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Everything posted by ADC

  1. ADC

    Mark Hopey

    I think about Mark every once in a while,I'm heading to Black Mountain this sun with the family(cage) for the week I'm sure I'll think of him more being there.
  2. Sorry to hear all this bad news Randy,got you and Linda on the list,heal fast and praying for Linda and the doctors to get her right.
  3. Prayers on the way for both of you Dan,hope they find the cause of the problems.Keep us posted.
  4. Ok, can I use one of my taekwondo kicks
  5. Ya'll have fun and be safe,I'll be sitting out at home this year.
  6. ADC


    happy birthday bob!!
  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :Happy Birthday: :wow::wow::wow:
  8. Have a great time Annie,was good to see you both saturday !
  9. Looks like someone went to Mackeys
  10. 50! That's half a century!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
  11. Happy Birthday!!!
  12. ADC


    Cool place,have fun, be safe!
  13. I'm so sorry for your loss Dan,praying for you and the family.
  14. Get well soon!!
  15. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! George I hope you had a great one. :Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday: :group cheers:
  16. ADC

    6th time

    Hope they get it right this time Dan,will be sending some prayers your way.
  17. 50? :scared::scared: That's half a century!! :Happy Birthday:
  18. :Happy Birthday: :group cheers::group cheers::group cheers:
  19. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you have a great one and everything works out for you at the docs. :Happy Birthday: :ice_congrats-vi6886:ice_congrats-vi6886:ice_congrats-vi6886:ice_congrats-vi6886
  20. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Have a great one. :Happy Birthday:
  21. ADC

    Thanks ADC

    No problem Jeff,It was my pleasure!
  22. Well don't they make an electric boot??
  23. I'll be on the lookout for it Jeff,If I see it anywhere I'll let you know!
  25. Glad you're here to tell about it,heal fast!
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