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Everything posted by Freebird

  1. Freebird

    New Seat

    I'm 6' 2" tall and about 210 lbs. Long legs. I've tried the Airhawk, the AirRider Gel, the pillow top seat, the stock seat, the Travelcade Roadsofa and maybe a few other things. None of them worked for me. What finally worked for me is the Corbin Dual Touring seat. It feels hard as a brick but has great support and once you FINALLY get it broken in, is the most comfortable seat I've ever ridden. Different things work for different folks.
  2. Those splines look fine to me. That should not be your problem.
  3. Yes, as well as I knew how to. I saw no wear on anything and the carbs were very clean inside.
  4. I have had it happen a couple of times. Both times I was able to control it and stayed in control but would prefer that it didn't happen. One time was NOT a panic stop. I just almost missed a turn and got on it a little heavier than usual. I did not feel that it should have locked up that time. I feel that I am a decent rider. I have practiced emergency stopping even locking up the rear brake on purpose. I have also taken the advance riders course where you do it on purpose. The brakes are too sensitive in my opinion.
  5. Mine were all about the same. Actually, I'm not sure the tang was even touching anything. It appeared that they were going all the way up and resting against the head of the screws that hold the tang in place. I just got back from a short ride and it is really running good. Just have to wait and see on the gas mileage. I'm not optimistic because the gas mileage seemed to have gotten bad all at once, like something really drastic changed. I've checked and changed plugs, tested the coils, etc. though and haven't found anything.
  6. The Black Cherry and BLACK combo is a 2008 color. I don't know that guy...somebody should invite him.
  7. Yes, I have the manual and that is what I went by. It is not clear to me though if the floats are just resting there are being held up. Anyway, I just finished syncing the carbs and that was the problem. I won't even pretend to understand why the float levels affect the sync but I can assure you that they do. After putting it all back together my sync was WAY off. They are now synced again and it is purring like a kitten. Now I just have to put some miles on it and see if it had any affect on my poor mileage. At least I'm not out there pulling the carbs again right now.
  8. This is actually the first I have heard of a drive shaft problem. There have been a few wheel bearing problems and some rear alignment problems but this is the first I've heard of your problem.
  9. That was pretty cool. Most were just slightly ahead of my time. I've owned a lot of cars in my life but in my early days they were 60 Chevy Belair, 67 Pontiac Tempest, 69 Camaro, 69 VW, 73 Chevelle 454 SS, 74 Dodge Challenger. There were a couple others mixed in there that I just happened upon and bought/sold pretty quickly...some year Corvair and a 62 Chevy Impala.
  10. OK folks...I need some input here. I've seen several discussions on setting the float levels. I'm NOT much good when it comes to carbs. I can sync them and etc. but am always nervous about getting inside them. So yesterday, in my unending search to figure out my gas mileage problem, I decided to pull the carbs and check the float levels and etc. Several of you, including Cougar, Pegscraper and some others have done this and have reported that it's not a big job. WHATEVER...it took me about 10 hours to pull the carbs, set the floats and get it all back together. To make it worse, I'm now thinking that I may have done it wrong and need to pull them off again. The manual says that you set the floats at about .32 with the floats resting on but not compressing the needle valve. So, does that mean that with the carbs upside down that you lift the floats with your finger so that the tang is touching the needle and that is when you measure? Unfortunately, I set them with the carbs upside down and the floats at rest, not me lifting on them. I'm attaching a picture. You will see in the picture that the near side is laying way up in the housing. The far side I have adjusted and it is at about .32 with it just sitting there. I think I did it wrong but please tell me for sure. Here's the deal. Yesterday morning I check all four cylinders using my Colortune. At most all RPMS I had the nice Bunsen blue color as I should but had intermittent flashes of yellow. According to the color tune booklet, that is a sign of floats set too high. That is why I pulled them off. Finally got it all back together last night about 9:00 and fired it up. Now I have a definite backfire, pop, miss or something from the right side. Now I have not synced them yet and will do so but I really don't see where adjusting the floats would through the sync off. So.......HELP.
  11. Well my friend, I will NOT try to talk you into keeping the Venture. You see, this club is about the bike but even more so, it is about the people. The bike may have brought you here but hopefully it is the friendships that will keep you here regardless of what bike you end up with down the road. You won't find many people here who would choose the Harley over the Venture but you will find a LOT of folks here who will tell you to buy and ride the bike that brings you the most joy. We are all different in what we are looking for in a machine. They all have their positives and negatives and the fact is, some folks are willing to deal with one thing more than another. There are folks here who have some whining or chirping noises but not to the level of making them want to get rid of the bike. There are others, like you, who feel that they can deal with a bike that may be very hot to ride or may be a bit more cramped than the RSV better than they can deal with the chirping and etc. We are all different. The bottom line is, I just hope that you are happy with whatever decision that you make and then like it or not, you are STILL one of us.
  12. There you go. I somehow ended up uploading the wrong one for Australia. Sorry about that.
