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Everything posted by Russ

  1. I've gotten my 1st gen into the back of a Ford Ranger before. It's functional, but it looks really silly. It gives the appearance of the bike being bigger than the truck
  2. I'll try and talk my wife into letting me go.. will just have to tell her to cross her legs so she doesn't go into labor while I'm gone! :-)
  3. Thanks for the link Snaggletooth! but now it looks like I"m all good to go! after several phone calls to Squidley (thanks again, man!) and all day sunday, it's all buttoned up and running strong! Spent a while burping the air out of the radiator, and now i'm back on the road! after a year and a half without it, it's almost like I've gotten a part of myself back... it just feels right, now. hopefully will be able to meet up with some some of ya'll soon for some riding. Thank you all for your help! I don't know what I'd do without you guys!
  4. wish I could help, but I've never been able to figure out how mine works to begin with.
  5. hehe, yup! went digging and lo and behold! there's that plug just hangin' loose. pinched it up a little and it's good to go! thank you all for your advice! now to figure out this e-4 problem on the compressor... hehe.
  6. bingo on that one, man. got too excited about the bike running again to think to check the manual for refilling the radiator.
  7. Coolant Selector? I'm guessing I didn't do that 'cause I don't even know what that is.
  8. Alright, so I finally got the front cylinder head off, heli-coiled, and back on (Thanks to Freebird and Rick Butler for putting up with my phone calls. ) Got it all buttoned back up on Saturday, and got it out on the road. Everything seemed great.. until I stopped at the store and heard something bubbling from the right fairing.... I was boiling coolant in the resivoir. the bottle looked full and was visibly wiggling from the boiling. went into the store and came back out to find that the bottle was empty but still pretty darn hot. couldn't see anywhere that it boiled a hole in the bottle, but the cap was cracked. Couldn't see where it had leaked out onto the ground either, but it had just rained and the concrete was soaked already. while riding the temp gauge didn't move. Just stayed buried at the bottom, which I remember thinking was odd since after that short distance it should at least have moved up some.. So now I need some advice from ya'll... If this was a car I'd start looking at the thermostat.. since I drained the radiator and re-filled it, I'm wondering if I washed something into it and stuck the stupid thing.. or maybe I didn't put enough coolant into it?? How much should be in an '86 VR? And does anyone have a coolant bottle and cap that I can buy from them? Thanks in advance! BTW, in case anyone was wondering, Yes, you CAN remove the front cylinder head without removing the engine... but for the pain in the butt that it is, I'm wondering if it woulda been easier to pull the engine.
  9. As far as I could tell, just about everywhere south of Salt Lake City was free range cattle. it's not a problem on the 4-lanes, but you get off those and you're in cattle country. when you get to bluff, if you have time to spare, there's some cliff dwellings directly across the river from Bluff. I'm sure if you ask around you might be able to find someone that will take you to them. Have fun! and don't forget the sunscreen!
  10. If you get a chance, head down to Bluff, Utah. It's in the southeastern corner of the state. I have a Great Uncle that lives down there that we went to visit a couple years back. Absolutely fantastic scenery, along with some good ruins to visit.. My Great Uncle used to be an outfitter / guide down there and knows the area like the back of his hand. I could put you in touch if you want, just PM me. But at the least, try and make it up to Mesa Verde in Colorado. Also, Bypass four corners. There really isn't anything there to see, short of a round plaque in the ground that's supposedly right at the spot where the states touch. Was really kind of a let-down. Also, if you make it to the Bluff area, Monument Valley isn't all that far off.. and that's DEFINATELY worth the visit. OH! and I almost forgot... Watch out for the free range Cattle... Almost nailed one coming around a curve in the rental car. Also, it wouldn't be a bad idea to take some extra fuel along with... in some areas the gas stations are few and far between.
  11. I'd say definately seek a legal consultation as soon as possible. try http://www.lawinfo.com/ to find a lawyer. get yourself a good ambulance chaser involved in it. most of them won't ask for anything unless you get a settlement. Good luck!
  12. hop on the bike and ride to Peoria, IL. they still got one. If only I had my bike running....
  13. And if you aren't feeling technical enough for the wiring stuff, go grab an FM transmitter. it's what I've always used and it works good... only problem is the extra draw on the electrical.
