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Everything posted by Freebird

  1. I'll see what I can come up with.
  2. Actually, it was both of us. While in Fort Collins, I discovered the notorious exhaust leak where the front and rear exhaust headers come together on the RSV. V7Goose suggested that I use JB Weld. I have used JB Weld for many things over the years and knew that it was a good idea. So, I went to a parts store and picked some up then made the repair. It worked perfectly. Now this leak was on the back side of the pipes, NOT on any chrome. I just used a wire brush to clean it off and applied the JB Weld. Once it sets up, it can be drilled and tapped, machined, whatever. Good stuff. If your leak in on a chrome part of the exhaust though, I'm not sure how it would work.
  3. That would be pretty easy to do actually. How big would we want it?
  4. I'll take a look. I just read a lot of posts on a 1800 Wing forum and most were positive. I did see a few complaints, as you do with all headsets, but opinions were really about 50/50 it seems on audio quality.
  5. I don't have all the details. You should shoot Squidley a PM or an email. He can fill you in on all the details.
  6. You have to be a paid member to see that link. Many, most of us, are not.
  7. Actually it WAS Squidley that was working with Electrex or some company. They actually built him a high capacity stator and he installed it and had a lot of problems. I think he ended up with a burned out regulator among other things. He ended up going back to stock.
  8. I've heard that their service is good but I've always bought my J&M stuff from http://www.sierra-mc.com They sell J&M and are cheaper than buying direct and ALWAYS top notch service also.
  9. It is about time that I have to think about replacing our headsets. I've been using AirRiders for several years now and though they are OK, they are no better than a basic or mid level J&M headset. So, I started looking and trying to decide what to replace them with. I have seen several people mention the Starcom headsets and was thinking about giving them a try. I have to say though, they may be a good headset but the company is not easy to deal with. They don't seem to know their products very well. The first thing I did was contact them to find out if they have dealers in the USA for their standalone headsets. They sent me a list of dealers and websites and the vast majority of the sites were invalide (page not found) or going to the sites that did work did NOT list the stand alone headsets. I let them know about that and then they told me that they DO sell direct from the UK but that they don't make a standalone headset for the Venture, only for the Goldwing. Now the last time I checked, the Goldwing and Venture use the same headsets and cables. That may have changed with the 1800 Wing, I'm not sure about that. I emailed them back and told them that they were probably turning away business by not knowing that the Venture would use the same headsets as the Goldwing. The response was that I should contact sales@starcom1.com to suggest the development of a new product. NEW PRODUCT??? They HAVE a product and don't know it. That is what I was trying to tell them. Bottom line, they just don't seem to know the application of their own products and I'm tired of going in circles with them. Will probably go back to J&M this time. OH...and one of the initial emails told me that they have worked with clubs to offer discounts. When I emailed back asking about the discount for clubs, I never got a reply.
  10. We will be sending flowers on behalf of VentureRider.org We have a fund set up for this sort of things. It is maintained by Black Owl. Anybody who wishes to contribute should contact Black Owl.
  11. Yes, that is where I checked. I entered the year, model make, etc. of my RSV and none came up. I know for a fact that there are some...on the rear end, trunk, etc.
  12. Well....it's not. I know of several TSBs and just looked and they list none for the RSV.
  13. Russell, I don't see any TSBs there, only recalls. As far as I know, there has never been a recall of any kind on the RSV. A number of TSBs though. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place there.
  14. Here is a pretty good article on the subject. I found it very interesting. http://www.countrystyletx.com/articles/062/062_01.aspx
  15. Well actually, that's not true. I'm not sure what the other thing is that you are thinking of but another myth is that Texas is the only state that reserved the right to secede and again become an independent nation. Here is some info on the flag. http://www.snopes.com/history/american/texasflag.asp
  16. Freebird

    My Best Friend

    Very sorry to hear this news. Way too much of this lately. Please know that you and his family are in our prayers. If you have a picture of him, please post it or email it to me. Don
  17. YEPPERS...one of my favorites....Stardust.
  18. I'm not sure yet but I THINK it is local. I'll find out more though.
  19. Yes, I actually told her that we are International but do have riders near her location, including me.
  20. I've done 1025 miles in a day on the '99 RSV. I've done quiet a few 700 and 800 mile days. I prefer to keep it down around 550 or so but hey....sometimes you just gotta put some miles behind you.
  21. Yes...and as for the TSBs, I'm told that Yamaha will not allow them to be published on the Internet. They have been a couple of times and Yamaha has their lawyers contact the site owners and demand that they be removed.
  22. Well folks...I just left the hospital. I am on my way to Pittsburgh for business and decided to take the little detour. I did see Gary but he was asleep so didn't realize that I was there. I simply left a card letting him know that I had stopped by and to call if there is anything I could do. Sorry I missed meeting his sons. I tell you, it was hard even stopping by. My heart aches for him. Please keep the prayers going.
  23. I just received the following email. I very much appreciated being contacted and I have called Kat and told her that I am very interested and would post the email in case any of the rest of our members may be close to this area and wish to participate. I will post more in regard to dates, meeting places and etc. when I receive her email with that information. "I am the program assistant with the Holmes and Wayne Counties Safe Communities programs in Northeastern Ohio. I just want to send my sincere sympathy in regard to your friends. Through the Safe Communities coaltion we try to reduce traffic fatalties by educating drivers to become more aware of things around them. Unfortunately, for as much as we try to do to prevent crashes from happening, it takes a tragedy to really get peoples attention. As part of this years program we will be working more on motorcycle education. Are you a local group? If so, would you be interested and willing to attend a Safe Communities coalition meeting? Any involvement we can get with organized riding clubs would be so helpful. I can be reached by email or at the Holmes County Health Dept (Millersburg, Ohio) at 1-877-674-5035 ext 258. Thank You!!"
  24. and that, my friends, is the bottom line. Not much more need be said.
  25. That is probably about the same mileage I got out of my rear Michelin. The front is still going strong. I'm surprised that you got that many out of the Avon. Most have not reported anywhere close to that. I'm happy for you though and may well try them in the Spring when I put on new tires. I am very happy with the Michelin but can't offer an honest comparison unless I have tried them both.
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