  13. Well here is the latest update. I FINALLY found a company who is willing to cast these for us. They are supposed to get back with me on Monday with pricing and etc. It's fairly involved. They have to have a model made which is done by a mold maker. Not sure yet what that will cost. Then the price will depend upon how many I order of course. I'm getting an initial feeling that this is going to be painful for me right up front but there seems to be enough interest for them. I'll keep you updated as I know more.
  14. I STILL think you are getting a great deal. Most Harley dealers are not coming of list price much. Some not at all. Even if the Harley is at list price, I still think you are getting a good trade value.
  15. I think he is giving you an excellent price for it. To be honest, I'm a bit surprised that he offered that much. Sounds like you are getting a fair deal.
  16. Still in R&D. I've only found ONE company so far that says they can do them. I've not seen any samples or prices. Soon hopefully.
  17. I think I have a couple but don't remember what. I'll have to look tomorrow. I don't think that any of them would be long enough for a trike though.
  18. Now that sounds more like it. There are no dealers around here selling, or even trying, above MSRP and most are offering some discounts though not much. KennyG is also a member here and lives just a bit down the road from me. He stopped by last weekend to drop off some parts from his RSV that he traded in a few weeks ago. He now has a new Ultra Classic and so far really loves it. Time will tell. He got ABS, Alarm, etc. for 22 something out the door.
  19. I'm really glad to hear that you are relatively OK but sorry about the bike. I have to tell you, what you did was REALLY DUMB...and pretty much the same thing I am would have done. I do know better because I know there are a lot of crazy people out there. I really don't have too short a fuse but some things just really get to me and that sort of thing is one of them. I actually kicked a nice sized dent into the door of what appeared to be a brand new Ford Ranger pickup one day in the Dallas, TX area. It was a dumb thing to do as he could have easily just swerved over and run over me. Emotions took over though, never a good thing. I drive a lot of miles every week and am constantly amazed at the lack of attention from some drivers. Three times yesterday, near Akron, OH, I almost got hit by drivers yakking on their phones. All three of these happened to be women but I've seen men do it also. I actually called the state troopers a few weeks ago when I was following a man down Interstate 71 and while he was typing on his computer he ran 3 cars onto the shoulder. Unfortunately, he got off before I saw the troopers show up.
  20. If I were in the market for a second bike, NOT to replace the RSV, the Triumph 900 Scrambler would be high on the list. I really like that bike.
  21. I bought mine at Monoprice. Excellent quality at a fraction of the cost of the ones in the stores.
  22. Why trade bikes if you aren't going anywhere. Of course, if you are going to buy a Harley it is nice to plan "not going anywhere" right up front. I'm KIDDING of course. I know what you mean and we would come after you both if you tried to leave, regardless of what you ride. AND...I'm kidding about the Harley "not going anywhere" also. There may eventually be one in my future also.
  23. Duh...you are right about the fuel tank. I need to read a bit closer. The 15 gallons is the storage capacity of the trunk.
  24. What are you looking for? Any specific brand/model?
  25. That MUST be a screaming eagle. Here are the prices right off the Harley site. MSRP http://www.harley-davidson.com/PR/MOT/2008/images/no_akamai/spacer.gif http://www.harley-davidson.com/images/no_akamai/spacer.gif http://www.harley-davidson.com/images/no_akamai/spacer.gifVivid black $20,695 http://www.harley-davidson.com/PR/MOT/2008/images/no_akamai/spacer.gif http://www.harley-davidson.com/images/no_akamai/spacer.gif http://www.harley-davidson.com/images/no_akamai/spacer.gifColor $21,225 http://www.harley-davidson.com/PR/MOT/2008/images/no_akamai/spacer.gif http://www.harley-davidson.com/images/no_akamai/spacer.gif http://www.harley-davidson.com/images/no_akamai/spacer.gifTwo-tone $21,655 http://www.harley-davidson.com/PR/MOT/2008/images/no_akamai/spacer.gif http://www.harley-davidson.com/images/no_akamai/spacer.gif http://www.harley-davidson.com/images/no_akamai/spacer.gifCustom Color $21,855 http://www.harley-davidson.com/PR/MOT/2008/images/no_akamai/spacer.gif http://www.harley-davidson.com/images/no_akamai/spacer.gif http://www.harley-davidson.com/images/no_akamai/spacer.gifAnodized N/A http://www.harley-davidson.com/PR/MOT/2008/images/no_akamai/spacer.gif http://www.harley-davidson.com/images/no_akamai/spacer.gif http://www.harley-davidson.com/images/no_akamai/spacer.gif105th Anniversary Copper Pearl/Vivid Black $23,270 http://www.harley-davidson.com/PR/MOT/2008/images/no_akamai/spacer.gif http://www.harley-davidson.com/images/no_akamai/spacer.gif Wheel Option $450 http://www.harley-davidson.com/PR/MOT/2008/images/no_akamai/spacer.gif http://www.harley-davidson.com/images/no_akamai/spacer.gif Chrome Engine Covers Option N/A http://www.harley-davidson.com/PR/MOT/2008/images/no_akamai/spacer.gif http://www.harley-davidson.com/images/no_akamai/spacer.gif Electronic Sequential Port Fuel Injection (ESPFI) Standard http://www.harley-davidson.com/PR/MOT/2008/images/no_akamai/spacer.gif http://www.harley-davidson.com/images/no_akamai/spacer.gif Security System Option $345 http://www.harley-davidson.com/PR/MOT/2008/images/no_akamai/spacer.gif http://www.harley-davidson.com/images/no_akamai/spacer.gif California Emissions $200 http://www.harley-davidson.com/PR/MOT/2008/images/no_akamai/spacer.gif http://www.harley-davidson.com/images/no_akamai/spacer.gif Freight $345 http://www.harley-davidson.com/PR/MOT/2008/images/no_akamai/spacer.gif http://www.harley-davidson.com/images/no_akamai/spacer.gif ABS $795 http://www.harley-davidson.com/PR/MOT/2008/images/no_akamai/spacer.gif http://www.harley-davidson.com/images/no_akamai/spacer.gif Cruise Control Standard http://www.harley-davidson.com/images/no_akamai/spacer.gifhttp://www.harley-davidson.com/images/no_akamai/spacer.gif
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