  14. Is there any reason why an amp couldn't be rigged to a power switch like the driving lights, though so there isn't a constant drain on the battery?
  15. Hey guys. I know that this has been brought up before and I wanted to share with ya'll what I just found. http://www.crutchfield.com/S-51I56E4bKZj/cgi-bin/ProdView.asp?g=51000&I=105CSBB2 dimensions: 11-5/8"W x 2-1/2"H x 7-7/8"D It'd fit, I think, in a saddlebag, maybe in the trunk... would definately take up a bit of room, though... It comes with a wired volume control.
  16. I'm waiting for a Weatherproof GPS to come onto the market... 'course don't need one until I get the bike going again.
  17. Just wanted to let you know that tonight on Woot! they have a Whistler WPGX-635 GPS Nav System for $219.99 + $5.00 S&H. for those of you not familiar with Woot, they go under a system of One Day, One Deal. they sell one item per day. when it's sold out, that's it until the next day and it changes every night at Midnight CST. Anyhow, just thought ya'll would like to know.
  18. This past sunday I was riding my bike home from my dad's and I had the front right spark plug blow out of the cylinder. After talking to squidley, he said that we can heli coil it. So I went in search of info of what I need to do... and I came across a product called Time-Sert. I wanted to find out if anyone here has had experience with this product and what their opinions are compared to HeliCoil.
  19. Sure Squid, Add one more thing to my list of stuff to do to the bike the next time I sucker, er, I mean get you to come down.
  20. I'm thinking about looking into installing a motorized AM/FM antenna on my venture and I was wondering if there was anyone here that might have looked into it themselves. I'm thinking about finding a spot in the fairing, but I'm wondering if that would be too distracting while riding. I could mount it in one of the saddlebags, but I was thinking it would be in the way of the passenger and I'd have to get a quick disconnect of some sort so I could open the saddlebag... and then thinking about in the trunk, but it would decrease my storage there... the one specifically that I'm looking at is this one which doesn't have the motor mounted directly on the antenna and would probably allow for more compact mounting. So, any thoughts?
  21. Don, I had totally forgotten about Pinwall! I'll have to give him a try if Rod's Guitar string idea doesn't work... Wilcruise, we tried solvent and compressed air... the solvent we used was the acid etching stuff that you get in the tank refinishing kit (those three bottles of goop I was talking about) and after three tries it didn't seem any better. After we got some of it dug out we put my buddie's air compressor on it and it didn't do anything noticable for us. thanks a lot guys! I knew I could count on ya'll for advice!
  22. I'm not really sure where to post this, so moderators, move it it ya need to. :-) My Father-In-law has a 1974 Yamaha RD200 Electric that he left garaged for 15 years. he parked it when the tires went flat and never bothered with it again. I snagged it out of his shed a few years back and with the help of a friend of mine we've got it back in running order.. the only problem we are faced with now is the gas tank. He left gas in it for those 15 years.. I'm sure you can all imagine what we were met with when we opened it up. We've run several of those tank cleaning kits through it (you know, the three bottles of goop) and it's still pretty bad off... It's at least usable now, but here's the issue. On each side of the saddle there's a small 90 degree pipe that comes down that is supposed to be connected with fuel line so that fuel from the side away from the petcock can be used... at some point both pipes have become filled with gunk. I"m not sure if it's from the tank cleaning stuff we used or if it's just from having sat for so long with fuel in it, but they're clogged pretty good. We've tried everything we can think of from drill bits to get as much as we can to pipe cleaners to try and clear around the bend, but we can't get it to punch through on either side. so I've decided to look for a new tank. SO, any of ya'll know where i can get a new tank for a '74 RD200? I've been watching e-bay but I can't seem to find a tank. I tried a few cycle salvage yards but haven't been able to find one there either, at least not one that's in serviceable condition. Thanks in advance guys!
  23. Same here. I always just hit the dollar store and get the cheapest one I can find, spray the hell outta the inside of the grip and slide it on. wipe up the excess and let it dry for a half hour or so and you're good to go.
  24. I have this problem a lot... Only solution I've found is looking over the windshield. I also have a lot of problems with condensation collecting on the outside of the windshield when riding in fog or misting rain... Wish there was a good solution.
  25. at first I thought my glasses were dirty... those look pretty close to the ventureline brackets on my '86....
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