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Everything posted by Freebird

  1. Well...I've traveled alone in Mexico a lot. I never really liked it but it was part of my job. The only time I ever had any trouble was late one night in Mexico City. I was walking from the airport to the hotel which is actually connected to the airport by an elevated crosswalk but I didn't go that way. I ran across a young man who decided that he would like to have some of my money. I told him that I would prefer to keep my money and it would be better for him to just run along. After a brief stare down, he agreed with me and that was the end of it. I was lucky though. It could have turned out much differently.
  2. Actually, you may be right. I got my info here: http://smokeriders.com/History/Honda_History/body_honda_history.html According to the actual Honda site though, the first model was indeed the D-model Dream.
  3. I hate to say it but I sort of agree. I've been to Guadalajara many times on business but never on a motorcycle. I would actually consider it one of the nicer places to go in Mexico and safer than most but I'm still not fond of traveling south of the border.
  4. Nope, the first Honda was the one I listed above. The first Honda imported into the USA was the 1958 Honda C100 Super Cub.
  5. Well...I wasn't 100% sure about which model of Kawasaki they road, the 900 or the 1000...I just did some research and found that they actually used both. KZ-900P and KZ-1000P
  6. In November 1947, the 1/2 horsepower A-Type Honda was being manufactured and sold as a complete motorbike. Because the motorbike gave off a lot of smoke and a stench of turpentine it was known as the "Chimney".
  7. If I remember correctly, Ponch and John road Kawasaki KZ1000 Police Specials.
  8. Indian Motorcycle dropped the "R" in 1923. What do I win?
  9. THAT IS IT. Thanks MUCH.
  10. Check with http://www.sierra-mc.com They should be able to fix you right up.
  11. Long ago, before the big crash of '06, I had posted a picture of the Yamaha engine. It was a cool pic that showed the engine at an angle with exhausts and etc. intact. I think I originally got it from the Yamaha site but it's not there now and I can't find it. Did anybody happen to keep a copy?
  12. Here you go. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=645
  13. What kind of tires does it have? If it has the Bridgestone tires, they are VERY noisy. I would start with getting rid of them if that is what it has.
  14. Folks, I'm almost out of small VentureRider patches. I need to get some new ones ordered but wanted to check with you first. Those of you who have purchased the patches, were you happy with them? Is our LOGO still OK or are you ready for something different? As always, your opinions are important.
  15. See this thread. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=14834
  16. HEY...I didn't CREATE that ... I just passed it on.
  17. I have been meaning to mention this but keep forgetting. If you wish to receive email from other members here, you must enable that option in your UserCP. It is set to "NO" by default. You need to click on UserCP in the menu bar, then click on "Options" and then check the box "receive email from other members". We use secure emailing here so by checking that option, you are NOT actually giving anybody your email address, it only enables email through the forum mail here. Thanks
  18. You are right to disagree with me. I knew there was another type other than heli coils and I agree with you. I intended to do a search after posting that because I don't remember what they were called. Thanks for correcting me.
  19. That's a fun idea. Of course it would completely rule me out because I've never done ANYTHING stupid.
  20. You may also notice that I've added the NewEnough banner to the top of our forum. It will alternate with the RMSPortmax banner. PLEASE UNDERSTAND....I am getting NOTHING from New Enough. If you make a purchase from them and designate VentureRiders as your chosen club during checkout, our members will be the ones who benefit in the way of prizes, gift certificates, etc. A HUGE thanks to New Enough for their support of our club.
  21. I'm thinking that maybe it's time for another contest. What do you think? Any ideas? As you know, we are a listed club at the New Enough website. http://www.newenough.com/ Not only do they have great products, service and prices but when you buy from them, you have the option during checkout to choose VentureRiders as your club of choice. Every time you do that, they make a small donation into our account there. Over time it does add up a bit and then we can use it for rally prizes, contests, etc. So, it's time for a contest to give away some of the money...most of the money...that we have in our account there. So, how about a $100.00 gift certificate from New Enough for a lucky winner. So....all we have to do is come up with a contest. I've had a few thoughts but am open to your suggestions. What do you think?
  22. WOW...now that one might have been hard to find. I know you have been struggling with this for a while. Glad you finally found the problem. Great post for us all.
  23. First I've heard of it. I never got one. I would just answer it honestly. Express your likes and dislikes if you have any.
  24. I think that the list is fairly accurate now. There is no way for a member to generate such a list but I can do it from the admin panel. If you get a message together that you want sent to a certain area, I'll be happy to do it for you.
  25. I think your only options are going to be a heli coil type insert. Shouldn't be TOO bad. Sorry it happened to you though.
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