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Everything posted by Freebird

  1. Dang Squid Boy...you said that very well. I had been planning on making a similar post very soon but I couldn't have said it any better than you did. Thanks much.
  2. Even if everything you just typed is correct, it ONLY works out so long as not too many people feel the same way about tipping as you do. Heck...if everybody shared your opinion, your girls wouldn't be doing very well.
  3. WOW...I forgot all about that. I bought tickets.
  4. OH...and I'm even more anxious to meet you now. I would like to line our bikes up and put them to the test. See how much that extra 15 HP has bought you against my RSV.
  5. Pegscraper, I'm still not sure that because you have them that they will be a drop in fit in the RSV. I'm not sure if Yamaha changed anything on this engine or not.
  6. As has been said already, you can spend a lot of money and some of it will buy you some HP but it will take a lot of work and experimenting with jetting and etc. before you ever get it dialed in right. You really should try the VMAX rear before doing anything else. I haven't done a lot to my bike. I've tried various mufflers, K&Ns and I have the VMAX rear. The VMAX rear made the biggest difference by far.
  7. I sure expect them to be here well before then. They actually emailed me a picture of the clay model yesterday but I emailed them back with a couple of changes. Shouldn't be long now hopefully.
  8. It's probably bad connections inside the fairing. You will have to spit the fairing to correct it. Just unplug the connectors and then plug them back in. Do it a few times to make sure that any corrosion is wiped off. Many of us use a bit of dielectric grease on them. Look at the third picture down in this thread to see the connectors that I'm talking about. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=992
  9. I always give a nice tip to the lady who cuts my hair. She does a good job and gives a GREAT head massage. I really don't care how good the haircut is, she is HOT.
  10. I know that most places in the USA don't pay the waiter and waitresses that much. They really depend upon tips to make their money. I think I'm a good tipper. I really don't try to figure out how service at one place is as opposed to another. Sometimes it is better than others. If I get decent service, I tip a minimum of 20%. When I say minimum that doesn't mean that I sometimes tip a lot more, I just mean that I round things up. If my bill is $23.00 for example, I will usually tip as though it was $25.00 and leave a $5.00 tip. There have been very few times where I felt that the service was bad enough that the tip was not deserved. In those cases, I will usually tip NOTHING rather than try to figure out if it was worth 10%, 15%, etc. I figure it was worth my usual tip or NOTHING. NOTHING has actually happened maybe twice in the past 2 or 3 years and I eat out at least 6-10 times a week due to traveling so much.
  11. Are these the trailers that you sell? They look pretty nice. http://www.matrixmfg.com/Rover.htm
  12. and here is one on the Vega. They actually give it higher marks than the Fulmer. http://www.webbikeworld.com/r2/motorcycle-helmet/vega/summit-xpv.htm
  13. Here is a decent article on the Fulmer Helmets. http://www.webbikeworld.com/r2/motorcycle-helmet/fulmer-helmet/
  14. Well, that is another one of those things that I did at one time and ended up removing. To be honest, it really made a mess of the forum. The way it is now, most people usually just type and post and don't change the font all that often. When I had it where you could choose and save your favorite though, it made the forum look terrible and hard to read.
  15. I knew I could count on you to lend a hand. Let me look in my wallet here and see how much........let's see.....one.....hmmmmm..... I appear to be a bit short on the needed funds.
  16. Very nice....were you nervous? I don't have any and probably never will. I think it would tickle on the neck though.
  17. Yes, it is in my garage right now. I think it's in very good shape but I'm out of town right now. I can take a closer look at it when I get home tomorrow night.
  18. I WISH....I would be on my way to Texas to pick it up. By the way, I wonder what kind of rear end they used in that thing. Looks like some kind of custom job.
  19. I just ran across this site. Done by the Motorcycle Safety Foundation. Some good info here but I wish more drivers knew about it. http://www.forcardrivers.com/
  20. Pretty good video...about 10 minutes I think. "Guide to Group Riding". [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erpkyD7SMfw]YouTube - Motorcycle Safety Foundation Guide To Group Riding[/ame]
  21. Yea...it does kinda remind me of a tricycle...a really COOL tricycle. I'll bet you could flip it over if you got crazy....a wheelie bar might be fun on it.
  22. Folks...I REALLY like this trike. I think it is overpriced by about $25,000.00 or so but that's beside the point. I just love the old school look and it looks like it would be a blast to drive. Very clean lines. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/2006-EXILE-CYCLES-TRIKE_W0QQitemZ200170040593QQihZ010QQcategoryZ6719QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  23. POOF
  24. Naw...I don't think it's important enough for a poll. We did fine without it, I think I'll just make it go "poof".
  25. Yes I deleted the posts, banned the user and even blocked the entire domain where they posted from. Hopefully that will be the end of that one.
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