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10 Good

About Hardhead

  • Birthday 08/18/1948

Personal Information

  • Name
    James A Stovall


  • Location
    canyon Lake, United States


  • City
    canyon Lake


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2002 RSV 2000 Goldwing 1996 Royal Star
  1. Anyone ever have a bike totalled by Dairyland/Sentry Insurance? How happy were you with the amount they offered?
  2. Just ordered replacement for left deflector. Will be happy to replace OEM with these.
  3. I have one that is very similar to this one. With the adapter available from this sight works great. Jack is fast actingand goes up very quickly. The Venture weighs less than 1000# unless you are on it. If you need to swap sides let it down and pick from the other side. 30 " of lift is ample for most work and makes changing tires a snap.
  4. That lift looks real similar to a Kendron lift. I have one but the chock on the front is too narrow for the front tire on my '02 RSV. I ended up getting the adapter from this web site and I found a 1000# lift made like a MC jack that has 30" of lift. Works great. I have about $250.00 invested.
  5. Have you tried www.bikebandits.com ?
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