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Everything posted by Pegasus1300

  1. I am confused.Did the people you bought it from tell you it had been lowered?Or are you just curious as to if it had been?Or did you need to lower it? Did you get an owners manual with the bike.They are available online but I don't have the address offhand.Someone here will chime in with it. The only front fork adj is to add or remove air pressure. I would stay below 7-8 lbs and use a zero loss gage to check it and a hand suspension pump to fill it.Do not use an air compressor or a gas station hose.The rear is also air adj but will take much more.I ran mine around 45 lbd but I am a big boy.Again use a hand pump and zero loss gage.Harley dealers usually have the pumps on hand for a reasonable price and they have a built in gage. There is a lot information in the tech pages you can check out also.Welcome to this mad house and I hope you have many wonderful miles on that RSV.
  2. I don't think Wiredgeorge is very far from you.He is in Mico Texas and rebuilds japanese carbs for a living.Look for him in the members list.He is quite knowlegable. I think you will find that all you will need is a fluid change,a battery,a key, tires and a carb cleaning. And fresh gas.
  3. I was laughing so hard when I started to read your comment and saw the first words I thought it was more of the same and nearly fell off the chair laughing harder
  4. Is this the stock mud flap you are having trouble with?I have mounted 2 Marklands one on an 83 and one on an 86 and they all cleared the flap just fine.The front mounts to the muffler mounts.There should be no movement when all mounted up.Use a longer screw/bolt that will go thru the nut on the bag mount the use another nut/washer to tighten it up to the bottom of the bag mount.There is also a u clamp that goes on at the tabs back by the ball plate.BTW this description only applies to the 86-93 series.
  5. Looks really nice.Its about time.I didn't hear them mention it but does it have cruise control?
  6. I used to lock it up with the helmet locks but one time I came out of a movie theater and it had rained and it was full of water:depressed:. Now i just leave it sitting on the seat rightside up. I would lock it in the trunk but there is usually no room.Guess I need to carry less junk.
  7. They say that the odds of winning are only slightly better for buying a ticket then if you don't:stirthepot:
  8. What a relief,from your headline I thought you had wrecked and had to get a replacement. Glad it was just an impulse your lost control of.
  9. so does anyone know where this road is and from where to where it runs? Great scenery
  10. That was impressive.Thank you for posting that.
  11. A very good explanation Eck and one I understand and sympathize with completely.Since our accident in June of 2011 Cynthia is not up to any long distance riding/trips,but she will ride with me for short distances. We are looking into towing to distant rides as well.Avery elegant solution you have devised.
  12. Great Pictures.Do you know the name of the group or the rally name?
  13. It is always a wonder to me how well the people on this site work together.Welcome AD Custom Chrome.
  14. Paul what a sad dayfor your bike.That is a beautiful early RSTD.I hope there was not much damage to it.As to yourself we are very happy that you are still around to tell the tale.Are you in the hospital,are you home?You need a new knee??. I don't want to pry into your private affairs but you said you had no insurance,did you mean on the bike or health insurance for yourself or both?If we can chip in for a new helmet we can certainly chip in something to help with the medical bills if necessary.Please let us know what you need.If you can't ask for yourself PM somebody on the board to make a request for you.We are family here as Don said earlier.
  15. I have not looked at that can real close but I believe that multi grade oils down in 5w range are usually energy conserving and have additives that may make your clutch slip.They also do not have as high a zinc content which is important for longer engine life.
  16. I love triple D,watch it as often as I can and have made some of the recipes featured on the show.I always check towns I'm going thru to see if they have a 3D restaurant there.I have only been disapointed once. So I have always wondered,Do we ride to support our eating disorder or do we eat to support our riding disorder:cool10:
  17. I have had the Olympia Airglide gear for years and even personaly crash tested it and I think for the price you can't get better gear.My wife also uses the Olympia Airglide pants and loves them.The only damage my jacket sustained was when the paramedics cut the jacket off me. I also really like the Firstgear Killimanjaro Jacket but it is very heavy,but it is well built and should last a long time.With a Gerbings heated liner under it it is good even in winter cold.I still Have the Firstgear Leather Scout jacket I bought nearly 20 years ago. Good equiptment will last you a long time.My Joe Rocket Phoenix jacket(summer only) is over ten years old and holding up well.
  18. It is our turn for everyboby to come to our place for Thanksgiving and most of the kids and grandkids are coming.That is really great as it is a long drive for them.Cynthia likes to cook so she will do most of the fixing,turkey,mash potatoes,gravy,peas,yams with brown sugar and narshmellows,several pies.As a hold over from the days when I did all the cooking I will make my Cream of Wild Rice soup,Brazilnut stuffing,and Icelandic Vinnerterta(prune and cardamom filling.) If the weather is good we will go down to the shooting range and bust a few caps before dinner then watch football after.We are very thankful to be together this year and hope we have many more.
  19. HHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Can you imagine Chinese Fruit pies Cupcakes and Twinkies:confused24:
  20. Frame and gear and driveshaft problems are all solved by the end of the 85 model year.Is the 87 a Royale?You can tell by the badging,am/fm cassette intercom cb radio and built in leveling system and cruise control.The 87 is a much prettier bike, imho. In looking at the pictures it seems to be a standard,but a nice one with a nice add on set of lights on the rear.Those are not tock but Ventureline add ons.
  21. At this time there does not appear to be a car tire for the front of an RSV.Look instead for a rear tire of the 150x16 size and mount it in reverse direction.You will get more rubber on the road greater load carrying cap and longer tire life.
  22. I just went to the Shark website and their 600w motorcycle system is on sale for $118.00 down from $399.00.2 remotes and speakers,complete system.
  23. I'm sorry Kenny.Breathe easy for awhile and try not to sneeze or listen to any funny stories.It looks like maybe just (yeah right "just")plastic. Are you thinking rebuild yet or have you gotten that far? Sure glad you are still around and it wasn't a diesel you saw when you looked up.
  24. The Italian company that Harley imported was Aermacchi. I had an SHO Taurus, boy was it fast.I always wanted to know if they could do this in a car why wouldn't they do it in their Ventures? Suzuki and Kawasaki were also sharing engine developement in their cruiser lines for awhile.The big Suzuki power cruiser used a Vulcan Mean Streak engine.
  25. Auction is removed.
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