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Russ last won the day on July 29 2024

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About Russ

  • Birthday 09/26/1978

Personal Information

  • Name
    Russ Telford


  • Location
    New Haven, Ky


  • City
    New Haven


  • State/Province


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2008 RSV


  • Occupation
    Telephony Architect

VR Assistance

  • VR Assistance
    tools, garage, bourbon

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  1. Thanks Marcarl! Sounds like I've got some packing and weighing to do!
  2. I've got the cyclemate cm2000. I can't seem to find any info on what pressure to use in the tires. Internet is telling me to run at the tires max psi, but the idea of running a trailer with 60 psi in the tires makes me think it's going to bounce all over the place. Also, is there any advice anyone can give on pulling a trailer with my RSV? How will it change the handling? Is there anything I need to look out for?
  3. Love the look of those lights! Where'd you get the visors for them? It looks like that bulb is no longer available on Dennis Kirk, but now I know what to look for. Thanks!
  4. Well, its tax time and of course I want to spend my return on the bike. I've currently got some old school incandescent bulb fog lights, and I'd like to replace them with something that actually makes a difference at night. I've been eyeballing some LED lights at tractor supply, but I figured I've got all yall on here with far more knowledge than me or the dude at TSC, so I toss it to the brain trust: what LED fog lights would yall recommend? I'm also thinking of doing something with the stock headlight. It's not dim, persay, but id sure like it to be brighter on some of these dark nights on back roads. Any suggestions on that? Thanks all! -Russ
  5. Once upon a time, there was a way on here to see a map of where members were. My dad recently came into possession of a 1998 Honda ACE 750 and is really needing some help with getting some maintenance done as it's been sitting for some time and apparently has a leak on a carb bowl. He's not comfortable doing this work himself, so i figured hey, i'll check and see if there's any VentureRiders in his area (Kinston, NC) that might be willing to help for a little $$ maybe. Yet i can't see where to see where folks are! I was also hoping to be able to rely on that feature on roadtrips in event of any issues with the bike. So, i ask ya'll, what happened to that feature? did I dream it?
  6. 08 RSV. No intentions of ever getting rid of it. I guess if something ever happened to her, I'd find another touring option, but it'd probably be yet another used RSV.
  7. Bought a 1 7/8 hitch ball, but the bolt is way too big for the hitch. Looking around, found this https://a.co/d/eaMLc64 on Amazon. Anyone got experience with these? Should I look elsewhere? Need to get to where I can start pulling the trailer so I'm ready for my road trip in the spring. Thanks all! -Russ
  8. Thanks for checking. I'll probably leave it as is for now and then look into either replacing or repairing it this winter. Thanks again!
  9. That'd be awesome! What exactly does that system do? It sounds like it's not really needed.
  10. #22 looks like it! How urgent is this to replace or can it wait until I put her up for the winter?
  11. Thank you! That eases my mind quite a bit! Now to figure out that plastic thing!
  12. And on re-reading, I realize I neglected to say location. This is kickstand side, towards rear tire, behind exhaust, almost directly below passenger floorboard.
  13. I noticed a very small what appears to be oil spot on the concrete under the bike on inspection, it appears to have seeped out of one of these tubes. So first, what are these and should I be concerned? Second, when looking at the tubes, I found this plastic thingamabob is cracked. What is it and should I be concerned? As always, thanks in advance.
  14. Hey all! I wanted to give an update on this and toss in a few lessons learned from the experience in case someone else has this issue. I got the slave cylinder replaced, however couldn't get to the oil gasket, that thing is in there deep and I couldn't find a pick that would reach it, so i did as close of an inspection of it as i could with an endoscope and it looked good, so i left it there. Lessons learned: - buy allen sockets. just freaking do it. life will be a million times easier. - after you pop the clutch line off, pop it out of the holder under the bike and unscrew the other holder that's further up. this will allow you to move that line out of the way. - remove the bleeder screw before you try and wiggle that thing out of there. do the same to the new one before you try and wiggle it back up in. - after you've gravity flushed the line, you are going to pump the clutch lever what feels like a thousand times before it builds the pressure it needs to actuate the piston. it takes forever to build the pressure, this isn't like the brakes on your car that have a booster. - a 2x4 under the kickstand and the handlebars turned far right will get you about as close to level on that reservoir as possible without a stand. just be careful, it's awful close to tipping point, so don't go pushing on anything, in fact, i did all removal and install without that 2x4 'cause it made me nervous, but definitely used it when keeping it full during the bleed. - when you're pulling that oil drain plug, position your wrench so that you're pushing towards the kickstand when trying to break it loose. I was laying down on the floor pulling towards me, away from the kickstand, and when it tried to lift up off the stand from my efforts, i had one of those moments where i wondered if I was wearing my brown pants. Anyhow, HUGE THANKS to everyone here for helping me get this sorted out. took it for a 100 mile shakedown after changing the cylinder and the oil, no leaks, fluid levels look good through the sight glasses. hope to see ya'll on the road! -Russ
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