or at the distribution warehouse or in shipping.
  24. I developed heel spurs in my right foot about 7 years ago. I went to Dr Rogers in American Fork UT.He fittef me with orthotics,physical therapy and a couple of cortisone shots and I have been okay since. I know that it is still there as I can feel the pain if forget to wear thr orthotics,but as long as I buy good shoes and wear the arch supports I am fine.
  25. OK so according to the first article the company is not around anymore. On the scond website most of the information on the home page is in Latin.So is this still for real or what. It would be cool if it still exists
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