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Everything posted by Pegasus1300

  1. I gave my wife a Nikon d3200 with 2 lenses and she gave me a 6 burner Charbroil BBQ. And I got to talk with all my kids and all sibs and I'll see them all tomorrow .
  2. Yes I worked today.I have worked Christmas Eve and Christmas for most of my working life.
  3. It is a golf cart made to look like the Tumbler from the Batman movie series Dark Knight 2005 2012
  4. And they are?????
  5. Well I'll start with the oldest 1st. These are both project bikes. 1968 BSA Royal Star (500), and a 1971 Montesa Texas Scrambler (175). The rideables I have a 1987 5th Anniversary Venture Royale and a 1990 Goldwing SE converted to a trike.
  6. I started riding horses about the same time I learned to walk/ Love horses and loved the freedom of the ride. In Jr High and then in High School we were introduced to mythology and the story of Pegasus the flying horse. My mother told me that even as a small child I would stare every time I saw or heard a motorcycle go by. I actually began riding in 1964 and thought I had discovered the flying horse. When I found the Venturers. Org in 1999 and needed a user name Pegasus1300 just seemed natural and I have brought it with me everywhere I go.Although on Delphi I am PegasusTRA. TRA being Temple Riders Association. Since I don't ride a 1300 V-4 any more I guess I should change but I have had this so long so I guess I'll keep it.
  7. around here even the horses are put away, in fact I'll bet I've seen more bikes in the last week then horses in the last month and this is rural Utah.
  8. It appears that the Venturers website is back up and running.
  9. works ok now
  10. I reloaded for shotgun when i was doing a lot more shooting. I started with a Lee hand loader and had good success with it but it was slow.When I went to a Ponsness Warren I thought I was in heaven. It was a great tool and changeable from 12 to 20 in minutes.
  11. It is actually quite easy to get it on the 2 x 4. I put it on the center stand then place the 2 x 4 in front of the stand rock the bike to one side to kick that end of the board underneath then rock it the other way and kick the other end under and we are good to go. I have had both wheels off this way using some blocks to hold the front up by the front crossbar. I have been able to both front and rear end work tire work on and off the bike seal replacement shaft and final drive etc. Bike doesn't move the only drawback is it is getting harder to get up off the concrete floor. So if you haven't got the idea yet spend the money for a Harbor Fright or similar jack. But the center stand will do until you can get one.
  12. I think he was suggesting that as a possible help.
  13. I just used the center stand and when I needed more height I would put a 2x4 under it.
  14. You are so right we do not know how long we have. Tomorrow is promised to no one.So sorrry for your loss and will definitely be hugging someone in memorial to Ben.
  15. It is interesting that you should mention that. My 1990 Gold Wing is having the same problem. It has new plugs in it and it has all the choke that is available.
  16. That trailer looks like some sort of European van with the front end cut off,not a VW. I wonder what it is? The creativity and desire to ride of bikers never ceases to amaze me. Somebody did a great job.
  17. That is good to know,although I have used it on my Ventures since 1986 with no problems as to the plastic carb parts.
  18. that actually applies to 86s as well. The final drive oil lubes the rear splines
  19. Once I took it back to Blue everything was fine. This is the same format for other sites I use so I am very comfortable with it. Thanks for all your work.
  20. Another vote for Berryman's B12. You can get it in a liquid or a spray and much cheaper then Seafoam. I use both the liquid and the spray. Soak in liquid in liquid for a couple of days then use the spray to clean out any residue left in the passageways. Afterwards you can use it in your gas.
  21. From other friends who have a Vulcan 2000,be ready to change the seat. I have three friends who ride that bike and all three have had to do something to the seat to ride more then an hour or so. None of them ride with passengers but I suspect that your wife will not like her accommodations either.
  22. Number 1 is that the front forks are only supposed to go about 7 or 8 lbs. Going to 17 will blow the seals so I suggest you start there.
  23. Yeah what he said,that was what I meant.
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