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Everything posted by Russ

  1. wish i could take it, but if I add one more broke bike to the stable before I get one of the current broke bikes fixed, I'm gonna be looking for a garage to live in.
  2. I've actually got the mounting brackets with it. but they don't look the same as the ones on my '86. here's the brackets along with the passenger armrests.
  3. If it were going to my bike, I'd say sure, however those armrests and the backrest are going to be taking a trip to Michigan for our friendly neighborhood cephalopod. and I'm willing to bet he's going to have to flex that fabricating muscle of his to make it all work as I really think that the mounting hardware on these are GW. But just to let ya see what that backrest looks like...
  4. ok, I went out there today, and after two hours of waiting for the guy with the key to get there, I got into the magic bus. biggest problem is that there's goldwing stuff mixed up in with everything else, but here's a list of what I did see (Sorry guys, no TCI boxes): -Right saddlebag (right hand side as sitting on bike) for '83-85 -left and right fairing halves, no colors don't match -Venture cruise module (that mounts under left fairing) w/ handlebar assembly (the doohicky with the kill switch, starter switch, and cruise control switch) -Radiator Grill cover -trunk luggage rack (possibly from a GW, but looked more like the one off my 1st Gen) -plastic housing insert for right fairing (that plastic jobber that the cb and class mount into) - various starters (once again, possibly from GW's, but there's about 20 of them in there) -plastic surround thingy that goes around the ignition switch, you know, the thingie with the venture cruise lights and on/off button on it -Various Wiring harnesses (all in a pile, looked like the mess that bongobobny was working out) -box full of oil filters (grab bag. boxes with filters in them are labeled w/ part numbers, but no clue what they go to) - Baker Air wings (looked like complete set, but don't quote me on it. they're smoke colored, once again, possibly off a GW) -random brake caliper and carb rebuild kits, K&L brand -Several New in box fuel petcocks (not Venture, but yamaha branded) -older GW trunk (one of the removable ones with the handle on top) -bunch of carb sets (didn't see any for Venture, though.) -exhaust pieces (I think Venture, but once again, don't quote me on it.) - False tank cover -passenger armrests and driver backrest ( sorry, no longer available. they came home with me) That's just what I can remember. was a bit warm in there and was on a mission trying to find those TCI boxes. next time I'll hopefully remember to take a camera and get pictures of stuff so maybe I can give ya'll a better idea of what's there. and hopefully I won't have a 4 year old with me trying to pick up everything he can see.
  5. I'll keep an eye out. I think it's mostly first gen stuff, though. from what I've been told, all this is the former inventory from a gentleman named Al Westfall that used to work on Ventures and Goldwings, and when he passed away, this junkyard purchased everything he had. If anyone else has requests, though, I'd be happy to look for ya. Never know what ya might get lucky with.
  6. Russ

    Newbe to site

    welcome to the family!
  7. I'll head over and dig through to see if they've got any of these in the busses. probably wont' be able to get over there until thursday, though.
  8. Get me a part number and a picture of what to look for and I'll go dig for it. Among the things I saw last time I was in there: Markland passenger armrests, radiator shroud, ton of wiring harnesses, saddlebags, trunk parts, exhausts, radio parts, amps, oil filters, fairing parts, driver's backrest (with embossed Venture "V")... Maybe I should plan a M&E (if I get my bike fixed) and plan a trip to the junkyard as part of it... but can't really ride bikes up in there. rough road and misc stuff scattered all over. would be easy to pick up something in a tire.
  9. If any of ya'll are interested, there's an old corvair for sale on the road to my dad's. guy wants around $1000 for it and I'm told it runs. been for sale for a while as it's not exactly the busiest of roads as it dead-ends about three miles down.
  10. there's a junk yard that I found in peoria that has two school busses filled with random venture parts. I wouldn't have any clue what to look for, but if someone around this area would, I'd be happy to take 'em to the treasure trove to dig one out.
  11. Keep up with the maintenance (oil changes, spark plugs, etc) and you can expect to be still riding it many years down the road. for reference, the first venture is confirmed to be still on the road.
  12. there's a fix for the E4 error posted at http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=493 . May want to try this first. I've been getting it on my '86, but I've found that if I tip the panel up like I'm trying to get to the puke tank, it puts some tension on the wires and actually lets me air up the suspension.
  13. Prayers sent!
  14. First question: What's a gobble holler? Second Question: what's wrong with the bike? or should we assume what you listed is what's Not wrong with the bike and all other things are wrong?
  15. I recommend Fair Use Wizard http://fairusewizard.com/lang_en/fairuse_wizard_dvd_divx_xvid_backup_tool_light_edition.html Extremely good for making backup copies of dvd's that you rent, er, already own. Lots of options in the paid version, but I've never needed more than the free one.
  16. So I was checking out Microsoft's new search engine http://www.bing.com and searched for 1986 Venture Royale.. and I discovered that there's actually a wikipedia entry for the 1st Gen VR's... and Venturerider.org is in the article! From the article: The web brought about many online clubs. VentureRider.org http://www.venturerider.org is the largest and most active of these clubs with members worldwide and regular meetings (VentureIns) and more informal get-togethers throughout North America and Europe. It also has a great technical resource for all model years as well as a classifieds area for those looking to buy and/or sell. In addition, it's got some of our events, past and future, listed! Here's the link if ya'll want to check it out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yamaha_Venture_Royale
  17. I don't suppose anyones got a picture of exactly where this weep hole is? I checked the coolant levels, checked the drain valve, checked the wires. Fan is kicking on. got on the bike tonight, let it warm up for about 5 minutes before hitting the road, 5 miles and needle was on red. 6 miles and it was in the red with coolant audibly boiling in the overflow bottle.
  18. I'll double check the drain valve. I thought that's where I set it, but I could be wrong. I know I need a carb sync, and yes, it's got fresh (and topped off) coolant. Fan did kick on, but i'm going to have to check those connectors. I had so many things on and off the bike the past two years that I could have taken it off and not re-tightened it.
  19. Ok, so after many trials and tribulations, i finally got the old beast up and running. However now I'm having some heat issues. Went for a 100 mile shakedown ride after I got it back together, and everything was fine. Rode it 50 miles into work that night, did fine until I got into town. stopped at a stop light, and noticed the heat guage creeping up. took off from the light, and it dropped (and I mean dropped, like split second went from bottom of the red to middle of the green). It did fine rest of the way to work. went to come home sunday afternoon, it did just fine until I got onto the highway. Guage creeped up to the red again, and just stayed right at the bottom of the red. Pulled over at an exit ramp, waited it out for a bit so it could cool off, got back on the highway, just fine for another 20 miles, guage goes back up to bottom of the red. Leapfrogged it the rest of the way home. Thermostat was replaced with the NAPA 156 two weeks ago (gasket fell apart in my hand, had to RTV the housing, new gasket and o-ring are ordered and hopefully will be here tomorrow). Does this behavior indicate the water pump is going out? If so, anyone happen to have one they want to get rid of? I can't seem to find it on the parts diagram, and I'm really hoping it's not going to be too big of an ordeal to replace.. been without my bike for two years, really don't want to spend another summer wishing I was riding. as an afterthought I looked in the classifieds and saw there's a water pump out of an '84. http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php/product/2071/cat/6 any reason why this wouldn't work in my '86?
  20. Well heck, yer right down the road from me. If ya want to test that gizmo out on a 1st gen, i'd be happy to bring bring the beer and the bike. (now that I finally got it running again!)
  21. checking out their website, it looks like they only do titles on '74 or older bikes now..
  22. I'd say give the carbs a good cleaning and check for a stuck float?? I never been good with carbs and really am starting to get a distaste for 'em. thankfully we've got some folks here that have most likely run into that before and can point ya the right direction
  23. As some of ya'll have described yourselves, I'm a Jack of all trades, master of none. my first comp was a TRS-80. Dabbled a little in basic with that, went on to my dad's 386sx (he was too cheap for the math coprocessor) and was told it better be working when he gets home from work. That forced me to learn to fix it. Lack of a direction in life led me to fall back on those skills and landed me a job with a small company that leased and customized computers for Caterpillar, Inc. from there I went into some network admin, sys admin, got laid off, and now I'm a contractor that gets to babysit a veritable crapton of Windows servers every night. I still enjoy writing my own batch files, even if there's an easier way to do it through the GUI, and I'm currently teaching myself C#.
  24. I had a similar problem on my '86. turned out the starter was fried. New starter and now it's all good.
  25. I'm going to try and make it this year, Don, I really am. Finally got the bike running, but still need to button everything back up and then put a few hundred miles on it before I'm comfy with taking it on a long trip. Hopefully will have it together thursday and give it a week of driving to and from work.
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